Chandelier balsam: how to grow and care for the plant. Balsam balsam: growing from seeds, features and reviews Waller's balsam terry balsam

We will not tire of talking about the most popular method of propagating indoor and garden plants. Bonus – several popular varieties of “Eternal Blossom”.

A favorite plant of many gardeners: unpretentious and pleasing to the eye with abundant flowering for a long time, with bright and varied shades of flowers that encourage breeders to collect entire collections of pets.

Preparation for planting and selection of planting material

Like many other flowers, it can be propagated using seeds. There is an opinion that this is not a simple matter, but I do not share this opinion. How to properly plant balsam seeds at home? This is not difficult to do - the main thing is to choose quality seeds. When purchasing them, pay attention to the harvest date (not production) and expiration date. Give preference only to large manufacturing plants that have been selling their products for several years.

A method for assembling your own “seeds”

True flower growers can try to collect seeds from their favorite flower with their own hands. However, in order to do this you will have to try. First, the flowering plant must be artificially pollinated; to do this, collect pollen with a cotton swab or brush and apply it to the pistils of the inflorescences. After the flower fades, green fruits appear in its place, which, as they ripen, turn into a white oblong box with small seeds. They should be collected with extreme caution, since any touch causes the box to explode and the seeds scatter in different directions. That is why balsam is popularly called “touch-me-not.” It is best to collect seeds early in the morning, when the fruit is slightly damp. Try to gently squeeze it with your fingertips so as not to lose the contents. Or try to outwit the plant: to do this, take a cloth (just not a slippery one), cover the fruit with it, when touched, the box will burst, and its contents will remain on the cloth. After collecting, the seeds need to be thoroughly dried. Dry them at a temperature of about + 30 degrees in a well-ventilated place, avoiding direct contact sun rays.

Sowing seeds and their germination

When growing impatiens from seeds, you need to take into account that the plant may lose its varietal characteristics, surprising you with the unexpected color of the flowers. When is the best time to plant balsam seeds for seedlings? Sowing should begin in the spring in order to obtain a formed bush by summer. Before planting, place the grains for 10 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then soak for a day in warm water.

The soil

While the seeds are softening, prepare the soil. It should be loose and low-acid. A substrate consisting of 50% peat and 50% vermiculite or perlite is suitable for this. The use of perlite will make the soil loose, in addition, it will protect it from clumping, which will allow the root system to develop well, and vermiculite will protect the plant from overheating and hypothermia.

Perlite and vermiculite are rocks foamed and ground. Known for its use in plant growing as an excellent soil moisture regulator.

Before use, the substrate should be treated with fungicides - chemicals to destroy spores and bacteria that can cause various plant diseases.

In addition to the soil itself, the flower needs to prepare drainage; for this it is best to take expanded clay. Before use, expanded clay should be thoroughly rinsed under running water. Next, take a wide container approximately 10 cm in height and make small holes in the bottom. First, pour expanded clay approximately 1/5 of the height of the pot, and then the prepared soil. Drainage will not allow water to stagnate in the soil, preventing the roots from rotting.

How to sow balsam seeds

The soil and seeds are prepared, now it’s time to start propagating the handsome plant. Planting balsam seeds is very simple. Place the seeds on the surface of the soil and lightly sprinkle them with soil. Then thoroughly wet the crops with water at room temperature; for convenience, use a spray bottle. Try to place the seeds at a distance of two to three centimeters from each other so that the seedlings do not block the light of their “neighbor”. In order to reduce the germination time, let's create a greenhouse; to do this, cover the container with a plastic bag or glass, then place it in a well-lit place, but not under the scorching rays of the sun. The fastest shoots appear at an average temperature of 23 °C. For supporting required humidity ventilate the greenhouse at least twice a day, and water twice a week along the edge of the container or in the pan. To avoid rotting, do not allow water to stagnate. The same actions are performed when sowing balsam seeds for seedlings.

When is it necessary to dive?

After the young cuttings have two leaves, they can be replanted.
Small peat pots or ordinary disposable cups are suitable for this.

Diving - transplanting plants into individual pots or allowing them to bury part of the elongated stem.

