Anatomy of a gun. Models of antique ship cannons Making a life-size antique cannon

The question of what to give a man for an anniversary, birthday, February 23 or other memorable day often arises before his loved ones. Bronze jewelry can be an unexpected and unusual gift; you can buy a model of a gun on our website from any corner of Russia. The products are made by hand by professionals. Each souvenir in miniature repeats the smallest details of real guns, which increases their uniqueness significantly.

Model of a 17th century cannon - Cossack

Among the metal models of bronze cannons, the original model of a 17th century cannon - a hand-held Cossack cannon - is in great demand in our online store. The uniqueness of this bronze souvenir is that wheels spin in the filigree cast bronze present, and the signal gun can be lowered or raised. The gun is equipped with one polished barrel.

For the first time, a semblance of a Cossack weapon was built in the 15th century, but then only Italians and Turks used such “military equipment”. The Cossacks got the cannon goods for a reason - fighting with foreign crews on the Black Sea, the brave souls, having won, appropriated this valuable equipment for themselves. Thanks to single-barreled guns, the Cossacks subsequently managed to gain real fame as powerful Cossack artillery, which was distinguished by mobility, mobility and almost 100% lethality.

The Cossack defensive weapon received its name for the first time in 1860, it was then that P.M. Obukhov for the first time decided to manufacture his own weapons. The gun was simple in design, shells were loaded manually, but at the same time it saved many lives of the Zaporozhye Cossacks.

A miniature copy of a bronze cannon can be ordered on our website at an affordable price. You can add an interesting souvenir to your own collection of military weapons that went down in history, and then show the unique collection to your friends. A Cossack bronze cannon is also suitable as a one-of-a-kind decoration that will emphasize the unique taste of the recipient.

Another model of cannons from the 17th century that is worth your attention is the weapon that the formidable and majestic Napoleon, a knowledgeable commander and professional artilleryman, used in his battles. The caliber of the gun corresponded to European standards of the 17th-19th centuries - 120 mm. The cannonball hit the enemy at a distance of 2700 m. Buckshot and explosive bombs also served as charges. To load the unique French gun, the help of 8 gunners and 7 infantrymen was needed at once. In 1 minute, a Napoleon-era cannon fired 1.5 salvos. The gun ended its existence in 1945, when it was completely discontinued due to the production of more powerful and effective military equipment.

A miniature copy of the military artillery that glorified the French general can be purchased in our online store. After completing the application, while in Russia, all you need to do is wait for the prompt delivery of the original bronze collectible gift to your locality. All products are made by hand, no stamping, only original execution by virtuoso craftsmen, every detail is made with special precision. The wheels of Napoleon's cannon are movable, which allows you to play out a real battle with other bronze figurines.

Models of antique guns

One of the models of ancient cannons used in Russia in 1757 is the Unicorn howitzer. At first, the Shuvalov family coat of arms was depicted on the gun, where a noble horse was always present. A little later, the horse was replaced with fantastic unicorns, and at the beginning of the 19th century, decorations on the weapon were completely stopped. You can buy a die-cast bronze figurine of a Unicorn howitzer on our website; to do this, you need to place an order taking advantage of the discounted price. The guns still belong to the category of new products, so their cost is favorable and affordable for every buyer.

Give yourself or a loved one an unforgettable gift - a miniature Unicorn cannon will be remembered for a long time and will become a worthy interior decoration, as well as an original example in the collection of someone who is passionate about the history of military equipment in Russia and around the world.

The Unicorn howitzer first appeared in 1757. This was a real breakthrough in the development of the combat power of guns of those times - the ability to shoot behind a detachment made it possible to strengthen the position of the Russian army, there was no longer a need to roll out a cannon in front of the soldiers for everyone to see. At the same time, the power of the impact remained the same, as did the trajectory. That is why the unicorns going on the attack were always accompanied by a howitzer.

The bronze miniature of the unique Unicorn cannon evokes genuine admiration among men. The souvenir fits well into a business environment, and high-quality metal does not lose its properties even after long-term storage.

