Arch for grapes, do-it-yourself support made of plastic pipes or profile pipes. Trellis and pergola for grapes

When planting a grape bush, you need to consider that this crop requires supports. If you think in advance about how the grapes will look in 5–7 years, you can avoid troubles with shaping and decorate your estate.

In each region, it is customary to construct trellis structures differently. But also any experienced winegrower can prove the fidelity and advantages of his own design, but any gardener is free to choose.

Types of trellises for growing grapes

Depending on where the grapes are planted and for what purpose, the type of trellis is selected.

To understand which one you need, you need to consider all the options.

Trellis with one plane (single-plane)

A single-plane trellis is most often used in private vineyards.

If the area of ​​the estate is small, or there is a need to save land for growing vegetables or shrubs, then such a trellis is the most practical.

The planted grape bush is formed with sleeves and tied in one plane. This trellis for grapes can be easily installed with your own hands using drawings and photos.

Drawing of a single-row trellis.

The advantages of such a trellis are obvious:

  • space saving;
  • ease of maintenance of the grape bush (processing, green operations, harvesting);
  • low cost of materials;
  • ease of construction of the structure.

Particular attention should be paid to this trellis by those whose vineyard grows in a risky farming zone, in the northern regions. By installing the trellis “facing” to the south and covering the “back” with a tall structure, you don’t have to worry about the prevailing northern winds and the ripening of the grapes.

In this case, the vine will be well lit and well ventilated, which will not allow microscopic fungi to “sit” on it and take away the lion's share of the harvest.

The easiest way to make a single-row trellis!

Trellis with the letter "G"

Scheme of an L-shaped trellis.

This trellis is a type of single-plane trellis. Mainly applicable if you want to make a garden screen from a grapevine.

Such a trellis is also convenient for grapes with great growth vigor, those varieties that need wood to produce a harvest.

Trellis on two planes (two-plane, double)

Such trellises are inconvenient for small areas. They are bulky and take up a lot of space. Their row spacing must be at least 3.5 meters and suitable for growing shade-tolerant crops or without them.

Double trellises are more suitable for industrial vineyards.

Trellis can be of two types:

  • “T” - shaped;
  • "V" - shaped.

The height of such trellises is within 2.5–3 m .


They have one advantage - doubling the grape yield. This occurs due to the increase in fruit sleeves and their formation not into one plane, but into two.

Design options for two-plane trellises.

However, you should understand that not every variety can feed as much as it started, and without rationing, your harvest will be small, sour and unripe. As a result, you will lose:

  • time to grow a bush;
  • money for arranging a trellis;
  • a place where two single-sheet trellises and vegetable beds could be placed.

You need to choose this type of trellis for a specific, high-yielding variety with enormous growth vigor.

In addition, in order for the grapes to be productive, they should be “fed” and “watered”. If you initially do not have the opportunity to feed grapes with large doses of organic matter, then there is no point in investing in such trellises.

Arched trellis

Such a support for grapes can serve not only as a trellis, but also as an element of the design of the estate.

A cozy place to relax under an arched trellis.

A disadvantage may be the high cost of production, but the advantages are also obvious. With its help you can create:

  • gazebos;
  • shady alleys;
  • garden screens;
  • covered shaded garden rooms.

To make the arches look beautiful, use varieties with great growth vigor.

To arrange such trellises, arches are raised to a height according to the purpose. A person must pass under them, and sometimes a car must pass.

Lately, as the heat moves further north, such arches are used to shade part or even the whole yard, as well as courtyards for walking pets.

Material selection

Trellis with concrete pillars.

When planning to build a trellis with your own hands, you need to estimate the costs, since for vertical supports you will need:

  • wooden poles;
  • metal pipes;
  • reinforced concrete racks;
  • asbestos-cement pipes.

The construction can be made cheaper by using used material. However, when counting on the durability of the trellis, it should be understood that the material must be of high quality and sound.

Two-plane trellis made of beams.

If you use a tree, then its lower part, the one that will go into the ground must be treated with a special anti-rotting solution, and wrap with stretch film. As processing agents, you can use molten resin, kerosene, machine waste and, in extreme cases, a solution of copper sulfate of at least 10% concentration. The choice should be given to dense wood species: oak, acacia, chestnut.

If you calculate the costs, then metal pipes will not be much more expensive, but the service life will increase significantly.

Dimensions of trellis for grapes

The dimensions when installing trellises are chosen arbitrarily depending on the growth strength of the bush and spatial possibilities.