Don't forget to make several holes in the bottom of the container and add drainage. If the sprouts become too elongated during germination, when picking the balsam, bury the seedling deeper into the soil or pinch the top. However, with sufficient watering and light, the plant bushes well, and the stem becomes strong and stocky.

A brief description of planting varieties of “Vanka mokrogo” using seeds

More than 400 different species grow in the world different types balsam, which can conquer any gardener.

To make it easier to grow these varieties, the seeds can be scattered in special peat tablets. There is no need to ground them; just cover them with glass or transparent film. Place in a sunny place and do not forget to ventilate and monitor the soil moisture. So, who here hasn’t read about the conditions for the departure of “Vanka Wet”? Let's look at the most common growing mistakes. Contents1 Possible incorrect...

  • Impatiens is one of the most beautiful and long-flowering plants that will decorate any interior of your home or garden. Contents1 Brief...
  • To propagate "Vanka Mokrogo" in the vast majority of cases, the seed method is used. Let's figure out what happened to the resulting seedlings. Contents1 Brief...
  • The leaves are wide oval in shape, the apex is pointed. They grow 10-12 cm in length, 5-7 cm in width and have a light or dark green color, sometimes with a reddish tint.


    Inflorescences appear early. Flowering continues almost all year round. The flowers bloom large, in diameter they reach 5 cm.

    The colors are varied - white, red, pink, purple, orange. There are two-color ones and with a spot in the center, as well as simple and terry ones.

    Flowers can be solitary or collected in inflorescences. The peduncle is long, raised above the leaves. In place of the flower, a fruit is formed. He is an oblong box with five doors, in which more than one thousand seeds ripen.

    Waller's balsam care

    Ogonyok is quite demanding in terms of care. Therefore, to obtain a beautifully flowering bush, you must adhere to the rules of care.


    Before planting, you need to take into account the preferences of the Impatiens. First of all, a location is selected. He loves sunlight, so the place should be sunny. June will be a good month for planting.


    For planting you need light, loose and nutritious soil. Soil acidity must be within 5.8-6.2 pH. At a flower shop you can purchase ready-made soil for flowering plants. For self-cooking mix earthen mixture leaf and peat soil, humus and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1:1.

    To avoid stagnation of moisture in the pot, be sure to use drainage. To do this, pour a layer of expanded clay onto the bottom. not less than 5 cm.

    Can be planted in open ground. Also, with the onset of warm summer days, you can take the pots out onto the balcony or into the garden.

    Waller's balsam is thermophilic. Planting in open ground is carried out in June or July, since night frosts are possible in the early months.

    It quickly gets used to a new place of growth; it can be planted even while it is blooming. Before frost sets in, it is necessary to transplant the bush from the soil into a pot.

    To supply oxygen to the root system, regularly loosen the top layer of soil.


    When choosing a pot, it is worth considering that it shouldn't be too big. In order to achieve abundant flowering, a cramped pot is used. To give a lush look, several specimens are planted in one container.


    Replanted as needed, when roots grow into drainage holes. The most suitable months for this procedure are April or May. But since Ogonyok quickly loses decorative look, then it has to be updated every 2-3 years. And if root system feels comfortable, then a transplant is not required.


    Water when dry top layer of soil. Pour water carefully so that it does not get on the stem or leaves. This can cause trunk rot.

    With insufficient watering, Waller's balsam growth slows down, flowers wilt and fall off.

    Air humidity

    Loves moderate air humidity. During the hot summer months it needs to be misted to prevent wilting.

    Only the leaves of the plant are sprayed. Do not allow water to get on the flowers.

    Thermal mode

    This is a heat-loving plant that can easily tolerate temperature 25-26 degrees. At this temperature, ensure spraying and access fresh air, when on the balcony - shading.

    During the winter months the minimum temperature is – 10-12 degrees.

    Light mode

    Waller needs bright sunlight. But at the same time, he does not like direct sunlight, which can cause the leaves to burn. With sufficient lighting it will bloom almost all year round, but if there is not enough light it will stop and it will lose its attractiveness.


    If the plant was planted in the garden, then it is carefully dug up and planted in a pot. When the first frost occurs, the tender leaves will turn black and fall off. Therefore, you should take care of your flower in advance. Pots that were on the balcony are also brought into the room.

