Avars are images of ancient Russian chronicles. History, traditions and customs of the Avars - the most numerous nation of Dagestan Avars in the Russian chronicle are called

tribal union of nomadic, and mainly Turkic-speaking tribes. They raided the Slavs, Franks, and Byzantium. In the 6th century. formed the Avar Kaganate in the Danube basin, retaining part of the lands in the Northern Black Sea region and the Azov region. The conquered Dulebs were treated cruelly. At the end of the 8th century. defeated by the Franks at the beginning of the 10th century. conquered by the Hungarians.


In the middle of the 6th century. A. invaded the steppes of the Western Caspian region and further into the Northern Black Sea region, the Danube region and the Balkans. In the 50-60s. 6th century they devastated the lands of the Savirs, Antes, Gepids and other European tribes. At the same time, in Pannonia (the territory of part of modern Hungary, Yugoslavia and Austria), the Avar Kaganate was created - a tribal association of the “ barbarian empires" It was headed by the great commander Khan Bayan. Relying on the system of Pannonian fortresses (“hrings”), A. raided the Slavs, Franks, Lombards, Georgians, as well as Byzantium. The Kaganate rested only on the military subordination of various tribes and bribery of the tribal elite. Own economic base his was extremely weak and was limited to extensive nomadic cattle breeding. This predetermined the internal weakness and fragility of the Kaganate. Despite the enrichment of the tribal elite, the process of forming a class society in A. was not completed. Major victories in Dalmatia, Illyria and Moesia (late 6th century) were followed by a decline in the military power of A. In the 1st half of the 7th century. they suffered a series of defeats from Byzantium, the Slavs, the Franks, and the Bulgarians. Strife began within the Kaganate, which contributed to its collapse. In the middle of the 7th century. A. were forced out of the Northern Black Sea region, and power over Pannonia was limited to the Bulgarian kingdom, created in 680 on the Danube. In the 90s 8th century A. were finally defeated by the Franks of Charlemagne, and in 796 the most important of the “hrings” fell. Subsequently, A. were completely assimilated by the peoples of the Western Black Sea region and the Danube region.

Avar language

Data on the Avar language are very scarce and do not allow us to judge with certainty its identity. Preserved in written sources Avar titles and personal names are universal for the Altai language family. As evidenced by archaeological data, the Avars used a type of runic writing, but all the inscriptions found are very short and cannot be deciphered. The only monument from which they are trying to reconstruct the Avar language of the European period is an inscription made in Greek letters on a vessel from the Nagy Szent Miklos treasure. The conclusions of linguists are different. Russian linguist E. Khelimsky attributed its language to the Tungus-Manchu group. O. Mudrak, on the contrary, defined it as typically Bulgarian (Turkic).

Settlements and economy

Currently, the location of several hundred Avar settlements of the 7th - 9th centuries is known. The largest excavations in Hungary were carried out near the city of Danaui-Varosha, where the remains of 37 dwellings were preserved. In their villages, the Avars lived in half-dugouts with wooden walls, inside of which stoves were built. Grain pits were found in many dwellings, and adobe hearths were found between the buildings. In the 7th century, the dwellings in each village were located in a circle. The semi-nomadic Avars returned to these winter settlements along with their cattle after grazing them on the summer pastures. From spring to autumn they lived in easily portable yurt-like structures.

The basis of the Avar economy was semi-nomadic cattle breeding. Gradually, the semi-nomadic lifestyle was replaced by a sedentary one. Therefore, part of the population (mainly the descendants of the Romans, Sarmatians and Slavs) was also engaged in agriculture.

The horse played a major role in Avar life. Based on bone remains, it was established that these were horses of mainly eastern blood, fast, suitable for movement in the steppe and on sandy soils. It was precisely these horses that were depicted by bone and silver carvers of the early Avar era.

In addition to horse breeding, the Avars raised cattle, sheep, goats, and small chickens; painted eggshells were often found in burials.

A study of pig bones found among the remains of food that was supplied to the deceased on a long journey through the afterlife showed that Slavic livestock breeders of the Avar era crossed the southern European breed of domestic pig, bred in the Neolithic, with a northern European one. It is since then that the Alföld fat-bearing pig breed, widespread in the mid-20th century, has existed.

Little is known about Avar crop production. Remains of grain crops are usually found in a charred state. Thus, grains of millet (this crop was grown by both Avars and Slavs), wheat (VI-VII centuries), rye and oats (IX centuries) were preserved.

The land was plowed with a wooden plow with an iron coulter. In Hungary, such a coulter has been known since the 9th century, and in ancient Moravia even earlier. The wheat was reaped with a sickle.

Avar (Kagan?) with signs of artificial deformation of the skull and Yenisei (Asian-Hunnic) facial features
Reconstruction after Elvira H. Toth - Istvan Horvath

Most of the burials found good quality clay vessels, a significant part of which in the late Avar period were made at potter's wheel. Some vessels were imported from nearby places, not from far away, since clay products do not withstand long-term transportation.

On the territory of Hungary at that time, the remains of an iron smelting furnace-blast furnace for the production of raw materials for weapons and agricultural implements were also discovered.

Goods were produced not only to satisfy their own needs, but also for exchange. Avar burials contain many things imported from other places. Among them are gold, silver and bronze earrings, bracelets, rings, buckles, hats, and colored glass beads. Apparently, silk fabrics and other material for clothing were brought, which have not survived to this day. They paid for all this, apparently, in cattle, horses, leather, and wool.

From Latin sources, trading and market places are known where Avars, traveling merchants and artisans, appeared with their goods. The burial of one of them was discovered in the vicinity of the village of Kunszentmarton. Among the finds was plate breast mail: the roads in the country were not always safe for travelers.

Merchants came to the Avar Kaganate from afar, from the East. According to some reports, important trade routes to the west. According to the custom of all nomadic peoples, the Avars collected duties from trade caravans. As a result, the prestige of the rulers of certain regions of the country and the Kagan himself increased significantly.

The Avars themselves did not mint their own money. Some researchers believe that the Avars were engaged in counterfeiting Byzantine gold coins. However, no more than a dozen such counterfeits were found throughout the entire territory of the Kaganate, and this is not enough to finally resolve the issue, especially since counterfeit money was also found among neighboring peoples.


Very little is known about the beliefs of the Avars and other peoples of the Avar Kaganate. One source mentions a chief shaman; another testifies that the Avars were idolaters.

