Aurelia. The meaning of the female name Aurelia (Aurika) What does the name Aurika mean?

There is such a rare and beautiful female name in the world - Aurelia, the diminutive form of which is Aurica.

Meaning of the name Aurelia

The name Aurelia, according to one version, is of Latin origin. The melodic sound of which paints us a bright and colorful picture, like a sunny holiday. And people who study chemistry will recognize in this word the root of “gold” - aurum. Consequently, Aurica has a literal meaning - “golden”.

According to the second version, Aurika is a Moldavian name, also meaning gold. Not surprising, since it is in Moldova and surrounding countries that most representatives of this name live.

Numerological name code

Characteristics of the name Aurelia

A girl with this name looks like her mother, but in character she is the spitting image of her father. Due to her emotionality, she is very prone to selfishness. She always wants to be the center of attention, but since she does not have obvious leadership qualities, she very rarely succeeds. But Aurika is endowed with charm and uniqueness, which attracts people to her. Therefore, Aurika achieves universal love through personal conversations and personal sympathy. These girls cannot communicate with the masses.

Representatives of the name with the designation “gold” are well versed in people. From afar they see cunning and calculating people and do not hide their negative attitude towards them.

Aurelia's chosen ones are calm and balanced phlegmatic people. They are the ones who fully balance out overly emotional ladies. In family life, Aurikas are haunted by jealousy. They struggle with this passion all their lives.

Owners of this name can choose absolutely any profession, the implementation of which in the future will be treated more than responsibly. When working with bosses, they do not curry favor, but earn respect through their honest work.

Aurika is a frequent client of fortune tellers. But these are just visits to satisfy curiosity.


Aurelia is very sickly in childhood. And in adolescence, her unbalanced nature is revealed, which is expressed in the occurrence of a large number of nervous breakdowns and hysterics. And a certain psychological instability can be traced throughout her life.

The weakest point in the body is the intestines. Therefore, diet is the best friend of all Aurics.

Aurelia's fate

Life often throws her bitter pills, but the emotional Aurelia still copes with these difficulties.

Family life may be upset due to excessive jealousy or similar temper of the partner.

These women reach great heights in their careers. Thanks to his stubbornness and focus.

Name compatibility

The right husband for Aurelia can have absolutely any name.

Name compatibility calculator

Name talismans

  • Orange color
  • Plant - Wild grapes
  • Animal - large boa constrictor


Aurelia is a very difficult name. Most often it is shortened to Aurica, Aurushka, Aurelushka, Aura with an emphasis on the letter “u” and Aurelica.

Aurelia's name day

There are no Saint Aurelius in the Orthodox world. Therefore, little Aurics are baptized under a different name. Most often like Zlata. Then the name day will fall on October 26th.

Aurelia, female name, Latin - "golden"

Born into a family of business people. In early childhood she gets sick and is capricious, creating many difficulties for her parents. Tries to be a leader everywhere and in everything. Observing her, you can see that she is emotional and has an unstable nervous system. Aurelias themselves are extroverts, talented in music, and have good plasticity. In appearance she resembles her father, in character she resembles her mother.

There are events in Aurelia's life that bring her disappointment, but she is not suspicious, but a very persistent woman, proud, so she endures everything calmly.

They find themselves as musical workers, they can become a mural artist, a children's pediatrician, as well as a drama theater artist, a librarian, a journalist, an architect, an art critic, a teacher, a tram driver, an accountant, a typist, a ballet dancer, a programmer, a speech therapist, and a design engineer. They treat the job they choose conscientiously, but they don’t like to bow to their superiors.

“December” people find it difficult to get married because of their stubborn nature, sometimes not understanding what kind of husband they need for their family. In a marriage, they are attracted by the husband’s balance, because they themselves are very emotional. Aurelias can be so jealous that they themselves are not happy about it; They bear everything painfully and take it to heart. She has many friends, but by nature she is closer to people with an open soul, kind and sympathetic. Aurelia, born in December, has an explosive character, she does not compromise and always suffers because of this.