Approximate dimensions of the grape trellis.

The installation step for any trellis must be at least 3 meters.

Vertical supports are installed so that there is no need to strengthen them after some time. Some people concrete them, while others simply dig them in well and compact them.

Horizontal rods are welded or screwed.


Looking at the photo, you can easily decide which design to choose.

A two-sheet trellis can have:

  • one base dug into the ground, and from it the supports are moved to the sides at the required angle:
  • two bases, dug in and set apart at an angle.

The height of the trellis should be at least 2 meters, but it is not advisable to build more. Ease of vineyard maintenance should come first. There's no point in having grapes that you can't get. Embossing at high altitude is also difficult to do.

Horizontals play a special role. If initially it seems that the grapevine is thin and just a thin wire is enough, then when we hold a good harvest, we understand that this is not enough.

If we strive to grow clusters of 1500 g, and more than one, then we should understand that someone must hold it. That is why it is better to use reinforcement with a diameter of 8–10 mm, and a square profile pipe 25x25 mm. The connections must be strong.

Formation of grapes

On a single-plane trellis, as well as on a two-plane trellis, shaping is carried out consistently over several years.


The most convenient fan. In this case, the sleeves fan out and their.

Forming a grape bush with a fan.

  • In the year of planting we should get four shoots. To do this, all weak ones are removed at the very beginning, and we spend strength only on the 4 main ones. In the fall we prune 70–80 cm. It happens that the shoots grow weak. In this case, they are cut out and left 5–6 buds. We will try again next year.
  • With the coming of spring fed shoots are tied to a trellis like a fan. Our task is to get only two of the upper buds from each shoot. Therefore, we leave the top two buds, and blind the rest, breaking them out after they are very swollen. In the summer, it is necessary to carry out timely green operations and break out all the growing greenery, except for the two upper shoots.
  • In the fall they do this: from two grown shoots you need to form the so-called head. To do this, we shorten one shoot so as to leave two buds - it will be for renewal, and we shorten the other shoot so that there is 6–7 buds- it will bear fruit. Each of the four shoots is cut out in this way.

In the spring of next year, all shoots are tied horizontally to the trellis. By autumn you will already be able to harvest grapes.


Unlike a fan, we grow sleeves and distribute them in different directions from the base of the bush. On the sleeve, again, we form “heads” according to the same principle as a fan.

Shaping the vine with sleeves.

  • It is impossible to specifically indicate the number of buds to leave for fruiting and how many heads to make . This is determined solely by the genetic characteristics of the variety and growing conditions.
  • If the soils are fertile, agrotechnical measures are carried out promptly and regularly , then you can leave more heads, if scarce, then less.
  • Grapes need to be observed and recorded . By adding 1 head each year, keep an eye on the berries. As soon as the berry becomes smaller or does not ripen, stop at this quantity.
  • Grape culture is very flexible , it can always be renewed, do not be afraid to cut off the excess, be afraid to overdo it with the load.

Video on how to form sleeves on covering grapes

If the task is to cover the sky above your head with a green vine of grapes this year and it doesn’t really matter how it’s done, you can invest only 500-800 rubles. With this money you can build a canopy measuring 10x5x3 meters (length, width, height). Let's get down to business.

  1. We install metal supports in parallel in 2 rows, the length of the row will be 10 meters, the width between them will be about 5 meters, and the distance between two supports in one row will be no more than 2 meters. Each support will be approximately 3 meters in height - this is enough. The role of support will be played by a profiled pipe (square) with a shelf size of 25 mm. The cost of such a product is approximately 20 rubles per 1 meter, if you buy it at a metal depot. Total, only 10 supports of 3 meters each = 30 meters of pipe costing 600 rubles.
  2. We stretch the wire every 50 centimeters along the height of the support along the row, then we tie the tops of the metal squares together, stretch the “crossbars” there every 50 centimeters, we get a kind of mesh. With a cell 50x200 cm.
  3. We stretch the last supports in the row. We screw 5 meters of wire 4-5 mm thick, wind the second end to a hammered peg in the ground, and tighten it by twisting the wire. As a result, the entire structure is gradually stretched.

Now everything is ready, the grapes can be planted along these rows, and the shoots will braid themselves and find the place they need to grow. The entire structure will cost no more than 800 rubles if you use inexpensive materials, ordinary braided wire. The disadvantage is its fragility, since under the weight of the grapes everything can stretch and sag. In a year, you will have to re-tighten the guy wires and change the wire.