    After the flower has been brought into the house and provided with comfortable conditions, it will continue to bloom. The rest period is short - during January and February. At this time, it is necessary to maintain indoors temperature 12-15 degrees.

    Reproduction methods

    There are two methods of reproduction - seeds and cuttings. In the spring or summer months it is convenient to use cuttings. To do this, stems of approximately 10 cm are cut with a sharp knife. They are rooted in a container with water or wet sand. The roots appear within 14-17 days, after which the cuttings are transplanted into a permanent container. 2 months after planting, the young seedling blooms.

    Growing Waller's Impatiens from Seeds

    Seeds are planted in March. Light soil is required for sowing. For self-preparation, peat, garden soil, vermiculite and coarse sand are mixed in equal proportions.

    You can buy an earthen mixture for seedlings, but be sure to add 1/5 of the sand to it. This will make the soil lighter and more breathable.

    Pour the prepared soil into the seedling box and moisten it with a spray bottle. Place on the surface seeds are 2-3 cm apart. Press the seeds slightly into the soil.

    Seeds need light to germinate. Therefore, when planting, they do not need to be sprinkled with soil.

    Cover the seedling box with plastic wrap and place it in a warm and bright place. Maintain room temperature about 20 degrees. Periodically lift the film to ventilate the seeds. If necessary, spray the soil with warm water.

    The first shoots will appear in 10-14 days. After two leaves appear, young seedlings are picked into separate pots, which do not exceed 10 cm in diameter. After the 7th leaf appears, pinching is done. The plant will be more lush.

    In May, you can already take the pots out to the open balcony or garden for a short time. After such manipulations, the seedlings will harden. And if necessary, seedlings can be planted in the garden, in open ground.

    Does the flower need pruning?

    Pruning is done in the spring, after transplantation. Long stems are shortened and the tops are pinched. This stimulates the appearance of side shoots.

    Cut shoots can be used for propagation. Dried twigs and leaves are also removed.


    The flowering period is long - all summer and autumn. At favorable conditions flowering will continue until January.

    The dormant period lasts from December to February. During this period, ensure a thermal regime of about 15 degrees, and also limit watering.


    The soil is fed in the spring and summer months every 14 days. To do this, purchase complex fertilizer for flowering plants at the flower shop. In order not to oversaturate the soil, it is advisable to use 1/2 of the dosage specified in the instructions.

    Growth rate

    Waller is growing up very quickly. From the cuttings, a bush with a large number of flowers grows in two months. Even by sowing seeds in March, you can get a flowering bush as early as July.


    Impatiens retains its decorative species 2-3 years. After this period, its shoots lengthen, the stems become bare, and flowering stops.


    The flowers have a sweetish aroma that attracts bees when they are on the balcony or in the garden.

    Diseases and pests

    High temperature and low air humidity cause the cessation of flowering and wilting of leaves.

    Overmoistening of the soil causes rotting of the root system. Regular contact with water when watering the stem causes it to rot.

    The reason for the falling of flowers may be dry indoor air.

    Lack of light reflected in the color of the leaves. The shoots stretch out and lose their decorative appearance.

    The plant is also affected by pests. The most common ones are spider mites, aphids and whiteflies. When attacked by pests, the leaves wilt, the flowers fall off, and flowering stops completely. Use insecticidal solutions to control pests.

    Methods of control and prevention

    To prevent diseases it is necessary adhere to the rules of care. It is worth watering, spraying and feeding the plant on time. Also adhere to temperature and light conditions.

    Use for pest control insecticidal solutions. Often the appearance of pests occurs precisely because of non-compliance with the rules of care.

    Waller's balsam proper care practically all year round will delight you with lush flowering. Thanks to the color variety, your window sill, balcony or garden will always look bright and fresh.


    Next you will see a photo of Balsam Ouller Waller:

    In a house whose owners are lovers of indoor plants and grow them, it is always cozy and warm. Flowers give your home a unique fairy-tale atmosphere, and in winter they serve as a reminder that warmth will come very soon. Many people still remember from childhood the bright beautiful flowers - balsams, which adorned the windowsills of many houses.

    Balsam is a simple and original decoration for any home.