Aurelias are good housewives, they can cook delicious food, but they do not like to wash dishes and ask others to do it. They are able to “see” cunning people and directly tell them what they think about them. They are inquisitive, go to fortune tellers, but do not believe in their predictions. They achieve considerable success thanks to their perseverance.

“December”, feeling the need for support, meet their friends halfway and help free of charge, empathizing with their difficulties. Some people have a special gift to influence their interlocutors with a winning manner of communication, to sensitively understand the subtlest shades of their feelings and mood. They are courageous, extremely active, live primarily in the world of perception, and easily establish contact with others.

“Autumn” ones stand out for their creative achievements, they love to joke, they are resourceful, they are constantly looking for entertainment and variety, they are optimists. Impatient.

It is very interesting and significant that, psychologically, “springies” are very vulnerable; They are not leaders, but followers. They have a developed imagination, but they prefer to listen rather than talk. They prefer to be on the sidelines, but they are also inquisitive, read a lot of spiritual literature, love prose and poetry, and compose themselves in their free time. When you have to speak in front of friends, everyone likes Aurelia’s stories: they are humorous.

"Winter" ones can oversleep in the morning, because they are "night owls", and in the evening they do not fall asleep for a long time. They have good appearance. In their free time they like to draw and color pictures.

We hope that our interpretation of the mystery of the female name Aurelia will help you better understand your character or the character of your friends. Of course, one decoding and analysis of the origin of the name Aurelia cannot fully characterize the woman or girl to whom it belongs, so on our website you will also find various horoscopes, pages about compatibility, and find out what it means to belong to certain signs of various calendars. We invite you to plunge into the sea of ​​secret knowledge and find out what not only the name Aurelia means, but also your Zodiac sign, animal according to the Eastern Calendar and much more.

Aurelia is a beautiful and quite rare female name. The girls are affectionately called Aurika, Aurushka, Aurelushka, Aura. Moreover, the emphasis is always on the letter “y”.

Name Aurika: meaning

This name has several versions of origin. The first - Latin - says that the root of the word itself is the chemical element aurum - gold, therefore the name is often translated literally as “golden”. The second version speaks of the Moldovan origin of the name, since it is in this country that it is most common. But here “Aurica” also means “gold”.

Aurelia's character

Girls most often inherit their father's character, although outwardly they have more maternal traits. Very emotional, often selfish. They always strive to attract attention to themselves, but, as a rule, they do not have strong leadership qualities. But Aurika has more than enough charm and uniqueness; it is these qualities that make her attractive to others. She achieves universal love through personal conversations.

Girls with a name that means “gold” have the gift of understanding people: they identify cunning and secretive people almost immediately and try not to communicate with them, which they do not hide. Calm and balanced men, often phlegmatic, are chosen as Aurelia's chosen ones, as they help balance excessive emotionality. Aurics are often jealous in family life, but they try to fight this negative quality.

There are no restrictions for Aurika in the professional sphere; she can cope with absolutely any task. She approaches her work responsibly, achieves respect exclusively through honest and persistent work, and does not curry favor with her superiors.

Name Aurika: health

A girl with the affectionate form of the name Aurika is sickly in childhood. She can bring a lot of trouble during adolescence, since it is at this age that her unbalanced nature begins to manifest itself in the form of hysterics and nervous breakdowns. As she grows up, the girl becomes calmer, but some psychological instability will be present throughout her life.

The weakest point in the body is the intestines; to avoid serious problems, it is recommended to follow a diet and maintain a healthy diet.

Name Aurelia: destiny

The picture of the life of a woman with this rare name is most often bright and colorful; her natural emotionality and sensitivity will allow her to fully taste and appreciate the gifts that fate will present to her. But it won’t be possible without “bitter pills.” First of all, problems may arise in family life due to her jealousy, especially if she chooses an emotional partner as her life partner. But in her career, Aurelia is capable of achieving great heights, since she has sufficient stubbornness and determination.


Since the name Aurelia has the designation “golden”, she is recommended to wear jewelry made of this precious metal. But there are other talismans:

  • The color that brings good luck is orange.
  • A plant that is advisable to plant at home is wild grapes.

The mascot animal is a boa constrictor. To always have good luck, you can wear jewelry with the image of this animal, and place a figurine of a boa constrictor in your house.