Metal models of USSR guns

If the recipient is interested in the Soviet era, he will definitely like the M-42 gun miniature. This weapon is no longer ancient; the anti-tank piece of equipment operated semi-automatically and was successfully used until the end of World War II. To order a bronze souvenir, all you need to do is live in Russia and pick up a nice package from the post office in a timely manner. We send unusual gifts by Russian post or using the forwarding services of other transport companies, as is convenient for you.

The original M-42 barrel caliber was 45 mm; the salvo fired by the gun extended to a range of up to 4,550 m. The gun was first released in 1931; during the active operation of military equipment, the number of guns, according to historical information, reached 10,843 units. Russian designers worked on creating a powerful unit, having first studied the German analogue of the manufacturer Rheinmeyall. The weight of one gun was close to 625 kg.

But time does not stand still, so at the end of World War II, the M-42 was replaced by the ZIS-2. The final decision to withdraw the M-42 from production was made in 1945. The gun faithfully served the Russian army for many years, so it deservedly received the name Artillery Fire.

Cast in bronze, the Fire of Artillery will be a wonderful souvenir for history buffs, those who are interested in weapons and want to emphasize in the interior of a business office their male passion and hobby - collecting rare guns made using complex sculptural techniques. The uniqueness of the product emphasizes the mobility of the wheels and attracts the attention of others.

Anyone who saw an interesting figurine for the first time will definitely ask who gave such a unique gift. He may also want to buy something similar, but you don’t have to reveal the secret of where you managed to purchase an extraordinary bronze product at an affordable and competitive price. Remember that our company operates throughout Russia, we carefully pack miniature products and send them to the addresses specified in the applications.

Famous metal cannon models

If you are interested in models of metal cannons from the last century, we suggest you take a closer look at a model of a cannon that everyone knows - the world famous Katyusha BM-13. The craftsmen worked hard to recreate all the components of the combat vehicle in an elegant bronze copy and make the rocket launcher mobile. To give the weapon a finished look and realism, the craftsmen applied a noble patina to the metal. You can twirl a piece of Soviet-era military equipment in miniature in your hands and look at it with interest, and then put it in a secluded place, where the collectible item will become a decoration for the room.

BM-13 is attributed to the rocket artillery of 1941-1945, when there was a fierce war between the entire Russian people and fascism. The designers took as a basis the reinforced ZIS-6 truck, used in battles since 1941. It was difficult to confuse the Katyusha attack with other military vehicles - well-aimed shots were always accompanied by the characteristic sound of "Eeeee", after which the ground was dotted with missiles. In modern times, "Katyusha" is a real rarity, because in total there are no more than 14 BM-13 models in the world, the rest died along with the soldiers in the battles for the freedom of the Russian people.

As for the sonorous and tender name - “Katyusha” - scientists and historians are still arguing about who named the military gun that way. Most experts are inclined to believe that historians did their best, because the military rarely calls military equipment by names. The design implied the image of the letter K. The soldiers heard the encouraging song “Katyusha came ashore,” and all because the car successfully fired from the hills. But the musical composition was initially dedicated not to BM-13, but to a girl with the wonderful name Ekaterina, who bravely fought the enemy. A beautiful legend says that the name Katyusha was written on the BM-13 by a soldier, but there is no historical evidence for this yet.

The Nazis were afraid of the Katyusha like fire and among themselves called the weapon Stalin’s Organs, which is due to the following factors:

  • the appearance of a characteristic sound during a shot;
  • similarity of the installation with organ pipes.

You can buy gun models on our website - the affordable price does not detract from the original quality of the miniature products, which are made by hand. Even someone who ordered the exact same gun will notice the features and differences in the release of each bronze replica, which makes it truly unique.