    The plant received many other names, among which the most famous are: Vanka-wet (due to the droplets of water appearing on the leaves after watering), Ogonyok (for the bright color of the flowers), Razryv-grass (due to the ability of ripe fruits to burst and scatter seeds when touched). Balsam is still a very popular plant today and many enjoy growing it. This is explained by the fact that caring for balsam at home is quite simple, and even novice amateur gardeners can cope with it.

    A popular type of balsam is New Guinea

    The genus of balsams has more than five hundred species, but one of the most common among them is, perhaps, New Guinea balsam. Active cultivation of this variety began in 1972. This is explained by the fact that its hybrids are characterized by a strong, durable stem, compact bush, fleshy leaves and flowers, so they are very convenient to grow in an apartment.

    In addition to the fact that balsam is a fairly hardy plant, breeders have created hybrids that are very beautiful in color. This plant variety is most often grown in rooms or on balconies. They are also planted in flower beds, but only as annual plants, since frost is destructive for them. When choosing land for planting balsam, you should give preference to light soil that can absorb water well.

    Features of care

    Caring for New Guinea balsam at home involves the application of nitrogen fertilizers. However, it is very important not to overdo it, since their excess will lead to intensive shoot growth, while the formation of flowers will slow down. The plant is not very demanding of lighting, although its lack will negatively affect flowering: the less light the plant gets, the dimmer its flowers will look.

    Impatiens can withstand heat quite well, but drafts have a detrimental effect on its growth and development. For New Guinea balsam (the photo of which is located below), watering is very important - in summer it should be daily, but moderate, and in winter the plant only needs one watering per week.

    Advice: experienced flower growers know that every spring the balsam needs to be replanted into another pot. It is important to remember that the diameter of the new container should each time be 2-4 cm larger than the previous one.

    Despite the fact that in nature the plant reproduces by seeds, it is very difficult to grow flowers at home using this method. After all, out of ten seeds, less than half will sprout. At the same time, they grow slowly and often die. Simple and effective method propagation of this plant species is by cuttings. For this purpose, after removing the leaves at the bottom of the shoot, the cutting is cut off and immediately planted in previously prepared soil. Until roots form, the pot with the cuttings should be stored in the shade, protected from drafts.

    Conditions for growing terry balsam

    Terry balsam has a very original appearance: in addition to lance-shaped leaves with different shades of green and translucent stems, it is known for small pink, white, purple and red flowers. When good conditions for development are created, this indoor balsam can bloom almost all year round.

    Terry balsam

    When growing terry balsam, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

    1. Good light is very important for the plant - sunlight is preferable for it, although it does well with good artificial light.
    2. It is a heat-loving plant, for which the optimal temperature is considered to be +15 - +25 degrees.
    3. Does not require additional increase air humidity.
    4. In summer it is necessary to water almost daily, and in winter - when the soil dries out.
    5. The application of mineral fertilizers is recommended for intensive growth in the warm season. It is not advisable to fertilize in winter.
    6. Terry balsam can be propagated using seeds or cuttings.

    Original decoration of the room - hanging balsam

    Ampel plants include plants grown in hanging vases or pots. Their representative is also ampelous balsam. This is very beautiful plant with a large number of flowers that delight with their appearance for a long time. The plant is heat- and light-loving. His abundant flowering possible only if exposed to direct sunlight for at least 4 hours in the morning and afternoon.

    When caring for this plant, it is important to follow the following rules:

    • do not forget to water the balsam regularly - preferably twice a day. Indeed, unlike plants growing in open ground, hanging plants Only water entering the container is available. The water used for irrigation must be settled, soft and at room temperature;
    • If the soil in the pot is too dry, water may not be absorbed well. In this case, the pot with the plant must be placed in a huge container filled with water and kept there until the soil is completely wet;
    • fertilizing, which must be done along with watering, must be applied every week. To do this, many successfully use Kemira - a fertilizer containing phosphorus, nitrogen, magnesium, potassium, manganese, boron, copper, zinc, iron and molybdenum. To ensure long and abundant flowering, you can use brown Crystal (1 tbsp/5 l of water), adding it once every week;
    • in order to give the hanging balsam the desired shape, a special haircut is done;
    • At the end of flowering, the flower stalks must be cut off and the plant should be placed in a cool place with a temperature not exceeding +15 degrees. It is important to water this type of balsam moderately. After new shoots appear in February, the plant should be placed in a room with a higher temperature and watered more often.