Welded canopies - advantages and disadvantages

For those who want to make a truly durable structure, and also not constantly fool themselves with tensioning and alterations, a welded canopy is suitable. It’s quite simple to make, you don’t need any special construction skills, you just need to know how to do a little welding (and it won’t take long to learn). The only drawback of such an arch is its cost, which is tens of times higher than conventional “wire” structures. You will have a 15x15 or even larger square at the top, so the supporting elements must withstand a significant weight, taking into account the fact that the crop can also weigh several hundred kilograms.

We make the supports from a 40x20 mm profiled pipe; it is advisable to concrete the bottom of the pipe with a columnar foundation. Using a drill, we dig a hole to a depth of 50 centimeters, with a diameter of 30 cm, install a support, and fill it with concrete. Next, you need to connect them together with jumpers; we will make them from a 15x15 mm square - this will be quite enough to withstand a significant load of the crop. We tie the top with a 30 mm channel or a 30x15 mm profiled pipe so that it does not bend under the solid weight of the grapes that will braid everything. We also make the grid from a 15x15 mm square.

When making a canopy for grapes with your own hands, do not forget to treat all metal with an anti-corrosion suspension, especially those that are in the ground and will not be tinted periodically. Without protection, it can rot in a few years, which obviously will not suit you. If you want to make an original and truly beautiful design, you can add forged elements at the corners on the outside - this will look very impressive.

Arched structures - are they difficult to make?

In fact, making them is much easier than all other buildings, there is only one caveat - you cannot bend the metal yourself, you will have to buy it, and this is very expensive. An arch with dimensions 5x5x3 will cost you no less than 15,000 rubles based on materials, so here it’s worth weighing whether you’re ready to pay that kind of money for your grapes to grow beautifully. You can cheat a little, worsening the appearance, and achieve a halving of the price.

To do this, you need to buy ordinary supports, install them using the second method on a columnar foundation, and then put a bent profile on top. This way, your sides remain smooth (they will be almost invisible behind the grapes), and the top is in the form of an arch. Since the arched profile is 2 times more expensive than the usual one, and 60% less of it was used, you will save a lot of money. You can also save on supports if you embroider them with a small pipe, since a narrow profile is also much cheaper than large supports.

Another disadvantage of arched structures is the need to guide the vine so that it always grows along the outer perimeter. If the branches braid the bottom of the arch, it will immediately lose its appearance, and the grapes will be very difficult to find in the green grove. Vineyard canopies with arched elements are much more difficult to maintain. Here you already need to choose the lesser of two evils: either constantly look after the planting, or it is better to make it an ordinary square, which looks less neat, but is cheaper and more convenient.

Slanting canopies for the house, their features and advantages

Many people build such structures directly next to a house or other building to create a shade under a gazebo or simply create a cozy corridor for movement. The main advantage of such a structure is its relative cheapness, since you already have one wall and it must be made of metal. You build a metal frame 2-3 meters from the house: 30x15 mm supports and several smaller jumpers between them. This structure is then connected to the house. Here it is already necessary to use anchors, since otherwise you will not be able to connect the metal to the brick.

The easiest way would be to weld a plate on the end of the square, in which you make 2 holes using - this will be a place for the anchor. At the point where the support touches the wall, make holes in the brick for the anchor, screw it through the plate - the support is attached to the wall, you can move on to the next one. Do this until the end of the entire canopy, and the support should be adjacent to the wall at an angle of 45 degrees so that the grapes grow upward along it and do not intertwine. The only inconvenience is that you need to constantly trim the vine that reaches the wall - it will twist and grow in the other direction.

Many gardeners use an ordinary garden net made of plastic with a cell of 40 centimeters instead of metal jumpers - grapes weave along it perfectly, and such a polymer miracle costs a penny. Another advantage of the mesh is its light weight. It does not burden the supporting structure at all. There is also a minus - fragility. Next year we will have to completely change it. However, this minus is dubious, because by changing it you can very easily care for it, you don’t have to cut the grapes out of the metal frame into pieces.

If you do everything according to the instructions, your grapes will delight you not only in the fall, but even throughout the year with excellent shade and appearance!

Since grapes are a heat- and light-loving crop, special care of the plant will be required to obtain a high level of yield or increase the volume of fruiting. One of these care options is a grape trellis, which is a support for any part of the plant; without it, the grape bush is helpless. From this publication you will learn about the types of supports for grapes, how to make and install them yourself.