How to buy gun models with free delivery throughout Russia

You can buy models of guns made of bronze with free delivery throughout Russia and neighboring countries. To do this, follow the simple conditions of the current promotion. And we, in turn, will quickly deliver the goods you ordered to anywhere in Russia. Read the terms of the promotion with free delivery in Russia in the section

1.) 2 lbs. squeaker the length from the turret to the end of the muzzle is 4 feet 6 1/4 inches; without trunnions, dolphins and wings, with belts or friezes only at the rack and at the barrel. On its surface, completely smooth, without any subsequent division into parts: breech, swivel and muzzle, there is an inscription: “By order of the Blessed and Christ-loving Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich, Sovereign of All Rus', this arquebus was quickly made in the summer of 6993 (1 485 ) month of September 30, in the summer of his reign 23, Lil Yakov" (Fig. No.139 a). This cannon is the oldest of the Russian ones known to this day and, judging by the time, could have been one of those cast under the supervision of the above-mentioned Aristotle (292).

2.) 1/4 pud. hafunitsa, length from the torus to the end of the muzzle 3 feet. and 2 inches; just like the previous one, without pins, dolphins and wings, with belts or friezes in five places and with different decorations on the surface, has on the middle part the inscription: “John, by the grace of God, Sovereign of all Russia, in the summer of 7050 (1542) , did Ignatius" (Fig. No. 139 b.) (293).

Drawing - from here

3.) 5 1/2 lbs. arquebus, 1 fathom long from the horn to the end of the muzzle. 2 ft. and 6 1/2 inches; with pins, dolphins and with a convex star-shaped decoration, instead of a wing. It consists, like all the following squeaks, of three parts: breech, swivel and muzzle, with belts or friezes, and on its middle part there is an inscription: “John, by the grace of God Tsar and Grand Duke of All Russia, in the summer of 7071 ( 1563)". On the breech there is a spitting image of a double-headed eagle, and below it is the name of the foundry: "Bogdan" (Fig. No.140 , a) (294).

4.) 68 lbs. arquebus Inbrog, the length from the torus to the end of the muzzle is 2 fathoms. and 3 feet; with trunnions, dolphins and belts, with a convex image of a unicorn, instead of a vingrad, and with the inscription: “Inbrog.” On the breech there is an inscription: “By the grace of God, by the command of the Sovereign Tsar, Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich of All Russia, this arquebus was made Inbrog ъ in the summer 7085 (1577), made by Ondrej Chokhov"; and on the middle one “Med guds Hielp af kon; Carl d XII tagit med stden Elbing d 3 Decemb. 1703", i.e. "with God's help, King Charles XII was taken in the city of Elbing, December 3, 1703" (Fig. No. 140 b). In all probability. This cannon was taken or, during the interregnum, taken away by the Poles from Russia and already in 1703 fell into the hands of the Swedes (295).

5.) 40 lbs. arquebus Onager, length from the turret to the end of the muzzle 14 feet 4 inches; with pins, dolphins, small vinings, belts and various cast decorations around them. On the muzzle there is an image of an animal, with the inscription: “Onager”; on the middle part there is an inscription: “By the grace of God, by order of the Sovereign Tsar and Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich of All Russia”, and on the breech: “The Onager arquebus was made in the summer of 7089 (1581). , did Kuzmin first" (Fig. No.141 ) (296).

Drawing - from here

6.) 120 pounds. shotgun, length, from the turret to the end of the muzzle, 2 soot. 3 ft. 9 inch; without pins, dolphins and wings, with four brackets on each side and with cast decorations near the belts. On the muzzle there is an equestrian image of Tsar Theodore Ivanovich with the inscription: “By the grace of God, Tsar and Grand Duke Feodor Ivanovich, Sovereign and Autocrat of all Great Russia”, and on the middle: on the right side - “By the command of the Blessed and Christ-loving Tsar and Grand Duke I'm Feodor Ivanovich , Sovereign Autocrat of all Great Russia, under His Pious and Christ-loving Queen Grand Duchess Irina"; on the left (side—This cannon would have been cast in the famous Reigning City of Moscow, 7094 (1586) in the third year of His State; the cannon was made by the cannon master Ondrei Chokhov" (Fig. No.142 ). This shotgun, the largest of all artillery weapons still known today, was popularly nicknamed the Tsar Cannon, probably due to its extraordinary size, and perhaps also due to the image of Tsar Theodore Ioannovich located on its muzzle (297).