It is clear that the Avars seemed to double the world: in addition to the earthly, they also imagined the afterlife. Along with the deceased, food and a horse with weapons were usually placed in the grave so that the warrior could continue his journey and battles. Otherworld, according to shamanistic beliefs, consisted of several levels located one above the other. The dead could get to the upper level only after various tests. Arrows helped this upward movement - that’s why they were placed in the quiver next to the buried person.

Before or during the funeral rite, the grave pits were “cleansed” of evil spirits with the help of fire or burning coals.

Different peoples, according to their beliefs, buried people with their heads towards one or another part of the world - towards the center of the world or in the direction from which they expected the resurrection. The Avars did not have a single orientation - they were too diverse; The burial took place with the head facing both east and west. In many cases, magical actions were performed on the dead. After the burial, the grave was opened, the skull of the buried person was taken out and spells were read over it. The fear that the deceased might return from the other world sometimes prompted people to bury the dead spread out on their stomachs.

To preach Christianity among the Avars, a bishopric was established in Salzburg back in 739. The conversion of the Avars to Christianity accelerated at the end of the 8th - beginning of the 9th century, along with their fall under Frankish rule.

Art of the Avar era

The Avars were good carvers of bone and horn plates. As chronicles testify, they made magnificent carpets, embroideries, fabrics, and were engaged in artistic processing of silver and wood. None of this has survived to this day, but beautiful metal jewelry has been preserved - Byzantine earrings, bracelets, rings, rings; colored glass beads and necklaces, apparently made in the East. Free warriors from the 6th to 9th centuries wore belts decorated with metal plaques. Horse harnesses were also covered with the same plaques. In the late Avar period, plaques were made using artistic casting. Among them it is difficult to find two identical ones. Large cast tips with floral patterns, human figures, or depicting animal struggles were attached to the waist belts. The swords and quivers of leaders were covered with gold, and those of ordinary warriors with silver. Even the iron stirrups were artistically forged, and some were inlaid with silver.

The pottery (pottery kilns were discovered near the town of Szekszard) was poorly ornamented.

The Avars, with their aggressive policies, caused a lot of trouble for their powerful neighbors. For more than two centuries they terrorized Byzantium, the Bulgarian kingdom and the Frankish empire until they “dissolved” in the process of forming early feudal Europe.


The chronicles accurately recorded the last day of the Lombards' stay on the lands of the Roman province of Pannonia (the territory of modern Hungary, as well as a number of neighboring states) - April 1, 568. A day later, they moved to Northern Italy, where they created the Lombard Kingdom (today's Lombardy).
Their place on both banks of the Danube was taken by the Avars who came from the east, who by that time had already settled throughout the Carpathian Basin. The newcomers managed to create a strong state here, subordinating the tribes living on these lands, including the Slavs and Gepids, to their influence.
The Avar Khaganate occupied an advantageous trading position. According to some sources, important trade routes connecting the East and West passed through the Carpathians. According to the traditions of nomadic peoples, the Avars collected duties from trade caravans, as a result of which the wealth and prestige of the state only grew.
Now no one will undertake to say exactly where the Avars came to Europe from. However, the main versions of the origin of the Avars are similar in the direction of their migration - from east to west.
According to one hypothesis, the Avars are part of the Rourans defeated by the Turkuts, who, after the defeat in 555, were forced to flee across the entire Central Asia. Another version says that the Avars are a cross between the Ugric tribe Uvar and the Iranian-speaking ethnic group Khionites, who originally lived in the Aral Sea region.
The Hungarian historian Andras Rona-Tas suggests that the Avars, at least in the later period of their existence, acquired a significant admixture of the Turkic element. One way or another, all theories admit that as the Avars moved into Europe, they were influenced by heterogeneous ethnic components.

Mysterious ethnic group

Oddly enough, there is no mention of the Avars who lived on the territory of modern Hungary in the Hungarian chronicles. Byzantine and Latin chronicles, as well as archaeological data, help us determine the ancient settlement territory of this tribe and imagine its daily life.
According to the Byzantine chronicles, the Avars were able to establish friendly relations with the Proto-Bulgarians, who moved to the Danube lands from the territories of the Khazar Khaganate in the late 70s of the 7th century. Archaeological material allows us to assert that the Proto-Bulgarians had a noticeable influence on the Avar culture; moreover, they presumably took part in the formation of the Avar ethnos.
Excavations of Avar burials led archaeologists to the conclusion that the tradition of setting up large burial grounds and burying horses separately from people indicate the Mongolian roots of the Avars.
Indeed, the reconstruction of skulls from most burial grounds of the Avar era makes it possible to attribute them to the Mongoloids. But in some burial grounds this type is rare. Skulls from another category of Avar burials indicate that they belonged to Caucasians of the Mediterranean, East Baltic and North European types.
The results of archaeological research can indicate not only the active mixing of Avars with other tribes, but also their ethnic heterogeneity. That is why scientists still cannot reconstruct a reliable anthropological appearance of this people.
According to the studied remains, the average life expectancy of Avars was short: for men - 38 years, for women - 36 years. Children often died before the age of two. However, this is not very different from the demographic situation in Europe at that time.


The military art of the Avars, which many peoples of Europe encountered, has much in common with the tactics used by the nomads: exhausting the enemy with numerous maneuvers, avoiding close combat, massive shelling of enemy positions from long-range bows.
Particularly striking were the counterattacks of the heavily armed plate cavalry of the Avars, which entered the battle at the most unexpected moment, cutting and demoralizing the enemy’s ranks. The Byzantines considered the Avar methods of warfare extremely effective and adopted a number of tactical innovations.
In Constantinople, they wanted to see the Avars as allies; it is no coincidence that in 558 an agreement was concluded between the Byzantines and the Avars, according to which the latter were to fight on the side of the empire. However, very soon the Avars, together with the Kutrigurs, began to attack the allies of Byzantium - the Carpathian and Danube Antes.
For some time, the Avars managed to force Constantinople to pay tribute. According to some estimates, 1/75th of the gold reserves of Byzantium were paid as tribute to the Avars (the annual supply of gold to the treasury of the empire at that time averaged 37 thousand kilograms of gold).
In 565, having rounded the Carpathians from the north, again in alliance with the Kutrigurs, the Avars penetrated into Thuringia and Gaul, where they caused complete destruction. The conquerors managed to capture the Frankish king Sigisbert I as a trophy.
The expansive intentions of the Avars grew stronger from year to year. In 567, together with the Lombards, they defeated the Gepids, in 570, having failed negotiations, they declared war on Byzantium, in 595, in alliance with the Slovenes, they began to fight the Bavarian tribes, and two years later they captured Dalmatia.
Only in 626 did the Avars slow down their warlike ardor when they were defeated by the Byzantines during an attempt to capture Constantinople.