    The decorative effect and long-term flowering of ampelous balsam have become the main reasons that it is a very fashionable decoration in our time for various rooms, gardens, terraces, and gazebos. When moving baskets with plants from one place to another, you can create a wide variety of original and unusual flower compositions. They are brought indoors at the first threat of frost. Interesting video You can see information about growing different types of balsams at the end of the article.

    The main causes and methods of treatment of certain diseases

    Particular attention should be paid to balsam diseases and their treatment. For example, in the photo below you can see a balsam leaf affected by gray rot. This disease, as well as fungal diseases, can be caused by too much watering in winter. At their first symptoms, you must immediately take necessary measures. To do this, you need to remove the bush from the pot, free its roots from the sour soil and replant it in new pot, having previously prepared for this loose soil. If rot appears on the surface, it is necessary to get rid of the top layer, replacing it with fresh soil. At an advanced stage of the disease, it is almost impossible to save the plant.

    When air humidity decreases, balsam is often attacked by spider mites. When the question arises - why balsam leaves curl, one of the main reasons is the appearance of mites on the plant. Treatment consists of removing the infected parts and treating with special preparations, including Actellik, Demitan, Karate, and Neoron.

    If an indoor flower begins to rapidly turn yellow and lose leaves, then you can suspect that it is being attacked by whiteflies: you need to immediately check the lower leaves of the plant, where the larvae or the insects themselves may be located. In my own way appearance they resemble aphids. You can get rid of them by spraying the plant with one of the insecticidal preparations: Fufanon, Decis, Actellik, Intavir. Pyrethroids are also effective: Arrivo, Cypermethrin, Fury, Talstar.

    Balsam leaves may fall off or wither due to insufficient watering or hypothermia. Some gardeners are perplexed as to why balsam does not bloom at home. According to experts, it’s all about fertilizing: the plant either does not have enough of it, or, on the contrary, it is in excess. Another reason is lack of light or low air temperature for normal plant development.

    Another question that flower lovers often ask is why balsam buds fall off? This phenomenon is typical when the soil is waterlogged or overdry. Also, the fall of buds is often observed during the plant’s adaptation to new growing conditions. In cold rooms, dark spots may appear on the shoots. This is bacteriosis. Treatment is carried out with special drugs, the most popular of which is Alirin.

    Impatiens balsam is often called impatiens: it is fragile annual plant with an erect stem. Balsam is a classic summer plant. If you create the right conditions, the plant will bloom for a long time. Each species has a special color: the flowers can be purple, deep red, crimson, pink. The plant grows as low shrubs; they reproduce it in different ways. It is widespread in the tropics and throughout the northern hemisphere, and takes root well in regions with warm climates. There are more than 400 species of balsam in nature. About the process of growing from seeds later in the article?

    Common varieties of ampelous balsam

    Waller's balsam is popular. Gardeners also propagate hybrid varieties plants. Ironclad grows as a large shrub: its height can reach 1.5 m. The “Balfour” species is not so large: its height reaches 1 m. Regardless of the variety, the plant requires attention. It needs to be watered regularly and protected from cold and drafts. Read more about the varieties and cultivation of garden balsam.

    Waller's balsam

    Other varieties of the species

    New Guinea

    New Guinea is a small houseplant: it is often compared to Waller's balsam. The New Guinea species is a hybrid, it has large flowers; The color of these flowers can be pink, white, lilac, crimson. There are multi-colored species of Balsam New Guinea. The plant has bright bronze-green leaves. It has recently begun to spread throughout our country. The seeds of this plant are not sold in Russia, however, adult crops can be found. This hybrid is thermophilic, it really needs light. New Guinea balsam is grown at home. The plant is determined to be big: in early May it can be taken out to the summer terrace;

    Impatiens require watering, but the soil should not be over-moistened. A peat substrate is ideal for this plant.


