Batman arkham origins cold heart frozen people. Review of Batman: Arkham Origins - Cold, Cold Heart

The game is set several years before the infamous riot. Batman is just beginning his career as a secret crime fighter, he is young and inexperienced, and he has yet to become the Dark Knight we know...Batman: Arkham Origins - Cold, cold heart- The second expansion for Batman: Arkham Origins. This time, Batman will have to fight Mr. Freeze, who wants to freeze the whole of Gotham City, and turn the "bat" itself into an ice statue.


The GothCorp opening ceremony was slowly going on, Mr. Boyle was giving a congratulatory speech, when suddenly the building was invaded by a gang led by Mr. Freeze, who demands that they bring Ferris Boyle. Batman contacts Alfred to find out where Ferris is, but he doesn't answer. Unable to open the door, one of the criminals hit us with the butt of a weapon. Bruce turns his head to the left, Alfred needs help too.

We press Counterstrike, the enemy was eliminated. Three more ran up, we will also neutralize them. We go to the door, which is on the left. We meet Vicki Vale, she asks us about what happened in the ballroom, but our hero is cold-blooded, he did not give an answer. Turns out Ferris didn't show up for the interview, Wayne told Vicki that Alfred would look after her.

We move straight, we find ourselves in the library. Here we begin to act in stealth mode. The first thug approached the far opposite exhibit, we cut it down. We sneak quietly, we see two more, we use a double decisive blow. It's too early to leave the library and run, because another one has entered. We are waiting for him to go up the stairs. Quietly, not lagging behind, we pursue him, the enemy is cut down.

We go into the wine cellar, use stealth mode. Below are five opponents. We eliminate them. Open the door, interact with the statue. A secret door has opened, we go there, we get into a secret tunnel. We jump with a running start, move along the ledges on the right side. we get up and move on. We return to our cave, run to the right, then up and up the stairs again, we find the costume storage room. Wayne has doubts about the readiness of the EU Suit, so he chooses the normal one.

We head towards the training base, use the elevator. The door is closed, you need electricity, we approach the generator, we charge it. We run forward, we can’t reach the cave with our feet, so we fly, if we don’t have time to fly, we press F. We return to the wine cellar, it is on fire. Left ventilation, go to it. One criminal stands with his back to us, we use a decisive blow. Now that we have shock gloves, the enemy can be destroyed much faster. Having understood, we rise to the second floor. There is no way to get to the library in the usual way, we use the ventilation located on the right side. We use the batclaw, then we go up the stairs. Bandits have taken Vicki Vale and Alfred hostage. Covertly eliminate enemies.

Batman: Arkham Origins - Cold, Cold Heart is a separate adventure game that retells the already known story of the appearance of Mr. Freeze. This is both good and bad at the same time, because although of all the crime stories about Batman, this is the one that causes the most sympathy, there is absolutely no new plot twist in the version of this game. The game almost repeats the episode " Icy heart in the Batman: The Animated Series, so if you've already seen it (and you should), don't expect anything new.

It all starts in a remote Wayne Manor, and then abruptly shifts to the Penguin Club. But most of those two hours will be spent in a typical blue-gray cryogenic research lab. There you will have both a couple of meetings with predators, one of which is quite difficult, and ordinary fights with various enemies. (Fortunately, there are almost no big brutal battles). My favorite thing about Cold, Cold Heart is the new ice beam kill enemies. If you don't do anything, they will wall you into ice, but their attacks can be used to your advantage - you just need to dodge at the right moment and force other ice assassins to take the hit.

Batman's new huge thermal suit looks very cool, in which he can repel any attacks. Unfortunately, the principle of operation of Impact Gauntlets (now Thermal Gauntlets) has not changed. They basically take away the point of combat, allowing you to simply punch everyone in the face regardless of your enemy's weapon. I personally did not want to use them.