A fall

The unsuccessful campaign against Constantinople seriously affects the state of the Kaganate itself. There is a split within the state into Avar and Kutrigur groups, each of which supports its own contender for the throne.
In 640, the Avars were forced out of Dalmatia by the Croats and subsequently continued to lose their lands. Very soon the vast Avar possessions are compressed into the territory of modern Hungary.
For almost a century and a half, the Avars disappeared from chronicles and appeared on the pages of chronicles only in 788, when they entered into an alliance with the Bavarian Duke Thassilon III against the Franks. This idea failed, and the Frankish king Charlemagne begins to develop a plan for the final destruction of the dangerous enemy.
In 791, the Franks advanced in two large armies towards the Avar Khaganate, gradually capturing fortifications along the Danube. For some time, the advance of the armies was stopped by the Saxon uprising, organized within the Frankish empire. However, turmoil also engulfed the Avar Kaganate itself, which brought its imminent fall closer. In 804-805, the Bulgarian Khan Krum took possession of the eastern lands of the Avars, which actually divided the Kaganate into two parts - Bulgarian and Frankish.
One of the Byzantine chronicles of the 9th century preserves interesting information about the reasons for the disintegration of the Khaganate. One of the old Avar warriors who were captured by the Bulgarians, when asked by Khan Kurum why their masters and their people were ruined, answered: “At first, because of a quarrel that deprived the Kagan of his faithful and truthful advisers, power fell into the hands of wicked people. Then the judges, who were supposed to defend the truth before the people, were corrupted, but instead fraternized with hypocrites and thieves; the abundance of wine gave rise to drunkenness, and the Avars, having weakened physically, also lost their minds. Finally, a passion for trade began: the Avars became traders, one deceived the other, brother sold brother. This, our lord, became the source of our shameful misfortune.”
In 882, the Avars were last mentioned in the chronicles as a tribe dependent on the Franks. And then the traces of the people, who at one time brought fear to the powerful states of Europe, are completely lost.

Avars. VI–VII centuries

In the middle of the 6th century, various tribes of nomads poured into Southern Europe, into the valley of the Lower and Middle Danube, following the lost strength and scattered Huns from across the Volga, through the Black Sea steppes, who were united by Kagan Bayan on the territory of modern Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Romania, Serbia and Ukraine to Old Turkic Avar Khaganate, existed from 562 to 823.

Avars(other - Russian Obra) - a nomadic people made up of Sarmatian-Alan tribes of Central Asian origin with a large admixture of Turkic-speaking tribes, who moved to Central Europe in the 6th century. Ethnicity Avar causes controversy among historians, different groups of which consider the Avars either a Mongol-speaking, or an Iranian-speaking, or a Turkic-speaking ethnic group, but agree that the Avars in any case did not represent a homogeneous tribe. The Avars, pushed west by the ancient Turks, appeared in 555 in the steppes of western Kazakhstan. In 557, their nomads moved to the western bank of the Volga in the steppe North Caucasus, where they enter into an alliance with the Alans. This confirms the opinion of L. N. Gumilyov A that the Avars are related to the Sarmatian tribes of the Alans.

In 559, the Avars marched through the lands of the northerners (Sabirs) to Voronezh, occupied by the Goths, and, together with the Russian squads of Pride and the Alan squads of Skoten, took the city by storm. Not daring to overcome the “serpent ramparts,” under the leadership of Kagan Bayan, around 560, the Avars and Kutrigurs invaded the lands of the Dulebs and Ants in Volyn, located at the sources of the Bug, Pripyat and Dniester. The Volyn principality was ruled by Prince Mezamir, son of Idarizia and brother of Kelagast.

When the Avars attacked, the Antes found themselves face to face with the enemy and found themselves in dire straits. Trying to avert the final defeat, Prince Mezamir in 561 went to the Avars as an ambassador to negotiate peace and ransom his captive fellow tribesmen. In the camp of the Avars, Mezamir was killed. A Byzantine historian spoke about the circumstances of the murder of Mezamir Menander Protector. (For more details, see chapter “Ants, Croats, Tiverts. V–VI centuries.”)

The further movement of the Avars led to the migration of other tribes, among which there were probably Antes, who inhabited the Black Sea lands and the Lower Danube region, where the Avar hordes passed through. At this time, the Antes in the Dnieper region continued to fight the Goths advancing from the Crimea.

The Avars on the Danube entered into an alliance with the Goths and in 562 attacked the Slavic settlements in Scythia Minor, on the western shore of the Black Sea near the Danube delta, in later times known as Dobrudzha. The Slavs of Scythia Minor, abandoning their huts, hid in the forests, and then fled to Prince Dobrita, where Slavic squads gathered to repel the enemy.

At the end of the 6th century, the Avars from the mouth of the Danube go to the Middle Danube into Pannonia, where another part of the Avar horde comes from the east through Galicia. On the Danube, the Avar Kagan Bayan founded Avar Khaganate(VI–IX centuries), located on the territory of modern Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Romania, Serbia and Ukraine and existed until 823. The capital of the Kaganate was a hring (fortified military camp) on the territory of Timisoara. The Avars made a series of raids from there into the Carpathians and Volyn, into the areas where the Dulebs settled. In 568, after the Lombards left for Italy, the Avars, led by their kagan Bayan, became masters of the entire Transdanubia, which became the main focus of their attacks on Byzantine possessions. In the 580s, the Avars conquered all of Pannonia, and on the Dniester in Galicia the lands of the Croats and Dulebs. In 582, the Avars, together with the subordinate Slavs, captured the strategic Byzantine outpost of Sirmium (modern city of Sremska Mitrovica), and the next year they devastated Illyria. In 597, the Avars captured Dalmatia, flooding it with Croats. In 599 Tomis was besieged on the Black Sea coast.