Illustrations from Viskovatov’s album “Historical description of clothing and weapons of the Russian troops”, 1899, vol. 1. Drawing - from here

7.) 6 1/2 poods. mozhira, or mortar, 4 feet long. 4 inches, has trunnions and belts, or friezes. On its muzzle there are inscriptions: cast - “This cannon was quickly cast under the power of the Sovereign Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich of all Great Russia, summer 7095 (1587), made by Ondrei Chokhov", and embedded, probably subsequently - “Mozhira weighing 77 pounds 10 lbs.” a cannonball weighing 6 pounds 20 pounds." (Fig. no.143 ) (298).

Illustrations from Viskovatov’s album “Historical description of clothing and weapons of the Russian troops”, 1899, vol. 1. Drawing - from here

8.) 52 lbs. arquebus Troil, the length from the horn to the end of the muzzle is 1 fathom. 1 foot 4 inches:, with trunnions, dolphins, small wings, belts or friezes, and various cast decorations around them. On the breech there is an inscription: “By the grace of God, by the command of the Sovereign Tsar and Grand Duke Theodore Ivanovich of All Russia, this Troil arquebus was made in the summer of 7098 (1590), made by Ondrei Chokhov" (Fig. No.144 a) (299).
9.) 38 lbs. arquebus Bear, the length from the torus to the end of the muzzle is 2 soots. 2 feet and 10 inches; with pins, dolphins, a convex image of a bear instead of a wing, and the inscription “Bear.” It has belts, or friezes, with various cast decorations around them, and on the breech there are inscriptions: on the right side - “By the grace of God, Tsar and Grand Duke Sovereign Feodor Ivanovich of All Rus', the Bear arquebus was made”; on the left - “Summer 7098 ( 1590), “made by Semenka Dubinin”; on the middle part of the word: “Med guds Hielp af kon.”Carl d XII tagit med Narwen d 20 Nov „1700" T . e. „ with God's help King Charles XII “taken at Narva, November 20, 1700” (Fig. No.144 b) (300).

Illustrations from Viskovatov’s album “Historical description of clothing and weapons of the Russian troops”, 1899, vol. 1. Drawing - from here

10.) 40 lb. arquebus Scroll, length from the tore to the end of the muzzle is 2 soots. 1 foot and 5 inches; with pins, dolphins and a convex image of a lion fighting an eagle, instead of a vingrad. On the breech there is an inscription: “By the grace of God, Tsar and Grand Duke Sovereign Fedor Ivanovich of all Russia, the arquebus was made Scroll of the summer 7099 (1591), made by Semenka Dubinin” (Fig. No.145 ) (301).

11.) 21 pounds. mozhira, or mortar of the time of Demetrius the Pretender, 2 feet 3 inches long; with trunnions, belts and inscriptions: “By the grace of God, by the command of the Great Sovereign and Grand Duke Dimitrei Ivanovich of All Great Russia and the Autocrat, in the first summer of his State this cannon was made, in the Reigning City of Moscow in the years: 7114 (1605), month of September at 27 day, master Ondrej Chekhov. The cannon litets was made by Pronya Fedorov" (Fig. No.146 ) (302).

Illustrations from Viskovatov’s album “Historical description of clothing and weapons of the Russian troops”, 1899, vol. 1 Drawing - from here

12.) 1 lb. arquebus, the length from the torus to the end of the muzzle is 1 fathom; with trunnions, dolphins, wings and belts, on the breech there is an inscription: “The arquebus was drained under Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich of All Russia, summer 7126 (1618). Master Grigory Naumov" (Fig. No.147 a) (303).

13.) 3/4 lb. arquebus, length from the turret to the end of the muzzle, 4 feet and 8 inches; with trunnions, dolphins, wings and inscriptions: on the muzzle - “174 (1666) year”, and on the breech: “Lil disciple Yakov Dubina. Length 2 arsh., cannonball without a quarter of a hryvnia, weight 6 pood 20 hryvnia” (Fig. No. 147 b) (304).

14.) 3/4 lb. arquebus, 2 feet long from the torus to the end of the muzzle; with pins, dolphins, wings and cast decorations near the belts. On the surface there are inscriptions: on the middle part - “Cannon weighing 5 poods 30 hryvnias, core without a quarter of a hryvnia, length 2 arshins”; and on the breech - “174 (1666) year, master Khariton Ivanov" (Fig. No. 147 c) (305).