    Garden is common in Europe and Russia: its homeland is India. Garden balsam can be found in Southern China. The plant began to be grown from the middle of the 16th century: at the same time it came to America. Garden balsam is distinguished by its fragility. This annual plant reaches a height of 75 cm. It has branched, rich green leaves, large flowers. The flowering period begins in June and ends when frost occurs. The fruits grow in the form of small capsules with small seeds. When these fruits begin to ripen, they can be destroyed at the slightest touch. Seeds remain viable for 8 years! Garden balsams react poorly to temperature changes. When frost occurs, they are damaged. In this regard, seedlings should be grown in early summer. The plant can be bought in a store, and its seeds rarely go on sale;


    The iron-nosed plant began to spread in the mid-19th century. At its base there are characteristic glands. This species is annual; its height can reach 2 m. The flowers have a bright, rich color; You can often find varieties whose flowers resemble butterflies. Iron-nosed balsam actively scatters seeds: for this reason, it often turns into a weed. This species attracts insects. It is worth noting that some insects attack the fruits of the plant. The leaves of the iron-nosed balsam grow in the shape of eggs and reach a size of 15 cm. The flowers are distinguished by their bright, rich color. They can be purple, white, dark red. This species begins to bloom in summer: flowering continues until frost. Seeds should be planted in early May.


    Balfour's balsam grows in exotic countries. This plant is not grown in our country. Balfour's balsam is common in the Himalayas. Its approximate height is 1 m. The flowers of this species are large and bright. Seeds can be bought in European countries. Balfour's balsam is common in Spain: local residents plant it in large barrels. It is worth noting that this species is the least whimsical of all. It bears fruit well. Balfour's Impatiens is a beautiful indoor plant. Its seeds should be sown in April. For planting, you need to choose land with a small amount of fine sand. It is important to say that Balfour's balsam seeds do not always germinate.

    Impatiens vulgare

    “Touch-me-not” has a tall stem and golden-yellow flowers. The plant prefers moist, fertile soil. Flowering lasts from early summer to early autumn. Common balsam has medicinal properties;

    Its crushed leaves are added to medicines with an anti-inflammatory effect.


    “Small-flowered” has small flowers; gardeners classify this plant as a weed. Flowering of small-flowered balsam begins in late spring and continues until the onset of frost. This variety can be found in Siberia and some European countries. It is worth noting that its flowers are inconspicuous. If Balsamum parviflora grows on sandy soil, flowers are not formed.


    “Sultan-shaped” is a medium-sized plant with rich green stems. It has very variegated flowers (mostly bright red). If you provide this plant with constant care, it will bloom throughout the year. The approximate height of the stem is 40 cm. The leaves are large, long with light edges.


    “Golden” is a perennial. Its approximate height is 1 m. The stems of the plant are powerful, one might say fleshy. The leaves have pronounced veining and are medium green in color. The “Golden” variety has very interesting flowers: they are yellow with small red stripes.


    Balsam niamniamensis grows in Africa. It has original flowers: in shape they are somewhat reminiscent of birds. The petals of this species are inconspicuous, however, the sepals are large. The sepals can be yellow, red, or two-colored. Balsam niamnia loves warm climates, it does not respond well to strong winds and needs protection from sunlight.

    balsam niamniam

    Selecting seeds for sowing

    How to care for a young plant

    Early seedlings need to be pricked, that is, planted in larger containers. The seedlings are transferred along with the earthen clod. Peat pots are ideal for picking. Plants are transplanted carefully: try not to damage their earthen ball. Remember that the rhizome of young seedlings is sensitive.


    After diving, the plant moves to an even cooler room. Impatiens need moderate watering. The soil should not become waterlogged. It is useful to harden the seedlings: the right time is the beginning of May. The plant must be taken out into the garden and kept there all day. The optimal duration of hardening is 2 weeks. Then the balsam is planted in a permanent place.

    Planting in open ground is carried out at the end of May: at this time frosts are unlikely. Impatiens grow poorly even if the air temperature drops to + 7 degrees. In this regard, seedlings need to be planted in late spring.

    Plants grow well if the optimal distance between seedlings is maintained. If you have chosen large species, the distance between seedlings should be 30 cm; for smaller species, the distance is 25 cm. These plants also need sunlight; it is better to plant them in partial shade. The planting site should have a small branched shade. As for fertilizers, it is better to avoid organic matter altogether. The best solution would be comprehensive mineral compounds. You can use them 1-2 times per season. Read more about the varieties and technology of using mineral fertilizers.

