Do-it-yourself swimming pool from improvised materials. How to quickly make a pool in the country with your own hands from improvised means

The most accessible and beloved by many recreation is a vacation in the country. It is so nice to relax on your own ennobled plot, chat with relatives and friends, have a party or have a good time in solitude. Therefore, the desire to make the summer cottage as convenient, comfortable and suitable for a good rest as possible is quite understandable.

A swimming pool will also be useful in the country house. Many refuse this luxurious element, believing that its device will be very expensive. But this is not at all the case, because it is quite possible to make a pool with your own hands in the country! And you can also decorate the summer cottage with a pond or a small fountain. These simple structures will help you master the basic types of work required to build a pool. There are many ways and methods of building a pool. We will introduce you to the most popular and convenient for self-implementation.

Step-by-step scheme for the construction of a monolithic pool

The construction of the pool requires the phased implementation of the following steps:

  • development of a plan, preparation of drawings;
  • drainage device, thermal insulation;
  • gain;
  • laying communications;
  • pouring the solution;
  • waterproofing, sealing;
  • Finishing work.

Our instructions will help you quickly and efficiently build a pool in the country with your own hands. On initial stage it is important to decide on the place where you want to organize a reservoir. At the same time, it is important to take into account not only your own preferences and desires, but also the capabilities of the site and its features. In order to make the right choice, it is necessary to draw up a site plan with all the details and analyze it. Several parameters will help you determine two or three suitable places for the pool.

It is desirable that the selected area be free from large plants and trees. In an open place, the water will warm up faster, and in the shade it will remain cold for a long time. And also the roots of trees can cause the destruction of the bowl, and leaves, grass and other debris will cause a lot of problems. All this will have to be constantly fished out of the water.

Correctly calculate the depth of the pool. An adult can swim more or less comfortably at a depth of at least 1.5 m. If there is less water, then the pool will be suitable only for children. At the desired depth of the pool, add 1.5 m for drainage and take into account the thickness of the concrete walls of the bowl.

Not less than important question- communications. It is important not to spoil them in the process of preparing the pit. It is necessary to determine where they are laid before starting work. After all the preparatory work is completed, you can proceed directly to earthworks. When digging a pit, consider the need for a slope of the walls. It should be around 5º. This nuance will save you from problems with constantly crumbling earth.

The next task that needs to be solved when building a pool with your own hands in the country is a waterproofing device. The first stage of solving this problem is the creation of a fifteen-centimeter sand-gravel "cushion". It must be tamped and leveled. Roofing material is placed on top of the "pillow". First one layer, and on it - the second. The edges of the sheets should rise above the ground by at least 20 cm.

The next step is amplification. It is carried out using a reinforcing cage. You will need material with a diameter of 20 mm. After the frame is ready and laid, the pit is poured with concrete.

The best option for pouring is the entire bowl at once, without dividing into layers. But this is not so easy to do, especially if the construction is carried out on their own.

Therefore, as a rule, this stage broken down into several sub-steps. First fill the bottom. It is important to leave a slight slope towards the drain. After the bottom, the walls are prepared.

To achieve high quality casting, it is recommended to use vibrators. While the solution at the bottom dries out, you can start laying communications.

After the bottom hardens, work begins with the walls. To do this, you need to create a formwork. Please note that the future wall of the pool must be at least 40 cm. If you fill in two stages, then the reinforcement is also performed accordingly. After you have made and installed the formwork, you need to make a frame that connects to the horizontal parts. Now you can pour concrete. It also needs to be compacted with a vibrator. After it hardens, you can perform finishing work.

Do you want to know how to make a pool in the country with your own hands inexpensively? The video on this page will help you understand the basic principles and methods for doing all the necessary work. Read our descriptions, see photos and videos, and you will be able to build your dream pool in your summer cottage. For example, a luxurious multi-level pool.

In this section you will find detailed recommendations for each stage of the construction of a multi-level simple pool without complex communications. In it, the bowl is simply filled with water, and after a while it is sucked off, and the bowl is filled with fresh clean water.

First of all, you need to choose a place. Then it is necessary to carefully consider each stage of the work, to assess the feasibility of their implementation at a specific site chosen. Next, an optimal plan is drawn up that will allow you to do everything you need, with maximum savings and efficiency. After that, you can proceed to the pit.

Since a multi-level structure is planned, it is necessary to calculate the size of each level. In the process of digging the pit, level by level, the filling is also carried out. So, gradually, you will reach the bottom. After hardening, you can carry out a test set of water to find out where there are leaks. If there are no defects, then the water must be pumped out. Next, you can finish the concrete according to your personal preference.