Illustrations from Viskovatov’s album “Historical description of clothing and weapons of the Russian troops”, 1899, vol. 1. Drawing - from here

15.) 70 lb. arquebus Unicorn, length from the torus to the end of the muzzle is 3 fathoms. 2 ft 4 in; with trunnions, dolphins, wings and cast decorations at the muzzle belts or friezes. On the muzzle part is the depiction of the unicorn, with the inscription “unicorn”, and on the state -own -headed eagle and the inscription in the shield is the inscription: “God's grace, commanded by the autocracy of the great sovereign and the great prince Alexei Mikhailovich, all the great and small and white of Rossi in the 25th year of the Pious and God-protected Powers of His Kingdom, in the glorious and eminent Tsar City of Moscow, in the summer of 7178 (1670), this cannon was poured weighing 779 pounds, a cannonball without a quarter of 2 pounds, a unicorn holding an apple, a cannon cannonball launching, an apple with a cannonball of death and the core of the adversary defeat. ,Lil this cannon, cannon master Martyan Osipov" (Fig. No.148 a) (306).

16.) 2 lbs. arquebus, length from the horn to the end of the muzzle, 1 soot. 1 f. 1/4 inch; with trunnions, dolphins, wings and cast decorations at the edge of the barrel. On the middle part there is an inscription: “In the summer of 7180 (1672) a arque of 2 hryvnias was cast with a core, it weighs 19 poods 10 hryvnias, length 3 arshins 7 vershoks”; and on the breech there is a cast image of a double-headed eagle and the words: “Little master Yakim Nikiforov” (Fig. no. 148 b) (307).

17.) 2 lbs. arquebus, 1 fathom long from the horn to the end of the muzzle. 1 foot and 1/4 inch; with trunnions, dolphins, wings and cast decorations at the muzzle belts. On the middle part there is an image of a double-headed eagle, and on the breech inscription: “Pishchal 2 hryvnias with a core, length 3 arsh., 7 vershkov, out of weight 22 poods 25 hryvnias, student Andrey Ekimov, summer 7182 (1673)” (Fig. No.149 a) (308).
18.) 2 lbs. arquebus, 1 fathom long from the horn to the end of the muzzle. 1 ft. 1/4 inch; with trunnions, dolphins, wings and cast decorations at the muzzle belts. On the middle part there is an image of a double-headed eagle, and on the official inscription: “Archer 2 hryvnia core, length 3 arshins 7 vershoks, weight 21 poods 30 hryvnias.” Lil Panteley Yakovlev, summer 7182 (1674) "" (Fig. No. 149 b) (309).

19.) 20 lb. arquebus, 4 feet long from the torus to the end of the muzzle; with pins, dolphins and wings. The year in which this cannon was cast is not indicated, but located on the breech: the Life-Giving Cross and the name of the caster - Timofey (Fig. No.150 ). found on other guns of the time of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, lead us to believe that this gun belongs to the same reign, which lasted from 1645 to 1676 (310).

Illustrations from Viskovatov’s album “Historical description of clothing and weapons of the Russian troops”, 1899, vol. 1. Drawing - from here

20 and 21.) Two iron, forged squeaks; with trunnions and wings, without dolphins: one 2-pounder, 1 soot long from the torus to the muzzle. 2 feet 9 inches; the other is 3 pounds, 1 fathom long. 3 ft. 4 inches. Both are decorated with silver and gilded overlays and notches and have a void or channel: the first is helical, the second is smooth, cylindrical (Fig. No.151 ) (311). Several such arquebuses have survived. The time to which they belong is unknown; but, according to considerations, they should have been made no later than the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and until half of the last century they were on the walls of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

22.) 6 lb. arquebus Wolf, the length from the torus to the end of the muzzle is 1 soot. 6 ft. 4 inches; with trunnions and wings, but without dolphins. On the muzzle there is a cast image of a wolf’s head, on the middle there is a double-headed eagle, and on the breech there is the inscription: “By the Grace of God, by the command of the Autocratic Great Sovereign Tsar and Grand Duke Theodore Alekseevich of all Great and Little and White Russia, Autocrat, in the 4th year of the Pious God-protected powers of His kingdom, in the glorious and eminent Tsar City of Moscow, summer 7187 (1679), this Wolf cannon was poured, 6 hryvnia core; length 7 arshins 4 tops, weight 118 poods 1 hryvnia, lil master Yakov Dubina" (Fig. No.152 a) (812).