In the wild, grapes grow chaotically, leaning on trees and other vertical structures or spreading their branches on the ground. But this arrangement does not at all contribute to high yields and enhanced taste of the berries. In the third year of life, the grapes will need reliable support.

A trellis for climbing plants is the most productive and economical method of organizing the placement of grape bushes, flowers, raspberries, and the design also guarantees excellent conditions for fruiting. A strong and durable frame has all the necessary qualities to ensure the growth and development of a shapeless vine.

Thanks to the support, the vines are evenly spaced along the trellis and are perfectly illuminated by the sun. As a result, the leaves produce more organic matter, which ensures an increase in yield, while the ripening of fruits accelerates and their quality improves. The bushes of the plant are better ventilated, as a result of which they are less susceptible to damage by fungal diseases.

A trellis is an artificially created vertical support that ensures optimal growth and development of the plant. This design must be strong and wear-resistant, since the vine creates a significant load during fruiting.

The best option is to create a trellis for grapes with your own hands. To do this, you first need to think through the design of the product, make drawings of a trellis for grapes, and plan its location on your summer cottage. It is very important to install trellises at the correct distance. You should not place structures too close, thereby trying to increase the number of planted plants. The main thing is to provide the vineyard in the country with sufficient light and excellent ventilation.

Before you create a support for grapes with your own hands, you definitely need to get acquainted with the types of these structures in order to choose the most suitable option for your site.

Helpful advice! Growing grapes in the country differs from the industrial method. In large agricultural farms, trellises are placed in such a way that there is free access for equipment to the plants. In small vineyards, special mechanization is rarely used, so the choice of supports for grapes is much wider.

Grape support: materials for making trellises

Based on the material used, the frame for grapes can be divided into the following categories:

  • plastic;
  • asbestos-cement;
  • metal;
  • galvanized;
  • wood.

The safest and most environmentally friendly option is wood. The disadvantage of a wooden trellis is that it is a very short-lived raw material, and grapes have been growing for decades. But if, nevertheless, it was decided to make trellises for grapes from this material, then it is best to give preference to the most durable and durable types of wood, for example, oak, ash, acacia or chestnut are recommended. Alder, linden and maple are trees that are absolutely unsuitable for making supports.

Regardless of the material chosen, the workpieces must be carefully processed before starting work. To do this, the pads are first cleared of bark and then coated with resin or diesel fuel. You can also soak the blanks for two weeks in a solution of copper sulfate. Before installing ready-made supports for grapes, the ground at the installation site must be generously watered with a 5% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Metal supports will look more modern. The advantage of using such trellises is the durability of the structure. In addition, the preparatory stage for the installation and construction of metal supports will be significantly simplified.

Metal grape trellises can be made from iron or galvanized pipes. Before installing an iron structure, it must be painted to prevent rust. Trellis made from asbestos pipes or small plastic poles are quite popular.

Which material is preferable to use for making trellises - the choice depends entirely on the wishes of the gardener.

Before making a trellis with your own hands, it is important to choose the optimal size of the structure. Experts recommend using trellises for grapes, the height of which should not significantly exceed human height. It is best that it be equal to 190 cm, and the optimal distance between two pillars should not exceed 250 centimeters.

For maximum illumination during the day and better ventilation of plants, it is recommended to place structures from north to south. This has to do with the direction the sun moves during the day. This planting scheme plus abundant foliage will allow you to get an excellent grape harvest.

After installing the supports, strong metal wire is pulled between them or thin pipes are used. The use of such materials will avoid the annual tightening of ropes, which will break in any case.

The optimal material for tensioning is copper wire. It will certainly hold the vine, and will also protect the plant from disease. However, copper wire attracts hunters for non-ferrous metals to the site. Therefore, it is better to use galvanized wire, and this material is more affordable.

Usually a wire with a thickness of 3-4 mm is used. The method of attaching this material to the support may be different. Regular nails, metal staples or wire rings will work for this, or you can attach it by pulling it through the supports. If you use a metal support to fasten the wire, you need to pre-drill holes through which it will be pulled.

There are no clear requirements regarding the height of the trellis. In the case of industrial cultivation of grapes, poles with this indicator from 90 to 250 cm are installed; in a household, they can reach a height of up to 350 cm. On average, this value is about 2 m.

