Batman arkham origins cold heart frozen people. Review of Batman: Arkham Origins - Cold, Cold Heart

First shots Cold, Cold Heart suspiciously reminiscent of one of the episodes of the film “Batman and Robin” by Joel Schumacher. Mr. Freeze bursts into a reception at Wayne Manor without an invitation: one half of the guests immediately turns into frozen statues, the other runs away in panic. Bruce Wayne, as a hospitable host, must reincarnate as Batman, restore order and punish the guilty. In a word, everything is as always.

To last year Arkham Origins there was ideological apathy, which the new developers did not hesitate to demonstrate at any opportunity. Studio Warner Bros. Montreal, which took over the baton from Rocksteady Studios, was deathly afraid to somehow change the formula of the Arkham series. Because of this a new game about the Dark Knight was more like a bloated DLC for Batman: Arkham City. The addition of Cold, Cold Heart could have diluted the gameplay of the original with at least some innovations - if Warner Bros. again I was not afraid of drastic changes.

Admittedly, the new DLC is trying its best to create the appearance of Big Changes. The set of opponents has been joined by bandits who use a freeze ray in battle. A significant part of the expansion takes place in extreme cold conditions, which the Dark Knight can only survive in a special suit. Huge icicles and ice walls can be used to silently eliminate opponents. This is the fantasy of Warner Bros. dried up without really accelerating.

In practice, all these additions do not have a significant impact on gaming experience Cold, Cold Heart. New enemies add little variety to the battles, and the heat-resistant suit, by and large, only changes the appearance of the Dark Knight and opens the way to previously inaccessible locations. Two relatively fresh techniques in the protagonist’s arsenal are also not enough to make Arkham Origins sparkle with new colors.

In two hours of Cold, Cold Heart you will once again go through the entertainment program of Arkham Origins. Street fights with a couple of dozen criminals, less noisy elimination of others, simple “investigations” at the crime scene, a short flight over Gotham and the obligatory boss battle. By the way, the fight with Mr. Freeze is very reminiscent of the meeting with him in Batman: Arkham City. Continuous déjà vu is your main punishment in Cold, Cold Heart.

As paradoxical as it may sound, Cold, Cold Heart is still the main justification for purchasing the Season Pass for the game. Compared to set of alternative costumes the new story chapter of Arkham Origins looks like a real gift. But Cold, Cold Heart only compares favorably with other DLC for the latest Batman game. If you completed Arkham Origins with pleasure and never yawned, then Cold, Cold Heart will help you kill a couple of hours and brighten up the wait Batman: Arkham Knight from Rocksteady Studios. Otherwise, it’s better to pass by - it’s not only cold here, but also boring.

It turned out to be a product for very devoted fans of the series. The developers from WB Games Montreal treated the legacy of the Rocksteady studio too carefully and did not change anything. The beginning of Batman's career should have been left alone, but the other day the Cold, Cold Heart expansion was released.

On New Year's Eve, Bruce Wayne receives guests at his mansion and distributes gifts. The holiday is interrupted by a criminal in a spacesuit, who freezes everything around and kidnaps one influential person. Bruce dons the Batman costume and begins a rescue mission.

From the “cold” title, it’s not hard to guess that Batman faces one of the most controversial characters in the universe - Mr. Freeze, also known as Victor Fries. Bruce will have to figure out the reasons that prompted this man to break the law. Due to the good staging of the plot scenes, the personal tragedy of the antagonist and the study of his past are of great interest.

In addition, the Dark Knight gets an important touch to his portrait. He fights for justice and understands those who do desperate things for the sake of their loved ones. In the finale, it becomes clear why Freeze and Batman are neither sworn enemies nor bosom friends.

Since Cold, Cold Heart takes place after Arkham Origins, most of the gadgets are available to Batman almost from the very beginning. The addition throws the hero into the thick of things without any buildup.

Alas, during hand-to-hand combat, Batman still gallops around surrounded by roly-poly enemies and methodically beats them. A new type of bandits with freezing guns does not add excitement to the monotonous action, but only makes you tumble around the arena more. It's nice to have electric gloves that allow you to quickly deal with opponents.

But encounters with armed thugs are perhaps the best part of Cold, Cold Heart. Some rooms are under the control of snipers, and individual enemies are difficult to knock out. The authors did not waste time on trifles; the arenas are literally swarming with patrolmen. It is possible to deal with them silently, but this is preceded by a scrupulous study of routes, an intense game of hide and seek and the need to act quickly in a limited space. Batman's detective skills for studying crime scenes and their subsequent reconstruction were not left aside.

In the second half of the expansion, the hero gets a new costume at his disposal. It gives Batman the ability to survive extreme cold and break through icy barriers.

Attempts to prolong the adventure failed. Batman has to either travel through familiar areas of Gotham City, or run back and forth through the same locations. You can be distracted from the main task, fight with anarchists, save people from icy captivity, run from point “A” to “B” and get a useless upgrade for this.