This is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to build a pool in the country with your own hands. In this case, you will not have to bother with sewers, sewage and other communications. Such a pool does not need cleaning devices. A simple, comfortable and economical pool, which not only allows you to enjoy the coolness of the water, but also serves as a wonderful decoration of the site.

Polypropylene is a modern and practical material, perfect for creating a pool. Among its characteristics are high strength, resistance to temperature extremes, reliability and ease of maintenance.

If you decide to build a polypropylene pool, then, as in previous cases, you need to determine a suitable place for it. The selected area must be marked out in order to be able to properly dig a hole. It is recommended to leave a margin of space, about a meter wide, so that in the future it will be convenient for you to walk around the pool, as well as perform various work with pipes and other communications.

Determine how high the board will reach. You need to dig half a meter deeper than the location of the bowl in order to provide a place for a special “cushion” device. Geotextile is placed at the bottom of the prepared pit. A crushed stone “pillow” is being prepared on top of it. The layer should reach 30 cm. Then reinforcement is performed and concrete is poured.

You can dig a hole yourself or order special equipment. Unnecessary soil can be scattered around the site or taken out.

Then the surface of the pit must be leveled in height, laid out with geotextiles and crushed stone. The resulting "pillow" is rammed. Then, preparing the reinforcing cage, cross-linking the rods with wire every 25 cm. The resulting frame is laid on top. In order for it not to lie on rubble, bricks are placed under it in places.

If you are planning to build big pool then you will need a lot of solution. We recommend ordering it ready-made. This will give you the opportunity to perform a one-time pour of the entire base. Before filling, you need to install beacons from pipes. They will form the basis for the final floor in the future. The base is poured with a margin of half a meter around the entire perimeter.

During the hardening of the base, you can prepare the elements of the polypropylene bowl. To do this, you need to purchase a welding extruder with the function of making seams of various types. Optimal choice material - polypropylene sheets 4x1.5 m, 5 and 8 mm thick. Thinner material is easier to bend, so it will go to the construction of the Roman staircase.

For outside seams, use a 90º seam shoe. The seams inside are made with an oval bar.

Welding of the bottom elements is carried out directly on the base. First of all, you need to walk with a manual extruder from the outside, and then with an oval bar and a hot air gun on the other side.

Before laying the bottom of polypropylene, the base is covered with geotextile. Styrofoam is layered on top of it.

If you do not know how to build a pool in the country with your own hands from polypropylene, before starting work, familiarize yourself not only with this instruction, but also with the features of welding this material.

After the bottom is assembled and laid, the locations of the elements of future walls are determined. Marking is necessary so that the bowl turns out exactly the way you planned. The wall prepared for installation is placed in a specific place for it. The connection is made from the inside with a hot air gun. But this is not the main mount. This is a temporary measure so that the structure has a general appearance while external extruder welding is performed.

When all the walls have found their place, we move on to creating the stairs.

After that, it is necessary to install stiffeners. They are made of thick polypropylene and should be spaced 60 cm apart. The ribs are welded with a welding rod. Holes for fastening reinforcement 12 mm in diameter are prepared in advance in the slats. The distance between them is half a meter. In places where the bowl has a rounded shape, additional rigidity is not needed, there polypropylene is already strong enough. The bowl must be insulated by laying foam sheets between the stiffeners.

From the equipment in such a pool are required:

  • nozzles;
  • skimmer;
  • drain.

Be sure to leave an appropriate drain hole when filling. If you forgot to do this, then the drain will have to be moved to the wall. And in this case, the water, which will be below the drain level, will have to be pumped out with a pump.

Holes in polypropylene can be made with the same tools as in wood.

The nozzle piping is made from pvc pipes. From the connection is provided with special glue. It is easy to do this job. The pipe must be sanded to the length of the gluing and the element that will connect it (corner, coupling). Then, at an angle of 45º, a chamfer is removed from the pipe. The glue is spread on the pipe and the connecting element and the pipe is firmly inserted. After 4 minutes you will have a reliable connection.

Pipes installed in their places are insulated. In order for the insulation not to be torn off during the pouring of concrete, it is wrapped with adhesive tape.

It is important to correctly connect the nozzles in order to obtain a uniform pressure in each of them. First, the connection is made in pairs, and then a central line is introduced at the center of the connection of each pair.

Filtration devices, a heat exchanger and other equipment are best mounted in the basement. Pipes must be insulated and trenches dug for them.

In order to avoid the appearance of strong concrete pressure on the walls of the pool, formwork is installed from the inside and outside. From the inside, it must be fixed so as to maintain a strictly perpendicular position to the ground and sides. Concrete is poured as follows:

  • Formwork is installed. Its height is 30 cm;
  • The pool is 30 cm filled with water;
  • Further, the solution is poured in the same layer;
  • A day later, the pool is again recruited by 30 cm;
  • After transferring the formwork, the next layer of mortar is poured.