Oddly enough, having gotten rid of the sticky Grenades, the creators of the game do not replace them with Cryo Grenades. In general, because of this, you have one weapon less

The main fight with Mr. Freeze is mostly a reenactment of what was in Arkham City, but a little more complicated. This is a good fight, in which there is nothing new and unpredictable, except, perhaps, the ability to throw ice blocks at him. After that, a small number of new tasks appear, like frozen townspeople who need to be warmed up, etc. Unfortunately, there is no opportunity to visit the northern part of the Gotham map again. But at least you won't have to cross that stupid bridge again.

More Batman games are always good, and Ice Beams is undeniably interesting, but personally, I'm disappointed that Cold, Cold Heart doesn't add anything new to the Mr. Freeze story or the main brawl. That's all friends, do not forget to go to our portal, bye bye everyone!

In addition to the main plot, in any self-respecting game there will be a bunch of side effects that need to be done. Or you can not do it, and then you will deprive yourself of an extra 10 hours of pleasure. In our Batman, these side effects, perhaps even more than the plot itself! And it is they who allow us to meet face to face with another batch of enemies that are not even mentioned in the main storyline.

And there are only 6 such enemies: Deadshot, Hush, Bane, Zsasz, Mad Hatter, Riddler. + additional side effects without a significant enemy: hunt down a mysterious stranger, help Freeze find his wife, complete all AR training. + every little thing, without which the game will not be 100% completed and which I will also talk about. Let's go straight down the list:

"Shot in the Dark" (Deadshot)

Walkthrough guide additional tasks or "catching villains together"

Guide for completing additional tasks or "catching villains together"

Guide for completing additional tasks or "catching villains together"

Guide for completing additional tasks or "catching villains together"

…or Arkham's best hitman. An excellent sniper, carrying a large-caliber sniper rifle and pistols strapped to his wrists in his arsenal. The side effect begins when an SOS signal icon appears on your batcomputer from some kind of rooftop. We fly there, talk to a frightened prisoner who says "about a psycho who is chasing him and wants to kill him." In the middle of the conversation, this prisoner receives a bullet in the forehead, and we are obliged to scan the area for evidence. The evidence will be a bullet, by which Batman will determine the killer - this is Deadshot (it will be necessary to track the trajectory of the shot, as was the case with the Joker).

What to do next? We fly up to the area marked on the map with the number 2. At some point, you just hear the echo of the shot, and the Oracle will tell you that another victim of the evil sniper has been spotted in * such and such * area. Here the difficulty lies in simply finding this victim, because the area is rather big. I'll make it easy for you: the victim on the bridge. We scan the area, track the trajectory of the bullet, we get another piece of evidence - a stand for a rifle. On it, Bats determines the quality of the metal. The third victim is easier to find - bandits have gathered above her. Three or four bandits - is that a problem? We scan the area, find out that the bullet ricocheted (it won’t make it very difficult to find the trajectory), follow the trail and get the last piece of evidence - the heat trail. We contact the Oracle, we get a series of locations "possible Deadshot's lair" (or something like that). The correct choice is the location located in the northeast of the map. There we will find the killer's PDA, hack it and find out about the next victim, which we must save in the allotted time. Rescuing and watching the first and last miss in Deadshot's career. Then the fight begins directly with him.

The fight will be on the roof, in the center of which is Deadshot himself. If he gets caught in his field of vision, he will kill us. Here you just need to quietly sneak up to him, hiding behind objects (while he is looking for us on the other side of the roof). We sneak up, we cut down - the quest is passed.

"Search for a Thief" (Khash)

Guide for completing additional tasks or "catching villains together"

Guide for completing additional tasks or "catching villains together"

Guide for completing additional tasks or "catching villains together"

Guide for completing additional tasks or "catching villains together"