Name day

There are no Orthodox saints with the name Aurelia, so girls are usually baptized under the similar name Zlata, which also means “gold.” In this case, the name day will be celebrated on October 26. But a girl can be baptized under any other name.

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What does the name Aurelia (Aurika) mean or the meaning of the name Aurelia (Aurica)

Meaning of the name Aurelia (Aurika) option 1

1. Personality. Those who wrap around.

2. Character. 91%.

3. Radiation. 97%.

4. Vibration. 75 000 oscillations/s.

5. Color. Orange.

6. Main features. Sensitivity - Intelligence
- sociability - morality.

7. Totem plant. Wild grapes.

8. Totem animal. Boa 1.

9. Sign. Aquarius.

10. Type. These women, like their totem,
They wrap themselves around the object of their desires so tightly that it loses its ability to resist.
Aurelia love intrigue.

11. Psyche. They need wide open
a window to the world, they need an audience, because they are actresses at heart.

12. Will. Strong. These girls don't mind
guide your will wisely.

13. Excitability. Quite strong excitability
leads this woman to rash decisions, uncontrollable and unpredictable

14. Speed ​​reaction. Aurelia
absolutely not objective. But, what’s even worse, they have “their own” husband, “their own” house, “their own”
life. They rush through life like a mad hurricane.

15. Field of work. Doing everything
in a row, they will try everything, they have no problems choosing a profession, they are decisive
ladies who know what they want. Sometimes they work in two places at the same time: for example,
They can be teachers and play in an orchestra in the evenings.

16. Intuition. This is what they say about them:
“she just has a sense of smell...” They see the hidden aspects of a matter, see right through people and read
their thoughts.

17. Intelligence. Living mind of the synthetic
type. Aurelia everything is grasped on the fly. They have an excellent memory, especially
remember the insults caused to them well and for a long time.

18. Susceptibility. Prefer to love
yourself than to be loved.

19. Moral. With enviable ease
adapt to friends from very different environments and just as easily tame them.

20. Health. Overall good, but sometimes
feel an incomprehensible malaise, most often of mental origin. Aurelias
you need to “listen to yourself.” The weak point of their body is the intestines.

21. Sexuality. Let us remember that totemic
Their animal is a snake, so their sexuality is associated with possession.

22. Activity. In a good mood they can
be quite adorable!

23. Sociability. Such women simply
the need to be among people.

24. Conclusion. Flora researchers and
the fauna of Africa will tell you that the boa falls on its victim from the tree from which it was observing
for her. But getting out of her arms is a problem...

1 Large
snake of the boa constrictor family.

Meaning of the name Aurelia (Aurika) option 2

from Latin - “golden”

Aurelia born into a family of business people, businessmen. In the early
In childhood she is ill and capricious, creating many difficulties for her parents. Watching her
You can see that she is an emotional girl, she has an unstable nervous system.

Tries to be a leader everywhere and in everything. In appearance she resembles her father, in character she resembles her mother.
Aurelias themselves are extroverts, have good plasticity, and are talented in music.
“Winter people” can oversleep in the morning, because
They are night owls and do not fall asleep for a long time in the evening. They have good appearance. In free
They love to draw and color pictures.

“December” Aurika, feeling the need
in support, meets friends halfway and helps for free, empathizing with their difficulties.
They are brave, extremely active, live primarily in the world of perception, easily
establish contact with others. Some women have a special gift for action
at your interlocutors with an engaging manner of communication, sensitively understanding their subtlest nuances
feelings and moods.

"Autumn" Aurelia stands out for its
creative achievements, likes to joke, resourceful, constantly looking for entertainment,
diversity. They are optimists and impatient.

It is very interesting and significant that, psychologically, “spring”
Aurelia vulnerable; She is not a leader, but a follower. They prefer to be on the sidelines
but also inquisitive, read a lot of spiritual literature, love prose, poetry,
In their free time they compose themselves. They have a developed imagination, but prefer
listen rather than talk. When you have to perform in front of your friends, everyone likes you
Aurelia's stories: they have funny humor.