There are a lot of master classes on the Internet with drawings of do-it-yourself grape trellises. Also on construction portals there are examples of photos of trellises for grapes.

Helpful advice! To make the grape trellis more useful, it is better to stretch the wire between the supports in several rows. Their optimal number is 3-4.

ArrangementDIY vineyard: varieties of trellises

The first stage of any master class teaching how to make a trellis for grapes begins with choosing the type of support that is optimal for your garden plot.

By design, there are the following categories of supports for grapes:

  • single-plane with and without roof;
  • two-plane V- and Y-shaped;
  • decorative.

Single-planeDIY trellis: drawings and photos

The simplest and most convenient option for effectively organizing the planting of grape varieties with medium-sized fruits is the use of a single-plane support. The design of such a trellis is very simple to manufacture. To create it, you will need about four supports and crossbars, as well as wire and cement mortar to strengthen the supports.

The appearance of a single-plane trellis consists of several blocks with crossbars, which are located on the same line at regular intervals. The supports are fixed with wire.

This type of trellis has a number of advantages:

  • the ability to plant other plants between the rows of trellises;
  • the grapes are easy to care for;
  • plants receive uniform lighting, which means the fruits ripen faster;
  • easy to create with your own hands.

Making such a single-plane trellis for grapes with your own hands is very simple. To do this, you first need to secure the supports in the ground. Then dig or drill holes in which to place the trellis posts. In order for the supports to stand reliably for a long time and withstand the pressure of the vine, the holes must have a depth of about 80 cm, but no less. At the bottom of the pit, create a cushion of sand approximately 20 cm thick.

After this, the installed support must be cemented and left for some time until the foundation hardens. Experts do not recommend exceeding the distance between supports by more than 3 meters.

Then crossbars are mounted along the top of the structure. It is on them that the main load from the weight of the grape branches falls. The wire is tensioned in several rows between the pillars. The optimal distance between them is 45-50 cm. The bottom row is best placed at a height of approximately 40 cm from the ground level, and the top row is 5 cm below the trellis crossbar.

The most effective is the use of a single-plane trellis with a canopy. This design ensures the most optimal use of plant space, and also contributes to better lighting and ventilation of the grapes. It is very easy to make such a trellis for grapes with your own hands; photos of these designs can be easily found on the Internet.

The use of a single-plane trellis allows you to form grape bushes with 2 - 6 sleeves. As the number of branches increases, the distance between the bushes increases.

In the case of densely planted grape bushes in a row, amateur gardeners use cross placement of sleeves. The young vine that will form the sleeve is allowed to grow horizontally along the ground towards the neighboring bush. Do the same with the branch of the next bush. Such planting allows you to accumulate a large supply of old wood, which means it makes it possible to increase the crop yield per unit area.

Helpful advice! It is best to use aluminum or copper wire with a diameter of 2 to 4 mm for the trellis. It is not advisable to use a metal product, since it is susceptible to rust, which means that the wire will have to be changed very often.

Two-plane trellis for grapes: dimensionsand characteristics

Double-plane trellises are best used for large-fruited grape varieties. This design allows you to evenly distribute the above-ground part of the bush on both planes. This type of support eliminates the possibility of planting other plants between the rows of grapes. But such a trellis has many advantages, namely:

  • simple grape care;

Related article:

Design, materials used. Examples of landscape design solutions. Manufacturing tips.

  • improved lighting and ventilation of bushes;
  • reduction of moisture that evaporates from the soil due to the preservation of shade near the ground;
  • easy access to bunches during flowering for pollinating insects;
  • natural formation of the plant;
  • high yield due to the creation of 4-12 sleeves.

Two-plane trellises for grapes come in two types: V and Y-shaped, as well as straight supports. In the case of a V-shaped lattice, the structural supports are fixed at an angle to each other. Y-shaped trellises are formed at the top of the post at an angle of 45 degrees. In straight trellises, the supports are located parallel to each other.

First of all, you need to create a drawing with the specified dimensions. This will make it easier to place the trellis around the area. Due to the fact that two-plane trellises have a more complex design, they will take a little more time and materials.

After this, it is necessary to mark the location of the trellises for grapes on the ground. To do this, it is recommended to mark a rectangle on the area. It is best that its dimensions be 3x0.75 m. Holes are dug in the corners of the resulting figure, the diameter of which should correspond to the size of the pillar.

The optimal depth for this hole should be at least half a meter. This will ensure the most reliable fixation of the supports. Next, the base of the trellis is secured using cement mortar. The supports are moved to the required width along the upper edge, without waiting for the cement to harden. The position of the foundations can be fixed using crushed stone.