On the places marked on the map (one of ..) we find a corpse, whose face is cut out and wrapped in a towel, we scan it. A trail appears, which we must follow and which will lead us to a frightened policeman who, at the sight of Batman, will impose a bunch of bricks. This is not our "face stealer", and after a boring conversation with him, we are waiting for the search for the next victims. This is very, very difficult, because they are not marked on the map in any way, and looking for them in Arkham is like looking for a needle in a haystack. The second victim is on the park street, next to the AR training (fly to the left gargoyle and jump down). We scan the area and find fingerprints on the knife. Then SUDDENLY it turns out that these are the prints of Batman himself, and we are forced to look for a third victim. The landmark for the third victim is a huge green ACE Chemicals billboard. The third corpse next to the building on which this billboard is located. We scan and follow the trail again, which leads us to another bandit fry, who convinces us that none other than Bruce Wayne is behind all this. Well, we know it's not. A marker appears on the map (next to the courthouse), and we go there. There we fall into a trap and meet Hash, who, from the pieces of the taken faces, changed his appearance so as to look like Wayne (no, to be an exact copy of him). And this is where the quest ends... do you feel who will be the enemy in the next part of the game?

Fragile Alliance (Bane)

Guide for completing additional tasks or "catching villains together"

Guide for completing additional tasks or "catching villains together"

One of the easiest side effects. As soon as the “signal fire” icon appears on the batcomputer on one of the roofs, we fly there. We go into the room and see Bane pumped by the titan. From there we learn that throughout the territory of Arkham there are 12 containers with titanium, which, even though blood from the nose, must be destroyed. Bats takes six and Bain takes six. It is worth noting that these same containers are available before the start of the quest. So they will only appear on the map, and the whole problem of the quest will be "to fly in, scatter enemies, blow up containers (with explosive gel)". After all the containers are blown up, we return to Bane, find out that he has nothing good on his mind, and gracefully isolate him in the cell. There will not even be a fight - we will limit ourselves to one video.

"Cold-Blooded Killer" (Zsasz)

Guide for completing additional tasks or "catching villains together"

Guide for completing additional tasks or "catching villains together"

Well, the name, seriously! Zsasz also appears in Arkham Asulym, but there his role is minimal and he is knocked out with one hit. Here he is assigned a much larger role - he has become a real "telephone" maniac! Every neighborhood in Arkham has a phone that will ring if you fly by. After starting the quest, you will need to complete a series of 5-6 similar activities: fly from one point to another in a certain time (all this, of course, is the game of Zsasz, which makes us rush from phone to phone). To track a call in talk mode, move the cursor so that it does not go beyond the marked area. Repeat the procedure 5-6 times - and you will track down the maniac. The neutralization procedure is quite simple - you need to go through a kind of labyrinth (with constantly changing water levels, more in the video). Do not forget that you can cling to ledges and use a rope thrower (I always forget about it).

"Through the Magnifying Glass" (Mad Hatter)

Guide for completing additional tasks or "catching villains together"

Guide for completing additional tasks or "catching villains together"

The quest begins next to the theater where the Joker tragically died. On the roof of one of the buildings you can find a medicine dropped by Alfred (it is marked on the map). After the application, Batman faints, and then a series of events takes place, which is very difficult to describe without a mat. The hero begins to struggle with the effects of the drug that the Hatter injected him with. The face… the environment… you must see it! By the way, in this mission you can get the maximum combo for the whole game (not counting the tests in a separate mode).

Enigma Riddle (Riddler)

Guide for completing additional tasks or "catching villains together"

Guide for completing additional tasks or "catching villains together"

In my opinion, the most difficult villain. To defeat him, you need to collect 400 (!) Trophies and save five hostages.

First shots cold, cold heart suspiciously reminiscent of one of the episodes of the movie "Batman and Robin" by Joel Schumacher. Mr. Freeze bursts into a reception at Wayne Manor without an invitation: half of the guests immediately turn into frozen statues, the other half scatter in a panic. Bruce Wayne, as a hospitable host, must again reincarnate as Batman, restore order and punish those responsible. In a word, everything is as always.

To last year's Arkham Origins there was an ideological apathy that new developers did not hesitate to demonstrate at any opportunity. Studio Warner Bros. Montreal, which took over from Rocksteady Studios, was scared to death of changing the formula of the Arkham series in any way. Because of this new game about the Dark Knight was more like a bloated DLC to Batman Arkham City. The addition of Cold, Cold Heart could dilute the gameplay of the original with at least some innovations - if Warner Bros. again not afraid of cardinal changes.