At the end of the 6th century, the Avars invaded the empire, crossed Thrace and Macedonia and reached Constantinople. In 600, a peace shameful for Byzantium was concluded. The Avar Kaganate terrorized the peoples of Europe for more than 200 years. The Ant Slavs, the Slavic population of the Czech Republic and Moravia and a number of regions of the Eastern Carpathians fell under the rule of the khans of the Avar Kaganate in the 6th–7th centuries. were obliged to recruit soldiers into the Avarian army.

The Avar Kaganate was a multi-ethnic power, in which the majority of the population was Slavic, which is confirmed by the spread in the Middle Danube in the 6th–7th centuries. Slavic ceramics, layered on the cultural layers of the Slavic population that previously existed in a number of areas of the Middle Danube. In some regions of the spread of the Slavic-Avar culture, the Slavs apparently formed the main core of the population. The distribution of these antiquities over a vast territory from the Adriatic to the Dnieper, according to Yugoslav researchers, reflects the Slavic settlement of the 7th century. and determines the direction of migration from the east, from the northern Black Sea lands to the west, to the Danube region and to the Balkan Peninsula. Judging by Byzantine sources, historians early Middle Ages sometimes Avars meant Ant Slavs.

The Avars mainly waged long wars in the Balkans, fighting with Constantinople and suppressing individual local tribes. Having conquered the kingdom of the Gepids in alliance with the Lombards, the Avars went along the Tisza to the southern borders of Slovakia and around 600, together with the Horutan Slavs, settled Inner Norik. But then the Avars began to suffer defeats from the Greeks, and the uprisings of the conquered tribes finally undermined the strength of the Avars. In 623 (according to Mauro Orbini in 617), the Western Slavs, led by Self the Slavs rise up against the Avars and a strong Slavic movement arises in the territory of modern Czech Republic and Lower Austria State Samo(631–658), a confederation of the ancestors of modern Czechs, Slovaks, Lusatian Serbs and Slovenes. Prince Samo waged successful wars with the Avars and Franks, in particular, after the victory in 631, he conquered lands inhabited by Lusatian Serbs from the Franks. The Slavs expelled the Avars from Illyria and settled in the historical Slavic lands of Croatia, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Dalmatia and Macedonia. Itself is called a Slav in anonymous Salzburg treatise of the 9th century. "Conversion of the Bavarians and Carentans." After Samo's death in 658, the state he created collapsed under the pressure of the Avars.

As a result of a series of defeats from Byzantium, the Slavs, Croats and Franks, the Avar Khaganate, decomposed by internal strife, began to disintegrate in the middle of the 7th century. Khan Altsek leaves it with his horde of Kutrigurs. By 632, Khan Kubrat, having united the Bulgar tribes Kutrigur, Utigur and Onogur, created the medieval state of Great Bulgaria, displacing the Avars from the Northern Black Sea region and the Lower Danube. By 640, the Croats had driven the Avars out of Dalmatia. The Avar Kaganate suffered its final defeat at the end of the 8th century as a result of the Franco-Avar War. The Avars resisted fiercely and suffered catastrophic casualties. They rebelled against the rule of the Franks several more times, but in 803–804. The Bulgarian ruler Khan Krum captured all the Avar lands up to the Middle Danube and the remnants of the Avars quickly assimilated among the ethnically related proto-Bulgarians. The Avar Khaganate ceased to exist around 823.

With the collapse of the Avar Khaganate, the territory of modern Hungary was inhabited by significant groups of Slavs. It is known that in the area between the Sava and Drava rivers in the 9th century. there was a Slavic principality. In Pannonia in the middle of the 9th century. A Slavic principality arose with its center in the area of ​​​​the city of Zalavar, headed by Pribina and his son and successor Kocel. At the beginning of the 9th century. Timoch Slavs settled in the Zala River basin. Large masses of the Slavic population concentrated on the hilly outskirts of the Carpathian Basin, the center of which continued to serve as pasture for the remnants of the Avar population. Throughout the 9th century. the remnants of the Avars are gradually dissolving among the Slavic settlers who have poured into Transdanubia. The expression from the Russian chronicle is widely known: “ perished as if they were lost, their tribe has no heir, no heir.”

After several previous chapters describing the history of the invasion of nomadic peoples in the 4th–7th centuries. in the Black Sea region, I cannot help but give opinions on this issue Yu. I. Venelina, Russian historian of the 19th century. He believed that the times of rule in the Black Sea region of the Huns, Bulgars, Khazars and Avars (the same Indo-Europeans related to the Slavic Rus) were actually the time of the birth of the early state formation of the Russian people on the Russian Plain, i.e. it was Rus'.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Slavic Europe V–VIII centuries author Alekseev Sergey Viktorovich

Avars in Europe The nomadic tribes of Uar and Huni (Varkhonites) became known in Europe under the name Avars. By the middle of the 6th century, in the Asian steppes there was a unification of nomads under the rule of the Altai Turks (Turkut). The Türkuts conquered many related to them, as well as Iranian and

From the book Ancient Rus' author

6. Avars, Slavs and Byzantium in the first quarter of the seventh century In 602, riots broke out in the Byzantine army stationed on the banks of the Danube. The soldiers were annoyed that they had not received pay for several months, and a message came from the capital that in the future they would

From the book Ancient Rus' author Vernadsky Georgy Vladimirovich

7. Great Bulgaria, Avars and Slavs in the second quarter of the seventh century The campaign of 626 was the last attempt of the Avars to capture Constantinople. Both the prestige of the Kagan and the power of his army were greatly undermined by this defeat, and it was from this moment that the decline of the Avar began.

From the book Ancient Rus' author Vernadsky Georgy Vladimirovich

7. Byzantium and the Bulgars, Franks and Avars, 739-805. From the fate of the Don and Azov lands, we must now turn again to the Danube region and the Balkans in order to begin considering the Bulgaro-Antian state. With the death of Khan Sevar (739), the Dulo dynasty ended, and

From the book Millennium around the Caspian Sea [L/F] author Gumilev Lev Nikolaevich

50. True and false Avars The inertial phase of the revolution of ethnogenesis we describe was embodied not only in the “Eternal Ale” created by the Turkic heroes. VI–VII centuries became the era of the Khaganates throughout the Great Steppe from the Yellow to the Black Sea. Moreover, all of them: Khazar and

From the book History Byzantine Empire. T.1 author

From the book Empire of the Steppes. Attila, Genghis Khan, Tamerlane by Grusset Rene

Avars The steppes of southern Russia are for the geographer nothing more than a continuation of the Asian steppes. The same is true for the historian. We have already seen this in ancient times, in relation to the Scythians, Sarmatians, and Huns. This fact also applies to the period of the early Middle Ages, from the Avars to

From the book Secrets of Great Scythia. Notes of a Historical Pathfinder author Kolomiytsev Igor Pavlovich

Who are you, Avars? You and I found out that they once lived near the borders of great China and were called Rourans or Juan-Zhuan in the ancient chronicles of this distant country. Historian Lev Gumilyov, on the contrary, believed them to be settled farmers, the Chionites, who lived in the lower reaches of the Syr Darya River.