Aurelia- very good housewives, they can cook delicious food, but they don’t like to wash
dishes and ask others to do it. They achieve considerable success thanks to their perseverance.
They are able to “see” cunning people and directly tell them what they think about them. Curious,
They go to fortune tellers, but they don’t believe in their predictions.

“December” Aurelia finds marriage difficult because of her stubborn character, sometimes
not understanding what kind of husband they need for their family. Aurelias can be so jealous that
they themselves are not happy about it; They bear everything painfully and take it to heart.
In a marriage, they are attracted by the husband’s balance, because they themselves are very emotional.

Aurelia, born in December, has an explosive character, she does not compromise and
always suffers because of this. She has many friends, but by nature she is closer to
people with an open soul, kind and sympathetic.

Aurika finds herself as a music worker, can become an artist
painter, children's pediatrician, as well as drama theater artist, librarian, driver
tram, accountant, typist, ballet dancer, programmer, journalist,
architect, art critic, teacher, speech therapist, design engineer. To work,
whom they choose, they treat them conscientiously, but they don’t like to bow to their superiors.

Version 1. What does the name Aurelia (Aurica) mean?

From Latin - “golden”

Aurelia is born into a family of business people, businessmen. In the early
In childhood she is ill and capricious, creating many difficulties for her parents. Watching her
You can see that she is an emotional girl, she has an unstable nervous system.

Tries to be a leader everywhere and in everything. In appearance she resembles her father, in character she resembles her mother.
Aurelias themselves are extroverts, have good plasticity, and are talented in music.
“Winter people” can oversleep in the morning, because
They are night owls and do not fall asleep for a long time in the evening. They have good appearance. In free
They love to draw and color pictures.

“December” Aurika, feeling the need
in support, meets friends halfway and helps for free, empathizing with their difficulties.
They are brave, extremely active, live primarily in the world of perception, easily
establish contact with others. Some women have a special gift for action
at your interlocutors with an engaging manner of communication, sensitively understanding their subtlest nuances
feelings and moods.

“Autumn” Aurelia stands out for its
creative achievements, likes to joke, resourceful, constantly looking for entertainment,
diversity. They are optimists and impatient.

It is very interesting and significant that, psychologically, “spring”
Aurelia is vulnerable; She is not a leader, but a follower. They prefer to be on the sidelines
but also inquisitive, read a lot of spiritual literature, love prose, poetry,
In their free time they compose themselves. They have a developed imagination, but prefer
listen rather than talk. When you have to perform in front of your friends, everyone likes you
Aurelia's stories: they have funny humor.

Aurelias are very good housewives, they can cook delicious food, but they don’t like to wash
dishes and ask others to do it. They achieve considerable success thanks to their perseverance.
They are able to “see” cunning people and directly tell them what they think about them. Curious,
They go to fortune tellers, but they don’t believe in their predictions.

“December” Aurelia finds marriage difficult because of her stubborn character, sometimes
not understanding what kind of husband they need for their family. Aurelias can be so jealous that
they themselves are not happy about it; They bear everything painfully and take it to heart.
In a marriage, they are attracted by the husband’s balance, because they themselves are very emotional.

Aurelia, born in December, has an explosive character, she does not compromise and
always suffers because of this. She has many friends, but by nature she is closer to
people with an open soul, kind and sympathetic.

Aurika finds herself as a music worker and can become an artist
painter, children's pediatrician, as well as drama theater artist, librarian, driver
tram, accountant, typist, ballet dancer, programmer, journalist,
architect, art critic, teacher, speech therapist, design engineer. To work,
whom they choose, they treat them conscientiously, but they don’t like to bow to their superiors.

Events happen in her life that bring disappointments, but Aurelia
not a suspicious woman, but a very persistent woman, proud, so she endures everything calmly.

Version 2. What does the name Aurelia (Aurika) mean?

1. Personality. Those who wrap around.

2. Character. 91%.

3. Radiation. 97%.

4. Vibration. 75,000 oscillations/s.

5. Color. Orange.

6. Main features. Sensitivity - Intelligence
- sociability - morality.

7. Totem plant. Wild grapes.

8. Totem animal. Boa1.

9. Sign. Aquarius.

10. Type. These women, like their totem,
They wrap themselves around the object of their desires so tightly that it loses its ability to resist.
Aurelia loves intrigue.