After the solution has gained strength, you can proceed to finishing work.

Types of pools

Explore everything possible types designs, if you have conceived a pool in the country with your own hands. Photos will help you choose best option appropriate for your area. Perhaps in your case it is better to do without construction and limit yourself to a portable or inflatable structure. We bring to your attention short review the most popular pool designs.

Such a pool will not only refresh you in the heat, but will also be an excellent decoration for your summer cottage.

Good shape, comfortable and beautiful. You can profitably play with water levels by choosing a place with a height difference.

A small and compact pool of shallow depth will make your children happy! It is convenient to assemble it for the summer and disassemble it for the cold season.

Usually one is made shallow and the other deep. So, both adults and children can enjoy water procedures.

There are many ways to make a pool in the country with your own hands. The starting material for which can serve as an old bathtub, a shipping container, a concrete ring and other suitable material. The most popular, among country "home-made", the frame is a tire pool. Tires are a cheap and affordable material for a future pool, which can easily be found in a city dump. Tires are a durable and non-corrosive material like metal. The ease of making the frame with your own hands and the minimum of necessary work and materials are also a plus of this version of the pool. It is easy to work with the frame material with your own hands, and the finished structure can always be transferred to a new place in the country.

For objectivity, it should be noted that making a pool in the country from an old cast-iron bathtub or a waste container that has served its age is almost easier than from a car tire, but, as usual, there are “buts”. It is unlikely that such useful materials as ownerless bathtubs and containers are lying around in landfills - be that as it may, this is, after all, "ferrous metal" that costs money. So both the tub and the container must be purchased with cash. The same applies to artificial, hand-made, wooden-framed ponds, and to those made from a concrete base.

So, from all the proposed frame materials for a potential pool, we choose a tire. At first glance, this material, in addition to its undoubted advantages, has certain disadvantages.

Objectively speaking, every hand-made design has flaws. The pool made of improvised materials is not without them, in our case - a pool made of tires. No matter how large the wheel is, as a frame it will not accommodate more than two people. But how great it would be to get into the pool from improvised parts with the whole family! But the choice of improvised materials that are necessary for a do-it-yourself pond is not so great. And if we chose this particular frame as an improvised material for a reservoir, then we will proceed from its parameters.

A pool, which is made from improvised materials with your own hands in the country, is not only an element of the landscape, but also quite a pragmatic thing that can refresh us on a hot summer day, and just like a spare tank or reservoir for irrigation. If children live with you in the country, then the reservoir for them is an endless holiday that will never get bored.

The first thing with which we begin to embody our dream is the choice of frame material. The most popular and take as a basis - a tire pool. If you have the opportunity to choose, then it is best to stop at the tire from the K-700 tractor or combine. The ideal version of the frame is a tire from a heavy-duty Belaz.

As soon as you delivered the frame of the future pool to the country house, it needs to be ennobled. It is unlikely that the old car tire was stored in greenhouse conditions. Firstly, it must be carefully examined, since it is not a fact that the rim was sent to the scrap only because of wear. Breaks, and "hernias", and breakdowns of the metal of the cord are quite acceptable. Small breakdowns of the material are not critical, since rubber is an elastic material and a hole can be repaired. Next, the tire must be cleaned of dirt with your own hands and thoroughly washed both outside and inside, meaning future painting.

The next stage is the choice of a site for the frame of the future pool

The place in the country should be sufficiently open for free access to sunlight and protected from the wind. In addition, the site should be removed from fruit trees and shrubs. This is especially important if you decide to make an in-depth pool. In this case, when equipping a pit with your own hands, you need to be especially careful, as you risk damaging the root system of garden plantings.

Having outlined a place in the country, we begin work on preparing the site for the reservoir. We measure the site using the building level and dig a pit about a third of the height of the tire; we make a pillow of sand (sand must be wet, then its density will increase) or small pebbles or other suitable material. We carefully tamp. Now you can start processing the tires with your own hands. To do this, prepare:

  • Shovel;
  • Mounting knife with replaceable blades;
  • Hacksaw for metal;
  • A piece of soap;
  • Ingredients for cement-sand pouring;
  • Decorative elements for the final design of the pool.
  • Building level, tape measure.

To make the frame of the pool, we cut off the top we don’t need from the sidewall of the tire. To do this, we use a mounting knife, generously lubricating it with soap for better sliding and preventing it from being “oiled” with rubber fractions. We cut the metal cord threads, as an option, using a hacksaw.

To cut the tire, avoid using a grinder. When flying apart, molten pieces of rubber can cause serious injury to both you and others.