From the book Invasion. Harsh laws author Maksimov Albert Vasilievich

AVAR * Avar invasion * Huns and inventions of historians * Laws of the victors

From the book Barbarian Invasions on Europe: the German Onslaught by Musset Lucien

B) Avars The Lombard invasion of Italy became the pretext - if not the real reason - for Avar aggression in the heart of Europe. This nomadic people in the middle of the 7th century. was located north of the Caspian Sea. Pressure from the Turks prompted him to move west, and when Kagan Bayan

From the book History of the Byzantine Empire. Time before the Crusades until 1081 author Vasiliev Alexander Alexandrovich

Slavs and Avars Important events played out after the death of Justinian on the Balkan Peninsula. Unfortunately, sources provide only fragmentary information about them. Already earlier there was talk that under Justinian the Slavs carried out frequent attacks on the Balkan regions

From the book Book 2. The Rise of the Kingdom [Empire. Where did Marco Polo actually travel? Who are the Italian Etruscans? Ancient Egypt. Scandinavia. Rus'-Horde n author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

1.2. Avars and Ruthenia = Rus'-Horde Brugsch describes the conquest of “Ancient” Egypt by the Hyksos: “According to the legend of Manetho... at some time, a wild and rude people who CAME FROM THE EAST, flooded the lower lands with their CROWS, attacked the native kings sitting in their cities, and took possession of everything

From the book Origin of the Slavs author Bychkov Alexey Alexandrovich

Avars. Slavs The appearance of nomadic Avars in the Balkans was greatly facilitated by Byzantium, which tried to use them to fight against other “barbarians”. Incited by her, the Avars, led by Kagan Bayan, defeated the Ant tribal union around 560 and advanced to the mouth

From the book The Frankish Empire of Charlemagne ["European Union" of the Middle Ages] author Levandovsky Anatoly Petrovich

Avars According to Einhard, the biographer of Charlemagne, the Avar war should come first in terms of duration and difficulties after the Saxon war. Indeed, lasting more than eight years, it was complicated by external circumstances and forced the king, as in Saxony,

From the book Slavs: from the Elbe to the Volga author Denisov Yuri Nikolaevich

Where did the Avars come from? There are quite a lot of references to Avars in the works of medieval historians, but descriptions of them government structure, life and class division are completely insufficiently represented, and information about their origin is very contradictory. In

From the book Slavs and Avars. Second half of the 6th - beginning of the 7th century. author Alekseev Sergey Viktorovich

Avars in Europe The nomadic tribes of Yap and Huni (Varkhonites) became known in Europe under the name Avars. By the middle of the 6th century, in the Asian steppes there was a unification of nomads under the rule of the Altai Turks (Turkut). The Türkuts conquered many related to them, as well as Iranian and

: Róurán). This opinion was shared by B. Spuhler, J. Marquart, W. Eberhard, R. Grousset, K. Menges, P. Pello, E. A. Helimsky. According to the point of view of the above researchers, the Mongol-speaking nature of the Rourans is undeniable. Based on linguistic material, the theory is confirmed in early Mongolian borrowings in Slavic languages: for example, the words “banner” and “cart”, as well as indirectly in the existence of the title Kagan, which was known among the Rourans.

Scientists who are skeptical of the Rouran hypothesis admit that a certain contribution of the Rourans to the Avar union is possible, but believe that it was not the main one. Thus, attention is drawn to the mention in the Chinese chronicle of the tribe hua(Chinese example: 滑, pinyin: Hua), which migrated from the Tarim Basin to Afghanistan and was a branch of the Yuezhi or Hephthalites. Turkish researcher Mehmed Tezcan believes that Hua acted as a political name for the Hephthalite group.

A significant contribution to the substantiation of the Iranian-speaking majority of the early Avars and the presence of their family ties with the “White Hunnic” ( White Huns, Aryan Huns) tribes of Afghanistan and adjacent areas: Hephthalites, Chionites, Kidarites contributed the work of the Japanese researcher Katsuo Enoki. Essentially, the same position is defended by Nikolai Kerrer, K. Tsegled, A. Hermann and others. In A. Hermann’s “Atlas of China”, the eastern territories of Khorasan, Tokharistan and other adjacent lands are indicated as the patrimony of the Afu/Hua/Avar people /ephthalite

A number of researchers, based on the reports of the Byzantine historians Fiofilakt Simokatta and Menandor, believe that “pseudo-Avars” operated in Europe - Varkhonites (Uar and Huni tribes), who appropriated the name Avars to frighten their neighbors.

When Emperor Justinian occupied the royal throne, some of the Uar and Huni tribes fled and settled in Europe. Calling themselves Avars, they gave their leader the honorary name of Kagan. We will tell you why they decided to change their name, without deviating at all from the truth. Barselt, Unnugurs, Sabirs and, besides them, other Hunnic tribes, seeing only part of the Uar and Hunni people fleeing to their places, were imbued with fear and decided that the Avars had moved to them. Therefore, they honored these fugitives with brilliant gifts, hoping thereby to ensure their safety. When the Uar and Huni saw how favorable the circumstances were for them, they took advantage of the mistake of those who sent embassies to them and began to call themselves Avars; they say that among the Scythian peoples the Avars tribe is the most active and capable. Naturally, even to this day, these pseudo-Avars (as it would be correct to call them), having arrogated to themselves a primacy position in the tribe, retained various names: some of them, according to ancient habit, are called Uar, while others are called Hunny.