The wire begins to be pulled only when the pillars are securely fixed. It is best to stretch from the ground to the top of the supports. The distance between the rows and from the ground must be at least 0.5 m. You can fix the wire on the supports in any convenient way. The top last row of wire must be fastened at a distance of 5 cm from the trellis crossbar.

Helpful advice! To increase grape yields, the trellis can be made up to three or more meters high. Such a support will allow you to place a large mass of old wood, which will contribute to the accumulation of nutrients, and as a result, it will be possible to get a large harvest.

DecorativeDIY grape trellis: drawings and photos

Many owners of country houses decorate their plots and gardens with maiden grapes, which are used as decoration. This plant is very unpretentious, does not bear fruit, which means that special preparation for planting this crop is not required. Any gardener who wants to plant such an ornamental plant in his garden can build a trellis for it with his own hands.

To decorate a garden plot with arches and hedges made of decorative grapes, you only need to make a wooden frame and place several partitions on it. Installing such a trellis is not difficult: you can dig it into the ground or simply lean it against the wall of any building. But to create a green fence you will have to spend effort and material. In this case, the supports for the living fence should be similar to single-plane trellises, but at the same time have a lightweight design.

Master class on making a metal single-planeDIY grape trellises

The optimal place for growing grapes in the country is the sunniest place on the site. Trellis for grapes should be placed from north to south. After preparing the site for the vineyard, the necessary tools and materials, you can begin the installation of the structure itself.

Before installation and concreting, the trellis supports must be treated. Metal pipes must be coated with weather-resistant paint. The part of the pillar that will be underground must be treated with an additional layer of paint or a special substance, and the transition between the above-ground and underground parts must be additionally coated with resin.

Then you need to prepare holes for the posts. The depth of the holes should be at least 70 cm. A cushion 10-20 cm thick of sand and fine gravel is created at the bottom. All this needs to be watered and compacted thoroughly.

The pillars need to be installed evenly, so it is better to do this in pairs. The column must be lowered to the bottom of the hole, fixed with crushed stone and filled with cement mortar. Further installation steps can be carried out only after the concrete has completely dried. This may take a week or more.

Next, the stiffeners are assembled. They are needed to ensure that the pillars do not bend under the weight of the grape branches. Metal corners and small diameter pipes must be attached to the top of the posts. This can be done using a welding machine or ordinary bolts.

At the next stage, we stretch the wire onto the grape supports after 40 cm. You can attach the wire by pulling it through the holes in the posts or using special clamps.

To prevent the wire from sagging and the trellis from deforming under the weight of the grapes, it is necessary to use cable tensioners. You can buy them or make them yourself using thick aluminum wire.

All single-plane trellises are made according to the same principle. Differences in installation lie in the specifics of the material. Wooden poles must be pre-treated; concrete and asbestos poles require holes of a much larger diameter and depth.

Helpful advice ! When installing a V-shaped trellis, the pillars of each plane are installed simultaneously and during the concreting process they are moved apart so that the distance in the upper part between them is about 120 cm.

Buy a trellis for climbing plants: support selection

The modern market offers a wide selection of metal and wooden trellises (photo), so everyone can satisfy their most unexpected fantasies. Buying a trellis for grapes means providing reliable support for a climbing plant. The designs allow you to set the direction of growth of the bush and give the plant the desired shape. Decorative trellises are widely used in landscape design to decorate garden paths, flower beds or recreation areas.

There is a huge selection of models with openwork elements and ornaments on sale. By installing a bench near a metal or wooden garden arch, the buyer will be able to enjoy relaxing in a pleasant and cool shade.

Garden trellises for climbing plants differ in shape, size and materials from which the structure is made. For example, as a flower trellis, it is better to choose a small model made of plastic or bamboo. Trellis or metal arches will provide reliable support for large grape or raspberry bushes.

To make the structure inconspicuous, you should buy a wooden trellis in the form of a lattice arch for the garden. Models with an unusual and original design will help focus attention on the climbing plants on the site.

Any amateur gardener can install and create trellises for grapes with his own hands. The main thing is to follow the advice on processing the material for trellises, as well as adhere to the required distances between the posts and the wire and do not forget about reliable structural stiffeners. If everything is done correctly, the finished trellis will last in the vineyard (photo) for many years.