An important intermediate step before the manufacture of the pool in a permanent place will be the installation of a drain valve. To do this, a hole is made in the lower edge of the tire slightly smaller than the diameter of the drain cock. The faucet is inserted into the hole, crimped with washers, tightly twisted and contracted. An outlet pipe is fixed, to which, if necessary, a drain hose is attached. Sealant, most likely, will not be required, because. the rubber of the tire will tightly compress the neck of the faucet.

We install the frame in the pit. We fill the pit with a concrete mixture 10-15 cm thick. The concrete base of the frame made of improvised materials should not yet “grab” when we install a tire on the resulting foundation and again fill it with a layer of concrete. We install the tire in the pit very carefully, avoiding shedding of the walls of the pit. To do this, we use constructions from improvised materials: boards, metal profiles. The volume of concrete for the pool is determined depending on the diameter of the tire, but the layer must be at least 15 cm. After 7-8 days, your pool from the tire is ready for use. It remains to pour water into the pool and decorate the sides.

For an example, you can see how a pool is made with your own hands from improvised photo materials.

It is not enough to make a pool in the country, it still needs to be beautifully decorated. The easiest option is to paint the side wall of the pool with oil paints. This type of decor is no worse than any other. There are other options for materials to decorate the future pool.

So, the pool can be overlaid with stones or decorative brickwork can be made around the perimeter of the structure. The space around the reservoir, which is made with your own hands from a tire, can be surrounded by a lawn, arrange a recreation area with a deck chair or decorative benches. Arrange approaches to the pool in the form of tiled garden paths or use other floor material. An alpine slide looks good next to a reservoir made of tires. In the presence of such decorative elements, your pool will be transformed and transferred to a different quality. Such a design will allow you to make the pool in the country an independent unit of landscape design.

If we cite durability as an example, as a characteristic feature of a pool made of such a material as a tire, then the accompanying entourage should be no less durable. And what could be less time-prone than a material like decorative rock? Moreover, it is easy and simple to use this material as a decorative element, focusing only on intuitive messages. Boulders and pieces of basalt chips according to given sizes are easy to find near the reservoir or quarry closest to the dacha.

Will the pool water be clear? Take care to paint the inner surface with light-colored paint. See how your pond will be transformed!

Another interesting question that is often asked by summer residents on whose plots there are artificial reservoirs: should the water be drained for the winter? The question is not idle, since in early spring at the opening of the water supply season, as a rule, there is still no water supply, but there is a need for it, as always. Moreover, melt water is structured and, as a valuable material, has healing properties.

The owners, who left water in metal barrels and learned from the bitter experience of irretrievably lost containers, get rid of water everywhere in anticipation of cold weather. By the way, this is also true in relation to reservoirs made of concrete structures, from containers, and even from cast-iron bathtubs. Water, when frozen, is known to expand and deform almost any material, which leads to sad consequences.

In a tire pool, you can safely leave water for the winter! Water, as a structural material, expands, of course, when it freezes, but rubber, too, is an elastic material at any reasonable low temperatures.

As follows from the article, making a pool in the country is not so difficult, unless, of course, you buy a finished expensive product, but mount it, as in our case, a pool from a tire. Having spent a couple of weekends on making a pool in the country, you will provide your loved ones with good mood and joy for many seasons to come.

A swimming pool in the courtyard of a country house or cottage is associated with the luxury and wealth of the owner. This is partly true, but anyone who owns even a small plot can afford their own bathing place.

This will require minimal cash investment, improvised materials, free time and a simple tool that most summer residents have. How to make a pool with your own hands - read our article.

What improvised means can be used as a material for making

Speaking of improvised means, we mean materials that can be easily obtained without spending a lot of money. In this case, the final result, except for the appearance, will differ little from the finished products.

old tire

An old tire from large construction or agricultural equipment is an inexpensive material for building a small pool. It is best to use a combine tire with a diameter of 30-32 inches. This size is enough to equip the pool for one adult or two children.

To find a suitable tire size, you should contact a tire repair shop, where they will sell an unusable product for a small fee. Often, large tires are sold by hand on the Internet.

Residents of big cities can go to a recycling warehouse, from where old tires are transported to factories for further processing.

Among the advantages of a pool made of tires are:

  • the width of large tires allows the use of material for the construction of the walls of the pool;
  • the rounded shape of the tire is ideal for creating a water tank;
  • durable inner frame of the tire will reliably hold water;
  • the rubber used in the manufacture of the product is not afraid of sudden changes and sub-zero temperatures;
  • the total cost of materials spent for the manufacture is several times lower than when buying a finished structure;
  • a tire pool is easily decorated with paint.

The main disadvantage of such a pool is the total volume of the structure, which is enough for only one, maximum two adults. It will not be able to fully swim and dive.