Avar language

Data on the Avar language are very scarce and do not allow us to judge with certainty its identity. Avar titles and personal names preserved in written sources are universal for the Altai language family. As evidenced by archaeological data, the Avars used a type of runic writing, but all the inscriptions found are very short and cannot be deciphered. The only monument from which they are trying to reconstruct the Avar language of the European period is an inscription made in Greek letters on a vessel from the Nagy Szent Miklos treasure. The conclusions of linguists are different. Russian linguist E. Khelimsky attributed its language to the Tungus-Manchu group. O. Mudrak, on the contrary, defined it as typically Bulgarian (Turkic).

The Bulgarian researcher J. Voinikov made a translation of this inscription: “ΒΟΥΗΛΑ ΣΟΑΠΑΝ ΤΕCΗ ΔΥΓΕΤΟΙΓΗ ΒΟΥΤΑΟΥΛ ΣΩΑΠΑΝ ΤΑΓΡΟΓΗ ΗΤΖ ΙΓΗ ΤΑΙCΗ":

So, the meaning of the expression: Boyla zhupan placed, made, or engraved an inscription, according to custom, or as a sign of trust, for the use of Boyla zhupan cup, respectively. for pleasure, satisfaction, or purification.

Anthropological data

Hungarian archaeologists define the Avars as Caucasians (in the majority) and note that a small stratum, apparently the dominant one, retained a pronounced Mongoloid type, such as that of modern Buryats and Mongols (Tungids). However, even more often, representatives of the same dominant group showed the so-called Turanian (Central Asian) type of facial structure.

Features of culture

Avar men grew their hair long and braided it.

Political history

The Avars appeared on the arena of world history in 555 as a nomadic people pushed to the west by the ancient Turks. Then they were still roaming the steppes of western Kazakhstan. In 557, their nomads moved to the western bank of the Volga in the steppes of the North Caucasus, where they entered into an alliance with the Alans against the Savirs and Utigurs. Tribes related to the Avars mentioned in Byzantine sources zabender, perhaps related to the emergence of the city of Semender in Caspian Dagestan.

Avar legacy

The Avars played an important role in the ethnogenesis of the Slavic peoples, facilitating their resettlement to the Balkans (Croats, Horutans), as well as consolidating them into primary state formations (the State of Samo).

Avar descendants

Caucasian Avars or Avars (Avaral, Ma'arulal) have not been sufficiently studied by geneticists (no data on the paternal line, Y-DNA) to judge how genetically related they may be to the Eurasian Avars. No one has yet carried out any special archaeological research aimed at searching for the Avar heritage in Dagestan, although archaeologists have still found rich military burials of representatives of the Iranian-speaking nomadic world in the high-mountain Avar village. Bezhta, dated to the 8th-10th centuries. and conditionally classified as “Sarmatians”. However, the situation is complicated by the fact that all artifacts from excavations of burial grounds left by Iranian-speaking nomads on the territory of Avaria receive only a vague definition of “Scythian-Sarmatian”. Such sliding characteristics are devoid of specifics and do not in any way contribute to highlighting the actual Avar (Varhun) contribution to the ethnogenesis and culture of the Avars, if, of course, there was one. We have only reached:

  1. the presence of the ethnic terms “Avar” and “Hunza”, and the territory of the latter is “Accident” in the narrow sense of the word;
  2. evidence from sources about the special relationship between the Mongols and Avars;
  3. the fact of the strengthening of the Caucasian Accident during the era of the kingdom of Sarir and during the period of Mongol rule in the North Caucasus, which, in principle, may be related to the Eurasian Avars.

Also known:

  1. fact of reconstruction by Nikolaev S. L. and Starostin S. A. (Nikolajev S. L., Starostin S. A. A North Caucasian Ethymological Dictionary. - Moscow, 1994), modern Avar designation of the concept “people (armed people), army, militia” as ʔwar (* ʔwar>*bar>bo);
  2. data from genetic molecular studies of the maternal line of descent (mtDNA), proving that the genetic distance between the Avars and the Iranians of Tehran, the Iranians of Isfahan is much less significant than between the first and almost all currently studied both Dagestan and Caucasian populations (the only exception is Rutulians);
  3. the presence of an impressive number of Avar-Indo-European isoglosses.

According to the results of genetic molecular studies, some of the inhabitants of Croatia, primarily the island of Hvar, most likely belong to the descendants of the Eurasian Avars.

According to the information available to geneticists regarding the Y chromosome, the Dargins have the most homogeneous (possibly due to genetic drift) and rare male lineage for southern European populations in Dagestan. These data demonstrate a relatively high degree of relatedness of the Dargins (male, paternal line) with the descendants of the Eurasian Avars identified in Croatia: “Y chromosomal haplogroup I1b * (xM26) as a signature of the Avar population ... The Darginians had a high frequency of haplogroup * (0.58)". Next come the Abkhazians (0.33), Ossetians-Ardonians (0.32), Ossetians-Digorians (0.13) and Kabardians (0.10). 16.7% of the Russians of Adygea examined in 2004 had subgroup I1b* (P37). If among Russian Cossacks this same subgroup is represented in a slightly reduced proportion - 15.5%, even more decreasing among Belgorodians - 12.5%, but among Russians, for example, Kostroma, Smolensk and Pinega, the indicators are completely different: 9.4%, 9 .1%, 3.9%. Further, towards the territory of the former Avar Kaganate, the picture begins to change again: Ukrainians (16.1%), Belarusians (15%), Hungarians (11.1%), Bosnian Croats (71.1%). However, the Ugric relatives of the Hungarians - the Mordovians and the Komi - differ significantly in this regard: 2.4%, 0.9%. The indicators for Russians of Bashkortostan, Chuvash and Tatars are insignificant: 2.0%, 1.3%, 2.4%. I, I1, I1a, I1b markers are usually characteristic of Nordic populations (direction of migration: North-West Asia > Europe), including the descendants of the Vikings. Therefore, haplogroup I is often called the “northern barbarian gene.” As for the Avar haplogroups P* (P*xM173 cluster) and F*(Y-DNA) found in the Croats, which are very rare for European populations, presumably also - P1* (Y-DNA), then P1* (Y-DNA) can be traced among the Chechens (0.16), and F* (Y-DNA) among the Svans (0.92), Rutuls, Lezgins (0.58), Dargins (0.27).