All owners of dachas and country houses want to make their plot as comfortable as possible. To do this, they erect gazebos, install various decorative items, and create flower beds. Fountains and waterfalls always impress guests.

If you decide to improve your summer cottage, then first of all you need to take care of a canopy for grapes. Here you can have a picnic, play with children or relax with guests.

Types of canopies

Making a canopy for a vineyard with your own hands is a very good idea.

Below we will look at all the structures that can be built for climbing plants.

  • Metal structures are a very strong structure that is assembled by welding. Here you can grow large quantities of grapes for sale on the market or make homemade wine from these berries.
  • Hanging arches are arched products that will create shade in your country house yard.
  • Structures made of metal and wire are the simplest structures. In this option, supports are installed in the ground, and aluminum wire is stretched between them, along which the grapevine will weave.
  • Gazebos - here you can relax with guests and treat yourself to ripe grapes.

Each owner will be able to create any of these designs with his own hands. The main thing is to have imagination and basic skills in working with construction equipment.

Materials for work and marking of the territory

In order to create a canopy for grapes, we will need a hammer drill, a construction tape, long pipes, sand and cement.

Before you start measuring the area, you need to plan the width in advance. If the vineyard will be located close to the house, then it is advisable that it be near the veranda.

Try to make the structure not very high, otherwise your grapes will grow for a very long time, producing less fruit.

Installation Rules

Metal wire structure

The most budget-friendly hanging product is considered to be a canopy made of pipes and wire.

It is very easy to do, just follow the steps below.

  • First of all, metal profile piles are fastened with a square cut. The supports are mounted on concrete or buried deeper into the ground. The average gap between the supports is two to three meters, the height of the structure is 3 m.
  • The roof for the vineyard is made from a metal profile, which must be secured with several self-tapping screws.
  • Between the supports you need to stretch the wire to the very top of the head. The approximate distance between them is half a meter.
  • Grape bushes should be planted along a row of wire. After some time, the vine itself will begin to grow in the right direction.
  • Many owners fasten the opposite side of the structure flush against the house, but experts do not advise fastening the beams to a load-bearing wall. After a few years, your vineyard may ruin all the plaster.

Welding structures

A metal frame for a vineyard, created by welding, is considered the most reliable structure that will serve you for a very long time.

However, creating such a design is quite difficult. This deficiency is made up for by the durability of the structure.

A metal canopy is created using iron profile pipes of different diameters; the choice of cross-section depends on the wishes of the owner of the site. Pipes are welded into a solid frame.

Let's look below at the rules that should be followed when creating a welded structure.

  • The canopy support is fixed in the ground using concreting, which guarantees the reliability of this solution.
  • If you use jumpers between the support piles, you can further secure the entire structure.
  • Before welding, all pipes, supports and other elements must be coated with a special anti-corrosion substance to avoid rust after rains.
  • The roof can be left open, there is no need to be afraid of the sun. After the grapes grow, they will create shade for you. However, if you are afraid of rain, then the roof can be made of polycarbonate. Since it is transparent, your plant will also receive the right amount of sunlight.

At the request of the homeowners, such a structure can be easily decorated with any forged design elements, which will give your canopy additional attractiveness.

Arched canopies

Speaking of attractiveness, arched vine canopies will be an excellent addition to any country house design.

You can also build them yourself.

  • At the very beginning, a columnar foundation is created, onto which the support elements are subsequently fixed.
  • To create an arch passage, you need to weld together a semicircular arc and iron piles fixed in the ground.
  • The supports must be the same length. They are installed at equal depths parallel to each other so that your canopy does not turn out to be crooked.

Some specialists can make such a structure from wood.


Relaxing in a gazebo covered with grapevines is a good option for spending time in the courtyard of a country house.

You can create such a canopy yourself or buy a ready-made one on the market.

The metal frame for this structure can be made of either metal or wood. The most common canopy shapes are polygon or circle.

Below we will consider the stages of building such a gazebo.

  • At the very beginning, you need to take measurements of the site.
  • Next, remove the top layer of soil.
  • After marking the area, you need to dig several holes to install supports.
  • Side piles are installed and concreted.
  • Vertical posts are connected to each other using a metal profile or wooden planks. It all depends on the type of structure you have.
  • The roof of the vineyard can be made either acute-angled or round. It all depends on the imagination of the homeowner. Also, instead of a roof, you can stretch several layers of wire along which your vineyard will wind.