In fact, a tire pool will resemble a bath where you can relax and lie down comfortably after a hot day at work.

wooden pallets

Wooden pallets are a rough plank flooring on a support, used for storing bulk mixtures in bags. The pallet has a convenient design and shape, suitable for creating the supporting walls of the pool.

Pallets are knocked together in a vertical position, forming the frame of the future pool. The more pallets, the more round the water tank will turn out.

For a medium-sized pool, 9-11 pallets will suffice. This is enough for a container in which 3-4 people can freely accommodate.

The advantages of a homemade pallet pool include the following:

  • the height of the pallet makes it possible to build a large-capacity pool;
  • ease of installation and fastening of stairs, steps, slides for descent into the water;
  • no need to dig a deep foundation pit;
  • easy to dismantle and move to a new location;
  • if necessary, it can be quickly repaired or expanded by adding one or two sections.

Among the disadvantages of such a basin, one can note the general instability. It will be necessary to use tie-down straps and supports to strengthen the structure, which must be checked and tightened before each flood of water.

To protect against moisture and natural precipitation, finishing from the outside is required, with further processing of all wooden elements with an antiseptic.


Gabion is a reinforcing structure made of wire mesh. Previously, such products were used to strengthen river banks, preventing their erosion. In construction and gardening, they are used to create three-dimensional products of various shapes.

When creating a pool, they are ideal for forming walls. To fill the mesh forms, it is best to use dry stone of various sizes.

The advantages of such a pool include:

  • gabions allow you to create a container of any shape: circle, oval, square, rectangle;
  • solidity and strength of the structure;
  • a simple work technology that allows you to create a pool of any size;
  • original appearance that does not require additional finishing.

The labor costs for the installation of this pool are quite high, since it will be necessary to find a sufficient amount of stone and deliver it to the work site. Dismantling one more weakness construction, as it will take a lot of time to disassemble the pool.

Plastic bottles

Plastic containers are constantly used to create summer cottages and transfer water around the site. But it can also be used and applied to the construction of the pool.

The essence of the method is that plastic bottle will be laid on cement mortar, forming the walls of the future pool. During laying, the seams and the space between the bottles are filled with cement, which will give sufficient strength and tightness to the future structure.

The volume and shape of the container will depend only on the number of containers that can be found. This is the main disadvantage of the method, since long-term preparation of the material is required.

If possible, you can buy containers in bulk. On average, the construction of a large pool will take no more than 2.5-3 thousand rubles, not including the cost of a cement-sand mixture.

concrete ring

Concrete rings are used to strengthen the walls of the well and sewer shaft. The standard dimensions of the reinforced concrete ring depend on the marking of the product. For example, products marked KS-15–9 have a height of 90 cm and a diameter of 150 cm.

The optimal dimensions of well rings for the construction of a pool can be found in the table below. There are rings with a ready-made bottom, which will simplify the process of building a pool, since you do not have to pour a concrete base.

The advantages of such a pool include its strength and durability. Concrete walls do not need to be reinforced and treated with a protective compound. The width and depth of the resulting capacity is quite enough for bathing 2-3 adults.

The only negative is that in order to deliver the ring to the summer cottage, you will need to order large-sized transport. A crane is used to unload and transfer to the location of the pool, which will also require certain costs on the part of the customer.

metal container

Large metal containers are used for transportation by rail or in shipping. You can find them at metal delivery points, where leaky products are often delivered.

Such a container is well suited for the pool - you only need to weld the gaps formed. The capacity of the container directly affects the size of the future pool.

As in the case of the well ring, you will need to order special equipment for the delivery, unloading and transfer of the container to a place not previously prepared. Otherwise, the container is almost identical to ready-made plastic pools. It is only required to carry out a small cosmetic repair and treatment with an anti-corrosion compound.

Inside, the container is covered with waterproof paint or lined with any suitable tile.

Preparation and calculation of the structure

An old tire and wooden pallets are the most affordable material for creating a do-it-yourself pool. Based on this, we will calculate the volume of the container based on the overall dimensions and the number of pallets.

As a wheel tire, it is better to use a tire from a BelAZ truck model FT-116AM2 or FT-117M2. These are large tires with a width of 955 mm and a diameter of more than 3000 mm.

Other models and their sizes can be seen in the table in the photo below.

To calculate the volume of the future pool, we use a simple formula: V \u003d π * r 2 * h, where V is the volume of the container in the form of a cylinder, π is a constant value (3.14), r is the radius of the circle, h is the tire width.

Let's carry out the calculation for the FT-117M2 tire, the width of which is 1175 mm, and the diameter is 3575 mm. The total thickness of the sand-concrete cushion will be 30 cm.