11. Psyche. They need wide open
a window to the world, they need an audience, because they are actresses at heart.

12. Will. Strong. These girls don't mind
guide your will wisely.

13. Excitability. Quite strong excitability
leads this woman to rash decisions, uncontrollable and unpredictable

14. Reaction speed. Aurelia
absolutely not objective. But, what’s even worse, they have “their own” husband, “their own” house, “their own”
life. They rush through life like a mad hurricane.

15. Field of activity. Doing everything
in a row, they will try everything, they have no problems choosing a profession, they are decisive
ladies who know what they want. Sometimes they work in two places at the same time: for example,
They can be teachers and play in an orchestra in the evenings.

16. Intuition. This is what they say about them:
“she just has a sense of smell...” They see the hidden aspects of a matter, see right through people and read
their thoughts.

17. Intelligence. Living mind of the synthetic
type. Aurelia grasps everything on the fly. They have an excellent memory, especially
remember the insults caused to them well and for a long time.

18. Receptivity. Prefer to love
yourself than to be loved.

19. Morality. With enviable ease
adapt to friends from very different environments and just as easily tame them.

20. Health. Overall good, but sometimes
feel an incomprehensible malaise, most often of mental origin. Aurelias
you need to “listen to yourself.” The weak point of their body is the intestines.

21. Sexuality. Let us remember that totemic
Their animal is a snake, so their sexuality is associated with possession.

22. Activity. In a good mood they can
be quite adorable!

23. Sociability. Such women simply
the need to be among people.

24. Conclusion. Flora researchers and
the fauna of Africa will tell you that the boa falls on its victim from the tree from which it was observing
for her. But getting out of her arms is a problem...

snake of the boa constrictor family.

Numerology of the name Aurelia (Aurika)

Name number: 3

The number 3 is sacred. It carries the message of a mutually complementary combination of opposites.
In numerology, this number is ruled by Mars - a very strong planet, whose wards have a sharp, lively and dynamic character. These are creative people with rich imagination, intuition, and high intellectual potential.
Number three is introverted. His motto is “The Giver of Joy.” Three people have a rich inner world, a great sense of humor and subtle taste. They are sociable, optimistic, cheerful, and charismatic.

The meaning of the letters in the name Aurelia (Aurika)

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

U- these people are introverts by nature. They are very secretive and prefer indoor gatherings. As a rule, they do excellent work at school and college. It's hard to make new acquaintances. Avoid the opposite sex. To achieve a goal, they can use all resources and complete the task.

R- people with the letter “R” in their name have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible and you can rely on them in any situation. They have well-developed intuition and have an extremely negative attitude towards lies. They constantly strive for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

E- sociability, insight, commercialism and selfishness. Owners of this letter are able to win people over. They are simple and charming at the same time. They constantly strive for a good life, which they value more than friendship. They realize themselves well in creative professions. They are interesting conversationalists.

L- artistic and inventive individuals. They prefer to be guided by logical thinking in their actions. They know how to win over. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and disdainful of other people. It is extremely difficult to endure separation from loved ones. They are overly capricious and require increased attention to their person.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

I- people who have this letter in their name know their worth. They strive to achieve love and respect from the people around them. People with the letter "I" are good thinkers and are capable of hiding many secrets. In addition, they are excellent conversationalists and romantic people with a rich imagination.

TO- distinguished by insight, slight nervousness and strong endurance. Regardless of gender, people with the first letter of their name “K” have a strong, strong-willed character. They are distinguished by remarkable stubbornness, which is the cause of the vast majority of conflict situations at home and at work.

Name as a phrase

  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • U- Uk (Ouk, Decree, Indicate, Order)
  • R- Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
  • E- Esi (Is, Be, Exist)
  • L- People
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • I- (YA = A) Az
  • TO- Kako

Name Aurelia (Aurika) in English (Latin)

Aureliia Aurika

When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the name Aurelia (Aurika) in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

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