If your structure is metal, then it needs to be coated with a special anti-corrosion substance. For wooden options, a wood coating primer is sold on the market.

Subtleties of landing

The grapes must be planted at a distance of 25 cm from the structure so that their fruits subsequently ripen safely. The approximate depth of the pits is 50 cm, with an interval between them of about 80 cm.

During disembarkation, try to follow the steps below:

  • The first layer is 15 cm of sand or small stones;
  • mineral fertilizer is added to the soil;
  • fill half the well with the resulting mixture;
  • the cuttings are planted at a slight angle (not perpendicular);
  • the hole is buried and the cuttings are watered moderately;
  • the resulting seedling is tied to the bottom of the hanging structure with a rope.

Additional extensions to the house

It doesn’t matter what you choose - a gazebo or a welding canopy, the important thing is that it is located near the veranda or above the entrance to the house.

Is it possible to make trellises for grapes with your own hands so as to increase the yield by 2 or more times? Yes! - after all, the main condition for grape yield is uniform illumination of the bush throughout the daylight hours, good watering and ventilation of the vine. And different trellis designs for grapes provide these conditions in different ways.

How to make simple trellises for grapes with your own hands.

The simplest (single-plane) trellises for grapes can be made with your own hands from wooden stakes with a diameter of 12-15 cm or metal pipes. The length of the supports is 2.8 m - 60 cm are dug in depth and 2.2 m is the height of the finished trellis. The distance between the supports in the trellis is 3 m. We stretch a wire between the supports - the first at a height of 50 cm from the ground, the rest at a distance of 30 cm from the previous one. The grapes on the first wire will be able to receive heat from the heated ground, but will remain clean after the rain.

The direction of the trellis is from south to north. When planting grapes next to a bush, a pipe is dug to a depth of 80 cm to feed the bush - watering and fertilizing of the grapes goes through it. These trellises are best suited for covering grapes - they can be easily removed from such a trellis and covered for the winter.

But there are more effective trellis designs - two-plane ones, which provide maximum sparseness and illumination of the bushes; a more powerful bush is formed on them and, consequently, the yield increases.

Do-it-yourself two-plane trellises for grapes.

Double-plane trellises have the shape of an inverted trapezoid. This design ensures more intensive grape growing because the bush is formed into two planes. To make trellises for grapes, we use metal pipes with a diameter of 30-40 mm and 3 m in length.

Other popular trellis designs for grapes:

The original design of a two-plane trellis for grapes.

Let's compare the two main types of trellises for grapes.

Obviously, two-plane trellises significantly exceed the cost of single-plane trellises - from this it follows that if we do not have a shortage of garden area or if we are engaged in covering grape varieties, then it is more practical to make single-plane trellises for grapes with our own hands - they are cheaper and easier to make manufacturing. After all, traditional industrial vineyards have been successfully using simple trellises on wooden stakes for centuries. And the illumination and sparseness of the vine can be achieved by correct formation of the vine, which is much cheaper than building a trellis from expensive metal pipes.

Decorative canopies and trellises for grapes.

In addition to a rich harvest, you can also enjoy the rich decorative capabilities of grapes. Garden design takes on a special charm thanks to the cool shade of grapes.

Terraces and gazebos buried in green vines look much livelier and more organic.

By the way, it’s not at all difficult to make grapes trail along the wall of the house! By securing the ends of the wire to the heads of the bolts or in threaded rings, you can not only secure the wire for the vine on the wall, but also adjust its tension with nuts.

In addition, you can use plastic ties and clamps that electricians use to secure cables; they are attached to the wall, and instead of a cable, a vine is fixed in them. Just don't tighten it too tight.

Want to know how these fantastic vine-covered canopies are made?

How to make decorative trellises for grapes with your own hands

We will tell you how easy it is to make a canopy covered with grapes near your garage. First, you will need to make strong trellises that can withstand a lot of weight. Pipes and fittings are ideal materials for creating such trellises. They are strong, durable and provide good rigidity. Moreover, to work with them you do not need the skills of a carpenter or welder.

Connecting pipes using fittings is almost child's play. It's not much more difficult than assembling a construction set.

There are things that are nice and easy to do with your own hands, even if you have never done them before. Trellis for grapes are definitely one of these things. This does not require special knowledge or skills. You will only need minimal costs for materials and some free time.

Now you know that you can quite simply make trellises for grapes with your own hands! Involve your loved ones in this, spend time working together, and do something valuable and enjoyable for yourself and your family!