The sequence of calculations is as follows:

  1. According to the initial data, the tire radius will be equal to: 3575 / 2 = 1.7875 mm.
  2. We substitute the data into the formula and calculate the volume of the structure: 3.14 * 1.7875 2 * 1.175 \u003d 13.1899 or 13.19 m 3.
  3. Similar actions for calculating the volume of sand and cement: 3.14 * 1.7875 2 * 0.15 \u003d 1.6838 or 1.68 m 3.

Other finishing materials are selected individually according to taste and design project, if any.

Wooden pallets are produced in accordance with GOST and have dimensions of 800 × 1200 mm. Knowing the dimensions of the pallet, you can calculate the volume of the pool of almost any shape. Since we advised using from 9 pallets, we will carry out the calculation for the pool in the form of a nonagon.

To do this, we use the standard formula for calculating the volume: V - S o * h, where S o is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base, and h is the height of the pallet. The formula for the area of ​​a nonagon: S o \u003d 6.18182 * a 2, where a is the side of the nonagon, which in our case is equal to the height of the pallet.

The sequence of calculations in the following order:

  1. We calculate the area of ​​​​the base: 6.18182 * 1.2 2 \u003d 14.8363.
  2. Pool volume: 14.8363 * 0.8 \u003d 11.869 m 3.

If the pallets will be located in height, then instead of 1.2 m, substitute 0.8 m in the first formula. We do the same with the second formula. In this case, the pool will turn out to be deeper, but slightly decrease in diameter.

Tools and accessories

To build a pool from an old tire, you will need the following tool:

  • A sharp knife with a strong blade.
  • Shovel and bayonet shovel.
  • Capacity for kneading cement-sand mixture.
  • Construction mixer or drill with a suitable attachment.
  • Roulette and bubble level.

For mixing a large volume of mortar, it is better to use a concrete mixer. This will significantly speed up the work process.

To build a pool from pallets, you will need the following:

  • Hammer and screwdriver.
  • Jigsaw, planer and grinder.
  • Pliers, screws and nails.
  • Shovel and bayonet shovel.
  • Tanks for sand, cement and water.
  • Roulette, square and pencil.

An electric jigsaw can be replaced with a conventional wood saw, a grinder with sandpaper. It will have virtually no effect on the final result.

How to make a tire pool

Before work is carried out, it is imperative to carry out the initial clearing of the site. You will need to remove old foliage, branches, uproot germinating bushes, etc. To transfer the tire to the place of work, you will need the help of a partner.

The sequence of building a pool from a large tire is as follows:

  1. Flip the cover over to the side. Using a knife, it is necessary to cut the side part along the circumference. When cutting, you should focus on the markings applied to the tire. This will simplify the cutting process and allow you to get a cut with a smooth edge. It is not recommended to use a grinder, as the rubber will quickly turn into crumbs and stick to the disc.
  2. Next, the site is being prepared for the arrangement of the sandy flooring. This can be done in two ways. In the first case, we remove a layer of soil to a depth of 25–30 cm. The base area should be slightly larger than the diameter of the tire. Carefully level the base of the pit and fill it with fine-grained sand. The layer thickness is 15 cm. Then we slightly moisten the sand with a small amount of water and compact it with a shovel.
  3. In the second case, you do not need to dig a recess. It is enough to level the area of ​​\u200b\u200bland on which sand will be poured. Further tamping technology is similar. We recommend using the first method, since a similar method is used to build a blind area and allows you to create a more solid foundation.
  4. A layer of concrete mortar with a thickness of at least 15 cm will need to be poured onto the compacted sand. For this, ready-made mixtures of grade M300 and higher are used. With self-mixing, the proportion of cement to sand is 1:3. The amount of water affects the ease of laying and spreading the solution.
  5. While the solution is wet, you need to transfer the tire to the place of pouring. After installation, the tire is slightly pressed into the solution. In the void between the concrete mortar and the tire, another 2-3 buckets of the mixture should be poured.
  6. You can start decorating the pool and wait for the mixture to dry. After 14 days, the concrete layer will gain 80% of its strength. Complete drying of concrete occurs within 25–28 days.

To decorate such a pool, outdoor paint, decorative stone, and tile pieces are used. Before pouring water, it is better to cover the inner surface of the tire with a waterproof paint.

Arrangement of the pool from plastic bottles

In addition to cement and sand, to create a bottle pool, you will need to prepare wooden boards, small bars and gravel. The bar size is 25×50 mm. Gravel fraction - 5/20. The length of the board should be equal to the length of the base, where the sand and gravel cushion will be poured.