    It is important to remember that balsams love fertile soil. After planting, you can water the seedlings at the root, then spray them.

    Diseases and pests

    Impatiens are rarely susceptible to disease. However, sudden changes in temperature are detrimental to this plant. It does not tolerate frost or heavy rain with hail. Flowers react poorly to spider mites, whiteflies and . Damage occurs if infected crops are located nearby.

    Spider mite

    Flowers can be propagated by cuttings. Thanks to this method, the number of bushes increases. If the plants are young and strong, propagation by cuttings should be carried out in June. The branches take root in the soil and, like seeds, are covered with a film.


    For a clear example of growing balsam from seeds, see the video


    In conclusion, we note that balsam does not need fertilizing. The main thing is to water the plant on time and avoid sudden temperature changes. Depending on the type and growing conditions, flowers can bloom for a year or several months. The flower can be grown in pots, or can be placed in garden beds as an annual crop. Read more about the technology of forming and caring for garden beds.

    People like to decorate their windowsills, courtyards and yards with decorative flowers with lush, large and bright inflorescences. summer cottages many. One of these flowers is impatiens ampelous, or balsam.

    About how to grow this flower from seeds, as well as what types it comes in, how it can be used in landscape design- this is what we will talk about in this article.

    Botanical description

    Impatiens ampelous, also called impatiens or impatiens, from the balsam family (Balsaminaceae) are herbaceous annuals or perennials (garden or indoor flowers), which number over 500 species in their genus. Impatiens have fleshy, whole, shiny leaves with serrated edges, at the base of which there are glands. Leaf color is green, red-green or bronze. Succulent and branched shoots of balsams different varieties have a height of 15 to 50 centimeters.

    Flowers are zygomorphic, growing singly or in inflorescences. Each flower is located in the axil of the leaf, and can be colored in different colors depending on the variety: white, pink, orange, red, purple, striped or speckled. There are created hybrids that have small, colorful, double flowers and multi-colored leaves. Each flower consists of five sepals, one of which extends into a spur, as well as a five-membered corolla, and individual or paired petals.

    The five stamens are fused with anthers located on the filaments, which create a cap that falls off when the stigma ripens. Thanks to this, the flower is cross-pollinated. The five carpels have a short style and one to five stigmas. The fruit is in the form of a juicy capsule that opens suddenly thanks to twisting flaps, or in the form of a berry-shaped capsule (depending on the type). Flowering - from early June to late September.

    Did you know? It is interesting how impatiens attracts some insects for pollination, and others to distract them from nectar: ​​drops of sweet liquid are released on the petioles and serrated edges of the leaves, which, when evaporated, turn into sugar crystals. These crystals attract ants and distract them from the pollen that bees freely collect.

    Distribution and habitats

    The homeland and habitat of balsams are the African and Asian tropics and subtropics. They also grow in Central Asia, in temperate and tropical climates North America and Europe.

    Types of impatiens ampelous

    Impatiens is not a very numerous genus. Based on the main species, breeders developed several varieties of garden and indoor balsams. Now we will tell you about each species and the hybrids created on their basis.

    Waller's impatiens - plants of this species have branched, densely covered with diamond-shaped or oval leaves. During flowering, the bushes are completely covered with flowers. Plants reach a height of up to 60 centimeters. The leaves have a decorative, red-brown color. Taking Waller's impatiens species as a basis, scientists have developed hybrid varieties of impatiens mix with different flower colors:

    There are also variety groups divided into the following series, each of which contains up to 20 varieties:

    Hawker impatiens - founder of the next hybrid species impatiens New Guinea. These are tall bushes with lanceolate dark green leaves with red veins and large flowers.