For more specific conclusions when identifying the Avar descendants, as well as ethnic groups related to the Avars, what is still needed is not general outlines and indirect evidence, but a serious comprehensive analysis of all available materials, which is impossible in itself, without attracting due attention to this topic from archaeologists , linguists, geneticists.

see also


  1. Short review for opinions see Farid Shafiev. Ethnogenesis and history of migrations of Turkic nomads: patterns of the assimilation process. Baku 2000.
  2. http://www.transoxiana.org/Eran/Articles/Tezcan_Apar.pdf.
  3. The Origin of the White Huns or Hephthalites. Roma: -East and West, IV. 1955, no. 3; see also On the nationality of the Hephthalites. Tokyo: Memories of the Department of the Toyo Bunko, N18,1959
  4. TSB. T.1 M., 1969.
  5. Hungarians and Europe in the Middle Ages. CEU press
  6. Khelimsky E. Tungus-Manchu language component in the Avar Kaganate and Slavic etymology // Materials for the report at the XIII International Congress of Slavists. Ljubljana, 15-21 August 2003
  7. O. A. Mudrak. Notes on the language and culture of the Danube Bulgars // Aspects of comparative studies 1. M., ed. RSUH, 2005, pp. 83-106
  8. Alano-Ancient Bulgarian Letter, V. Tarnovo, ed. Faber. 2010, pp.157-159
  9. Comparative dictionary of Tungus-Manchu languages. Materials for the etymological dictionary. T. 2. Publishing house "Science". Leningrad branch. Leningrad 1975. Rep. editor V.I. Tsintsius. Compiled by: V. A. Gortsevskaya, V. D. Kolesnikova, O. A. Konstantinova, K. A. Novikova, T. I. Petrova, V. I. Tsintsius, T. G. Bugaeva. Scanning: Alexander Lidzhiev (Elista), 2005. All files are presented in pdf format and have sizes from 300 KB to 5 MB. Website: Monumenta altaica, pp. 204, 149
  10. Comparative dictionary of Tungus-Manchu languages. Materials for the etymological dictionary. T 2. Page 218, 219, 221.
  11. M. R. Fedotov. “Etymological dictionary of the Chuvash language” (2 volume C-Z pdf, 22 Mb) Cheboksary - 1996 Website: Monumenta altaica, p.204
  12. Altaic etymology. S. Starostin. Copyright 1998-2003. An etymological dictionary of Altai languages, on which a group of researchers - S. Starostni, A. V. Dybo, O. A. Mudrak and I. Shervashidze - have been working for about four years. This database contains a large amount of still rather raw material, which the authors hope to polish in the final edition, but are ready to put this material on public display so that latest achievements Altaic studies became publicly available. Web site
  13. Comparative dictionary of Tungus-Manchu languages. Materials for the etymological dictionary, p. 176.
  14. Comparative dictionary of Tungus-Manchu languages. Materials for the etymological dictionary. T. 1. Page 333.
  15. Comparative dictionary of Tungus-Manchu languages. Materials for the etymological dictionary. T 2. Page 229,241, 173, 223.
  16. Comparative dictionary of Tungus-Manchu languages. Materials for the etymological dictionary. T 2. Page 240-241.
  17. Dead or found...
  18. Western expansion of the Avars and Bulgarians
  19. L. N. Gumilyov Ancient Rus' and the Great Steppe.


  • Venelin Yu. I. About the images, their kingdom and its limits // Venelin Yu. I. Origins of Rus' and the Slavs / Rep. ed. O. A. Platonov. - M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2011. - P. 639-662. - 864 p. - ISBN 978-5-902725-91-6
  • Gumilyov L.N. A millennium around the Caspian Sea. AST. 2002. - ISBN 5-17-012587-9
  • Gumilyov L.N. Ancient Turks. AST. 2004. - ISBN 5-17-024793-1
  • History of Hungary / Rep. ed. Shusharin V.P. - M.: Nauka, 1971. - T. I. S. 75 - 80
  • Currer, Nikolai. “Phibosha aki obre...” - newspaper “History”, No. 19’2001 (one of the versions of the origin of the Avar tribes).
  • Magomedov Murad. Campaigns of the Mongol-Tatars in mountainous Dagestan // History of the Avars. - Makhachkala: DSU, 2005. P. 124
  • Musaev M.Z. Megalocaucasus // Magazine “Our Dagestan”, 2001. No. 192-201
  • Musaev M.Z. Megalocaucasus. To the origins of the Thracian-Dacian civilization // Magazine “Our Dagestan”, 2001-2002. No. 202-204
  • Musaev M.Z. “Afridi - Afghan Avars of Aparshahr” - newspaper “New Business”, No. 18’2007
  • Erdelyi I.
  • Breuer, Eric: Byzanz an der Donau. Eine Einführung in Chronologie und Fundmaterial zur Archäologie im Frühmittelalter im mittleren Donau Raum. Tettnang, 2005. - ISBN 3-88812-198-1 (Neue Standardchronologie zur awarischen Archäologie, Standardwerk)
  • Die Awaren am Rand der byzantinischen Welt. Studien zu Diplomatie, Handel und Technologietransfer im Frühmittelalter. Innsbruck 2000. - ISBN 3-7030-0349-9
  • Lovorka Bara, Marijana Perii, Irena Martinovi Klari, Siiri Rootsi, Branka Janiijevi, Toomas Kivisild, Jüri Parik, Igor Rudan, Richard Villems and Pavao Rudan: Y chromosomal heritage of the Croatian population and its island isolates, European Journal of Human Genetics (2003) 11, 535-542. (Medizinische Studie zu Genvergleichen, von Fachleuten eher kritisch beurteilt)
  • Nikolajev S. L., Starostin S. A. A North Caucasian Ethymological Dictionary. - Moscow, 1994
  • Pohl, Walter: Die Awaren, Ein Steppenvolk in Mitteleuropa 567-822 n.Chr. München 2002. - ISBN 3-406-48969-9, (Publikation zu den frühmittelalterlichen Awaren aus der Sicht eines der angesehensten Historiker auf diesem Gebiet. Standardwerk!)
  • Rasonyi, Laszlo. Tarihte Türklük. Ankara: Türk Kültürünü Araştırma Enstitüsü, 1971
  • Reitervölker aus dem Osten. Hunnen + Awaren. Burgenländische Landesausstellung 1996, Schloß Halbturn. Eisenstadt 1996. (Ausstellungskat., behandelt alle archäologischen Themenbereiche, besonders für Laien als Einstieg)
  • Sinor, Denis: The Cambridge History of Early Inner Asia. Cambridge 1990.(Publikation zu reiternomadischen Völkern in Mittel-und Innerasien)
  • Szentpéteri, József (Hrsg.): Archäologische Denkmäler der Awarenzeit in Mitteleuropa. Varia archaeologica Hungarica 13. Budapest 2002. - ISBN 963-7391-78-9, ISBN 963-7391-79-7