The sequence of actions for creating a bottle pool is as follows:

  1. The selected area should be cleared of debris and branches. Next, you will need to remove the top layer of turf and dig a pit to a depth of 30 cm. The dimensions of the pit should be 20–30 cm larger than the pool on each side. For example, for a pool with sides of three meters, a pit measuring 330 × 330 cm is suitable.
  2. Formwork is being installed. To do this, the bars should be sharpened at the end with an ax. The bar is nailed to the board every 100–120 cm. A metal corner for furniture is used to fasten the boards into a frame. For example, a corner marked 40 * 40 * 16 is suitable.
  3. The formwork is installed in a dug pit. The base of the dug recess is leveled and lightly rammed. If necessary, the land can be treated with an antiseptic to kill weeds. After that, a layer of sand and gravel with a thickness of 12–15 cm is backfilled.
  4. If there is no gravel, then it will be necessary to lay a reinforcing mesh assembled from reinforcement bars. To do this, the rods are knitted using ordinary wire. The frame is installed so that the reinforcement does not touch the sand. Installation on a pre-laid stone or brick is allowed.
  5. Before pouring concrete, the location of the drain hole should be provided. It is better to use a ready-made product for draining water. The pipe is attached to the fittings. In the process of pouring, it will need to be straightened relative to the upper plane.
  6. Concrete mortar is being poured.

    In this case, it is better to use a concrete mixer, since 1.5–2 m 3 of concrete will be required for large bases. During the pouring process, the concrete must be compacted with a wooden lath or shovel.

  7. After pouring the base, you should wait at least 14–18 days and only then proceed to laying the walls of the pool. For masonry, you will need to pull the mooring cord, fixing it on bricks and any other material. The thread is pulled strictly around the perimeter of the future pool.
  8. Cement-sand mortar is laid out along a stretched landmark. A plastic container filled with sand is placed on a fresh solution. The bottles are tied together with a wire with a cross section of 3 mm. The work process is similar to bricklaying. The laying of the first row continues until the base of all four walls is completed. After they move on to laying the second and subsequent rows. The optimal wall height is 100–150 cm.

Upon completion of the work, it is necessary to finish the interior of the pool. To do this, all cracks and voids are covered with a cement mixture until a flat surface is formed. If the cement layer is more than 3 cm, then it is better to use a reinforcing mesh that is attached to the bottom of the bottle with self-tapping screws.

The front side of the pool walls is finished in a similar way. As a protective and decorative coating for interior walls, waterproof pool paint is used, which is applied with a roller for 1-2 layers. After painting, you should wait at least 5 days.

Instructions for creating a pool from pallets with your own hands

To create a pool from pallets, you will need to purchase a wood preservative, PVC film and a drain pipe of any convenient shape.

The process of building such a pool consists of the following steps:

  1. Wooden pallets need to be treated with an antiseptic or antifungal impregnation 1-2 times.
  2. Depending on the shape of the pool, it is necessary to dig a hole with a depth of 30 cm. We carried out calculations for a pool of 9 pallets, then the hole will have a round shape. The size of the pit should be slightly larger than the diameter of the pool itself.
  3. At the bottom of the pit, a layer of gravel with a fraction of 5/20 should be covered and evenly distributed over the surface. The layer thickness is not more than 20 cm. Further, the frame of the future container is assembled inside the pit. Pallets are mounted with boarding inside. For connection, metal corners, boards and self-tapping screws are used.
  4. The drain pipe is in progress. To do this, a hole is cut in the frame, through which the pipe is threaded with a drain to the outside. After that, it is necessary to strengthen the structure with 2-3 tie-down straps.
  5. Wooden wedges from bars are driven in around the circumference every 30–50 cm. This will further strengthen the structure. A layer of concrete mix 10–15 cm thick is being poured. A rule is used for leveling.
  6. Drying of the concrete layer will occur in 25–28 days, but further work can be carried out after 10–14 days from the moment of pouring. To cover the inner surface, a PVC film is used, which is fixed at the top of the pallet.

Facing the pool outside can be done using particle boards or waterproof plywood.

Mini pool for: which one to choose, installation, recommendations Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to relax in the summer on the seashore and bask in the sun on clean sand.

The main reason for this is lack of funds or time. But those of us who have even a small, but a plot, can make a mini pool for decorating a summer house with their own hands. The matter remains small - to choose the pool that you want.

Having a pool in a summer cottage, even if it is small, is the dream of any summer resident. There are several types of different pools, which differ in miniature.