    New Guinea hybrids are divided into the following series:

    from it they bred a variety popular among gardeners with decorative flowers impatiens corduroy. The shape of the flowers is unusual, in the form of glossy, large, yellow or red flat beans, and there are also double colors. There are cream flowers shaped like shoes.
    a separate variety of tall balsams with slight fluff on the shoots and foliage. The leaves are located on elongated cuttings. The flowers are small and scarlet in color.
    a hybrid variety of balsams that has glands at the base of each leaf. This garden plant, annual. Lanceolate leaves are collected in corollas at the top of the stem. Flowers are found in cherry, white or pink colors. The petals of the flowers are curved outward, located in several pieces in the axils of the leaves.
    variety garden variety. Annual, does not tolerate frost well. The bushes are lush, up to 70 cm high. The axils of the upper leaves form large, double, bright red flowers.
    Tamarind impatiens - low indoor bushes, have large leaves and large buds, among which there are also double ones. This species has the following hybrids:

    Important! The sap of the flower is considered mildly toxic, so keep the plant away from children and pets.

    Use in landscape design

    Impatiens of all types are one of the many beautiful flower bed flowers that decorate any flower bed. It is appropriate to place them in areas of the garden plot that are protected from wind and not very dark. Here are some options for decorating your country garden with these spectacular flowers:

    1. A vertical flower bed with a composition of balsams of different shades looks very elegant and decorative. Such a screen, painted in a variety of colors, will create a cozy atmosphere and decorate the summer relaxation area in your garden.
    2. Flower beds with these flowers will look good along garden paths.
    3. The decoration for the pergola will be flower pots mounted on the walls or hanging, as well as floor flowerpots in which you can alternate balsams of different shades.
    4. Low-growing, carpet-like flowers fill the spaces between trees and shrubs.
    5. Thanks to the long flowering of balsams and the variety of colors, you can create a spectacular addition to a composition with perennial flowers, which have a shorter flowering period.
    6. Tall varieties will decorate new mixborders with unfilled spaces between still small and not very overgrown perennials and bushes.
    7. You can plant low-growing varieties of various shades in flower beds and select them color scheme so that you can create any pattern or color transition in the form of a gradient.

    Growing and caring for the plant

    Impatiens do not require special care. These are unpretentious plants that adapt well to environmental conditions, blooming for a long time and abundantly. And yet, like any other ornamental plant, they need some care. Let's look at some requirements for caring for balsams.

    Impatiens normally perceive slight shade, but in sunny places the leaves of plants become brighter, and on the bushes a large quantity buds. They are not afraid of direct sunlight, and in strong shade the plants stretch out and become bare. They can be planted in hanging pots, deep and not very wide garden and balcony containers and flowerpots with a volume of 3 liters or more.

    Soil and fertilizers

    Impatiens are planted in any fertile soil. If these are flowerpots, then it is advisable to line the bottom with brick chips or expanded clay. When plants begin to actively grow and bloom, they definitely need fertilizers. Twice every 30 days, during watering, mineral fertilizers intended for blooming balcony and garden flowers should be diluted in water.
    The following fertilizers work well:

    1. "Fertika-lux".
    2. "Merry flower girl."
    3. "Uniflor-bud".
    4. "Agricola for those in bloom."

    Watering and humidity

    Impatiens need to be watered regularly and abundantly:

    1. The soil underneath should always be moist, but it is important to ensure that the water in the flower beds does not stagnate, otherwise the plants are at risk of root rot.
    2. If it's perennial houseplants, then in winter watering is reduced, and the top layer of soil in pots should be allowed to dry completely.
    3. Also, indoor plants need regular spraying, but you just need to make sure that the spray does not get on the buds.

    Relation to temperature

    Temperature requirements for indoor impatiens:

    1. The ambient air should be no lower than +15...+18 degrees, and the most acceptable temperature is 20 degrees above zero. If the mercury drops to plus 13, the plants may die.
    2. In the spring, for hardening, flowerpots with balsams are taken out to the balcony, taking into account the ambient temperature. Drafts for balsams are unacceptable.
    3. Annual impatiens grown outdoors are not afraid of strong sun, although on particularly hot days the leaves become a little wilted and the buds close. But as soon as the sun sets in the evening, it is enough to water them at the root - and the plants come to life again.

    Did you know?The name “impatiens” means “impatient” and indicates that in some types of flower, at the slightest touch to the ripe fruits, they crack and the seeds scatter over a long distance.

    Reproduction and planting

    Impatiens are propagated by seeds and also by cuttings from the upper part of the stem. Next we describe the features of each method.