  • Ancient Turkic dictionary. Leningrad - 1969 Authors: Nadelyaev V.M., Nasilov D.M., E.R. Tenishev, Shcherbak A.M., Borovkova T.A., Dmitrieva L.V., Zyrin A.A., Kormushin I. V., Letyagina N. I., Tugusheva L. Yu. Leningrad 1969. Website: Monumenta altaica. All files are presented in pdf format. Scanning - Ilya Gruntov, 2006
  • Erdelyi I. Disappeared peoples. Avars // Nature, 1980, No. 11
  • On the origin of the Nirun clans and Genghis Khan, see Oleg Lushnikov. Mongolian Mithraism. On the issue of ethnic and religious affiliation of the Borjigin and Genghis Khan clans
  • For Avars as the last wave of Iranian nomads, see Scytho-Sarmatians
  • On the similarities between Mongol military tactics and Avar tactics, see Taratorin V.V. “Mongols”
  • Website of the Avar fan club in Germany. Samples of Avar costumes made by modern fashion designers
  • Studien zur Archäologie der Awaren (1984 ff.) und zahlreiche weitere Publikationen von Falko Daim
  • HomePage der Ausstellung Reitervölker aus dem Osten, Hunnen + Awaren, Burgenländische Landesausstellung 1996
  • Awarenfunde bei Wien, Karte (Anm: Die nördliche und nordwestliche Grenze des Awarenreichs ist auf dieser recht vereinfachten Karte falsch eingezeichnet, sie verlief viel südlicher)?
  • For the results of craniological studies of the Avars, see Erzsébet Fóthi. "Anthropological conclusions of the study of Roman and Migration periods." Acta Biol Szeged 2000, 44:87-94 Abstract PDF
  • On the anthropological appearance of the Avars and the social status of the Mongoloid Avars, see Chapter VII, section 2. "The Turks and Mongols"
  • Avars, Germans, Byzantines and Slavs in the Carpathian Basin, see: Avars, Germans, Romans and Slavs in Karpatian Basin
  • Baric et al (2003), Y chromosomal heritage of Croatian population and its island isolates, European Journal of Human Genetics 11, 535-542
  • For Avar descendants in Croatia, see

The Avars are a tribal union, mainly of Turkic-speaking tribes who lived on the Volga and the Caspian Sea. One of the three branches of a single Turkic group (Avars, ).

Avars (OBRAs) appeared in Europe as a result of the collapse of the Hunnic monarchy. In the middle of the 6th century. they penetrated the Danube, from where they raided the Slavic tribes. At the end of the 8th century. Charlemagne's commanders defeated the Avars. Russian chronicles call them obra. The ancient Avars-Obras were Turks, which distinguishes them from modern ones Avars living in the Caucasus, so there is no connection between them. IN "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" It is undoubtedly not the ancient obras that are mentioned, but the Avars of Dagestan, who were already famous then for their metal products.

In 558, the Avar Kagan Boyan killed the Duleb ambassador of Mezhamir and conquered their country; news of Avar oppression was preserved in Slavic legends and recorded in the chronicle. In the 6th century, Avars formed in the river basin. Danube (in Pannonia, between the Danube and the Carpathians) state association Avar Khaganate(mid 6th - late 8th centuries) ( Not to be confused with the later Avar Khanate in Dagestan).

The Slavs resisted the oppressors, and in 602 the Avars again sent an army under the command of Aspikh to the land of the Antes. The Western Slavs and Czechs also experienced Avar oppression, the Avars raided the Franks and Byzantium.

According to Byzantine sources, Constantinople was saved from capture and destruction by the direct intervention of the Mother of God herself [ miracle of the Intercession (robe) Holy Mother of God- a holiday revered equally by Orthodox and Catholics (we have October 14 of the new style)].

The Franks suffered a number of serious defeats from the Avars, so strong that even the Frankish king Sigibert II was captured by the Avars. He managed to be released only for a promise not to support Christians subject to the Kaganate and to marry his heir Dagobert I to the Avar princess Rachel. The newlyweds received as their inheritance a seaside town, later named La Rochelle, which became famous as the center and stronghold of all heretical movements in medieval France.

In 623, a powerful union of West Slavic tribes was created, which was headed by the king of the Czech Republic (from 627). The union defeated the Avars, stopping their further advance. This alliance successfully resisted the onslaught of the Franks until 658.

In the half of the 7th century. the power of the Avars begins to decline, then the fight is on two fronts, against the Arabs advancing through Spain and strengthened over a vast territory, including modern Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Yugoslavia - Avars, led by Arnulf of Geristal - the distant ancestor of Charlemagne. It took the Geristal majordomos more than a hundred years to take control of the unreliable royal power, after the successful marriage of the heir to the throne, bestowed incredible privileges on the Gentiles, unite the spreading parts of the state, stop the victorious warriors of Islam at Poitiers in 732, remove from power and depose the descendants of Dagobert and Rachel, be crowned - and only in the mid-sixties of the 8th century AD . Charlemagne was able to start a successful war with the Avars.

In 796, the Frankish king Charlemagne inflicted a terrible defeat on them in Pannonia: he ended the twenty-year war with the complete and final defeat of the Avar Kaganate. His international Christian-pagan troops stormed the considered impregnable capital of the Kaganate, Ring, located on the Danube on the site of the modern Bulgarian city of Preslav ( Pereyaslavets-on-Danube Russian chronicles - the place where the Franks took over the glory of the Obra - which Russian chroniclers do not mention, although the great Russian prince Svyatoslav I Igorevich calls this city the capital of the entire land, which he claims and considers his by right [ This is just one version]).

In 867, almost all of the Avars were exterminated by the Bulgarians and assimilated into Hungary and Bulgaria.

Material from the site



Bernshtam A.N., Essay on the history of the Huns, Leningrad, 1951;

Essays on the history of the USSR. III-IX centuries, M., 1958;

Artamonov M.I., History of the Khazars, Leningrad, 1962.