Among them, most often you can find such types:

Small-sized pools, which are most often made in the country, can be of various shapes:

  1. Rectangular. Such buildings will be a wonderful decoration for any, even the most luxurious suburban area. In addition, the shape in the form of a rectangle makes it possible to decently save on the usable area, which is very important if the area is not the largest. But do not forget that such pools need an additional reinforcement structure.
  2. Round. It is thanks to the round shape that the pools are able to withstand high water pressure. The round frame of such structures does not need reinforcement and additional support. As a rule, they are small in size, and are great for children's fun, as they do not have sharp corners, which becomes a guarantee of safety.
  3. oval. This type of structures is combining the properties of a rectangular and round shape. So, rounded corners provide resistance to pressure, the depth does not exceed 1.5 meters, and in such a pool you can not only cool off on a hot summer day, but also swim in comfort.

In addition to the forms presented above, mini pools for a summer residence made of plastic can be in the form of a polygon, figure eight, and so on. The choice of form depends only on the wishes and size of the site.

Pools are also distinguished by the type of water circulation:

  • Surface. In such pools, water filtration is provided only on the surface. These are small-sized buildings that are preferred in small suburban areas.
  • Overflow. In such pools, water is filtered over the entire area and surface. They are mainly used in suburban areas with a large area.

But how to make a mini pool for a summer residence with your own hands? Different types of pools may require individual construction technology. Let's, for example, consider the features of the construction of brick and frame pools, since it is these types of structures that are used by jack-of-all-trades for home construction. You can do this by watching the video tutorial.

We create a pool for a summer residence with our own hands

Stationary mini pools

Stage one. Tools

After you have chosen the shape and type of the pool, you should prepare all the tools and materials that you will need when working:

  • Roulette construction.
  • Hydraulic level.
  • Shovel and bayonet shovel.
  • Insulation material, for example, polystyrene foam.
  • Rubble.
  • , the thickness should be no more than 1-1.2 cm.
  • A board with a thickness of 2.5 to 3 cm - we will use it to create formwork.
  • Wire.

These are the main materials that will be required during the construction of a stationary pool in the country.

Stage two. Process description

The construction process consists of the following steps:

When installing the walls, you should already have a ready-made formwork. To do this, use boards whose thickness will not exceed 0.25 m. The formwork should be mounted so that the walls are 10 cm wide.

Note, that when following the steps described, you should leave additional space for installing the filter and draining the water. Inside the cavity should be filled with pre-prepared concrete. It should dry out for about two weeks. After that, the formwork must be removed and installation can begin.

Now you can start designing a mini pool for a summer residence. You can use various materials for this purpose, for example, a tile that can be laid out on the bottom, as well as on the walls.

Brick mini pools for giving

This type of pool is chosen by summer residents for building with their own hands, and quite often. To build a brick pool with your own hands, you will need the following materials and fixtures:

  • Construction level.
  • Bayonet shovel.
  • Brick.
  • Wooden pegs.
  • A drain pipe.
  • Gravel (rubble).
  • Wire.
  • Hammer / nails.
  • Boards.

During the construction of this pool, it will be necessary to use a certain type of concrete, namely hydraulic engineering. Its distinguishing feature is that it contains a hydrophobic additive.

First you need to decide on the location of the future pool. Dig a pit at this place, ideally it should be 15 * 20 m 2. The boundaries of the pit can be distinguished using wooden pegs and a rope stretched over them.

Fill the bottom with a layer of sand, it should be about 0.3 m thick. Now you can start creating a foundation pit and a drainage ditch, on the bottom of which you will need to fill in a layer of crushed stone or gravel. The ditch should be connected to the pool with a pipe.

Reinforcement should be installed along the perimeter of the pit, there should be a distance of approximately 0.3-0.35 m between the bars. When all the bars are installed, they should be tied together with a special wire.

When creating formwork, you can take boards with a thickness of up to 2.5 cm or lumber. It is mounted at a distance of 0.15-0.18 m from the soil. The inner part of the formwork should be filled with hydroconcrete. After that, it leaves everything to dry for 35-40 days. At the end of the term, the formwork can be removed.

When finishing with a brick, the walls will need to be reported to the desired height. And at the end of the wall we finish with tiles, for laying which it will also be necessary to use hydroconcrete.

Features of creating a heated pool

If you want to create a heated mini pool in the country, then this good idea, as you can swim in it at any time. Although the air temperature will not always please high rates, if necessary, you can swim at any time. So, what is the peculiarity of such buildings?

For the construction of such pools, certain equipment is used:


When choosing some separate species equipment for heating water in a mini pool in a country house, a huge number of factors should be taken into account: the power and type of power supply that is in the summer cottage, the dimensions of the pool, the planned temperature level to which you want to heat the water, and so on.

To increase the life of the equipment, it is necessary to provide proper care. For example, you should constantly disassemble it and remove the plaque layer from internal elements, which is formed due to direct contact with water.

It will take you a lot of time and effort, but the effort will not be lost - you can swim and swim at any time convenient for you.