Admittedly, the new DLC is trying its best to give the appearance of Big Change. Bandits have joined the set of opponents, who use a freezing beam in battle. A significant part of the expansion takes place in extreme cold conditions that the Dark Knight can only survive in a special suit. Huge icicles and ice walls can be used to silently eliminate opponents. On this fantasy Warner Bros. dried up, not really dispersed.

In practice, all these additions do not have a significant impact on the gaming experience of Cold, Cold Heart. New enemies bring little variety to the battles, and the heat-resistant suit, by and large, only changes the appearance of the Dark Knight and opens the way to previously inaccessible locations. Two relatively fresh tricks in the protagonist's arsenal are also too few to make Arkham Origins sparkle with new colors.

For two hours of Cold, Cold Heart, you will once again walk through the Arkham Origins entertainment program. Street fights with a couple of dozen criminals, less noisy elimination of others, simple "investigations" at the crime scene, a short flight over Gotham and a mandatory boss fight. By the way, the fight with Mr. Freeze strongly resembles the meeting with him in Batman: Arkham City. Continuous deja vu is your main punishment in Cold, Cold Heart.

As paradoxical as it may sound, Cold, Cold Heart is still the main justification for buying the Season Pass for the game. Compared and a set of alternative costumes the new story chapter of Arkham Origins looks like a real gift. But Cold, Cold Heart looks good only in a number of other DLCs for the latest Batman game. If you went through Arkham Origins with pleasure and never blundered, then Cold, Cold Heart will help you kill a couple of hours and brighten up the wait Batman: Arkham Knight by Rocksteady Studios. Otherwise, it is better to pass by - it is not only cold here, but also boring.

What do we need snow
Get an Extreme Conditions Suit (ES Suit)

Bay to holes
Assemble the cryonuclear tunneler - cryodrill

The ice has broken
Free the civilians from the cryold
In total, there are 20 unfortunate people in the game who can only be released after obtaining a suit for extreme conditions (ES suit).

  • 3 people - My Alibi night club
  • 5 people - Diamond County
  • 5 people - Coventry
  • 7 people - in the building of GotCorp corporation
    Video for easy searching.

Other achievements

Master Wayne
Play as Bruce Wayne without taking damage
At the very beginning of the game, we are given the opportunity to play for Bruce, you just need to press the counterattack in time if you did not have time to press the right mouse button and received damage hit the wall just load the last checkpoint and try not to fail. If you did everything right, then when you get the costume, the achievement will pop up on your screen)

Snowball fight
Freeze 3 enemies with one attack
The easiest way to get this achievement is to simply dodge enemy attacks with the cryogun at the exit of Wayne Manor.

The revolution won't pass
Neutralize the Anarky Bandits in Gotham South
Everything is simple here, find the bandits (marked on the map), put everyone down and do what is required of you. Personally, I had a problem with the last task (it was necessary to find and defuse the bomb), I flew all the time on a signal to a building with a large blue bottle with the inscription "Soder Cola" but could not see the bomb, only then it dawned on me that the bomb was on the roof of this buildings, you can get there without diving.

Stalactite Tactician
Neutralize 2 enemies with a stalactite
In my opinion, the easiest achievement throughout the city and in all locations can be found stalactites, you can combo (so that the bandits are probably off)
pull two bandits with a controlled claw, then throw off the stalactite on them. If the bandits are disconnected, then the achievement is yours, but if you didn’t succeed, this is not a reason to despair, it will work out next time)

cold head
Perform 3 decisive moves from behind an ice wall
Can be done only after receiving the EU suit.In the GothCorp building (the wall is found only there ( The achievement cannot be completed after completing the main story.))


On many forums it is written that achievements such as: The ice has broken and The revolution won't pass, cannot be obtained after completing the main story (they write that you need to complete everything before entering the GothCorp building in a thermal suit).

These are just words from the forums that I Can't confirm or deny, as he did everything as it appeared and opportunities. Just try to get everything done as early as possible (I'm talking about frozen civilians, protesters, etc.)