Despite the overabundance of melee combat and a secondary battle with a single boss, the four-hour expansion is worth a look. The excellent story of Mr. Freeze and his encounter with Batman justifies the existence of Cold, Cold Heart.

  • An excellent story told by Mr. Freeze.
  • Well-challenged stealth missions
  • Excellent design of new story locations


  • All the same tedious hand-to-hand battles
  • Frankly secondary boss fight
  • A series of unsuccessful attempts to stretch out the adventure
Why do we need snow?
Get a suit for extreme conditions (EC suit)

Hit to the holes
Assemble a cryonuclear tunneler - cryodrill

The ice has broken
Free the civilians from Kriold
There are a total of 20 unfortunates in the game who can be freed only after receiving a suit for extreme conditions (EC-suit).

  • 3 people - My Alibi nightclub
  • 5 people - Diamond County
  • 5 people - Coventry
  • 7 people - in the GothCorp corporation building
    Video for easier searches.

Other achievements

Master Wayne
Play as Bruce Wayne without taking damage
At the very beginning of the game, we are given the opportunity to play as Bruce, you just need to press a counterattack in time if you did not have time to click on the right mouse button and received damage hit the wall just download the latest control point and try not to fail. If you did everything correctly, then when you receive the costume the achievement will appear on your screen)

Snowballs for departure
Freeze 3 enemies with one attack
Most easy way To get this achievement, simply avoid attacks from enemies with a cryo cannon at the exit from Wayne Manor.

The revolution will not pass
Neutralize the Anarky Bandits in South Gotham
Everything is simple here, find the bandits (marked on the map), kill everyone and do what is required of you. Personally, I had a problem with the last task (I had to find and defuse a bomb), I kept flying on a signal to a building with a large blue bottle with the inscription "Soder Cola" but could not see the bomb, only then did it dawn on me that the bomb was on the roof of this buildings, you can get there without diving.

Stalactite Tactician
Neutralize 2 enemies with a stalactite
In my opinion, the easiest achievement is throughout the city and in all locations you can find stalactites, you can combine them (so that the bandits are definitely knocked out)
pull two bandits with a controlled claw and then drop the stalactite on them. If the bandits are disconnected, then the achievement is yours, but if it didn’t work out for you, there’s no reason to despair, you’ll succeed next time)

Cool head
Perform 3 decisive moves from behind an ice wall
Can be done only after receiving the EU suit.In the building of the GothCorp corporation (the wall is found only there ( achievement cannot be completed after completing the main story))


On many forums it is written that such achievements as: The ice has broken And The revolution will not pass, cannot be obtained after completing the main story (they write that you need to complete everything before entering the GothCorp building in a thermal suit).

These are just words from the forums that I I can’t confirm or deny, because I did everything as it appeared and was possible. Just try to do everything as early as possible (I'm talking about frozen civilians, protesters, etc.)

Batman: Arkham Origins - Cold, Cold Heart is a standalone adventure game retelling the already famous story appearance of Mr. Freeze. This is both good and bad at the same time, because although this is the most sympathetic of all the Batman crime stories, this version of the game does not have any new plot twist at all. The game almost repeats the episode " Frozen heart" in the Batman: The Animated Series, so if you've already seen it (and you should), don't expect anything new.

It all starts in remote Wayne Manor and then abruptly moves to the Penguin Club. But most We will spend these two hours in a typical blue-gray cryogenic research laboratory. There you will have a couple of encounters with predators, one of which is quite difficult, and ordinary fights with various enemies. (Fortunately, there are almost no big brutal massacres). My favorite thing about Cold, Cold Heart is the new enemies that kill with an ice beam. If you do nothing, they will encase you in ice, but their attacks can also be used to your advantage - you just need to dodge at the right moment and force other ice killers to take the blow.

Batman's new huge thermal suit looks very cool, in it he can repel any attack. Unfortunately, the operating principle of the Impact Gauntlets (now Thermal Gauntlets) has not changed. They basically take away the point of combat, allowing you to just punch everyone in the face regardless of your enemy's weapon. I personally didn't want to use them.

It is quite strange that, having gotten rid of sticky Grenades, the creators of the game do not replace them with Cryo-Grenades. Overall, this means you have one less weapon.

The main fight with Mr. Freeze is mostly a recreation of what happened in Arkham City, but a little more complicated. This is a good fight, in which there is nothing new or unpredictable, except, perhaps, the ability to throw ice blocks at him. After this, a small number of new tasks appear, such as frozen citizens who need to be warmed up, etc. Unfortunately, there is no way to visit the northern part of the Gotham map again. But at least you won't have to cross the stupid bridge again.

More Batman games are always a good thing, and the ice rays are undeniably entertaining, but personally I'm disappointed that Cold, Cold Heart doesn't add anything new to the story of Mr. Freeze or the main brawl. That's all, friends, don't forget to visit our portal, bye, bye everyone!