23.) 2 lbs. arquebus, 1 fathom long from the horn to the end of the muzzle. 1 ft 1/4 inch; with pins, dolphins and wings. On the muzzle there are cast images of a double-headed eagle and a lion, and on the breech there is the inscription: “Pishchal 2 hryvnia core, length 3 arshins 7 vershoks, weight 23 pounds 20 hryvnias.” The summer of 7187 was Osip Ivanov (1679)" (Fig. No. 152 b) (313).

24.) 2 lbs. arquebus, 1 fathom long from the horn to the end of the muzzle. 1 ft 1/4 inch; with pins, dolphins and wings. On the muzzle there are cast images of a double-headed eagle and a lion, and on the breech there are inscriptions: “In the summer of 7188 (1680) a squeal was cast, 2 hryvnia core, it weighs 22 pounds 8 hryvnia, length 3 arshins 7 vershoks. Lil Evsey Danilov" (Fig. No.153 a) (814).

25.) 2 lbs. arquebus, 1 fathom long from the horn to the end of the muzzle. 1 ft. and 1/4 inch; with trunnions, dolphins, wings and cast decorations at the muzzle belts. On the muzzle there are images of a double-headed eagle and a lion, and on the breech there is the inscription: “Pishchal 2 hryvnia core, length 3 arshins 7 vershoks, weight 25 poods 5 hryvnias, summer 7189 (1681), Lil Evsey Danilov.” (Fig. No. 153 b) (ЗІ5).

Illustrations from Viskovatov’s album “Historical description of clothing and weapons of the Russian troops”, 1899, vol. 1. Drawing - from here

26.) 50 lb. arquebus Troil, the length from the horn to the end of the muzzle is 2 fathoms. 2 feet and 4 inches; with trunnions, dolphins and cast decorations at the belts, but without vingrad, instead of which there is a cast image of a man in royal vestments, and above it the inscription “Troilus”. On the middle part there is a double-headed eagle, and on the breech - the inscription: “By the Grace of God, by the command of the Great Sovereigns, Grand Dukes Ioan Alekseevich and Peter Alekseevich of all Great and Small and White Russia Autocrats, this squeaker was named Troil, on which the squealed King of Troy was depicted, in the Reigning City of Moscow, at the seat of the Pushkar Chancellery and the Royal Great Is the seal of the State Great Ambassadorial Affairs of the Protector , neighbor Boyar and Viceroy of Novgorod Prince Vasily Vasilyevich Golitsyn, comrades, years from the creation of the world 7195 in the month of August on the 30th day, the core was squeaking 10 hryvnia pood, 7 arsh in length, with a weight of 402 pood 51 hryvnia. Anno 1685, lil ъ master Yakov Dubina ". (Fig. no.

Hello, friends!

I'm glad that many people share my passion for making models of antique guns. Many were interested in the drawings on which I built my first cannon:

About the drawings.
I went further - I worked more carefully on the drawings and design features. All parts of the gun, barrel, carriage, rollers, eye bolts, nuts, washers were changed; a wedge for adjusting the angle of the barrel and a front bumper appeared in the set of drawings.

Barrel drawing.
The profile of the muzzle rings has been worked out - now they are drawn more clearly and the technology for turning them using a shaped cutter has appeared. In other respects, the application of this technology was immediately obvious.

Carriage or machine.
The carriage cheeks on real cannons were assembled from several blanks on dowels and tightened with pins. Moreover, the parts are mated to each other through a locking connection - now this is in the drawings.

In the detailing drawings and patterns for cutting on a CNC machine, I provide drawings of rollers in two versions. The first option is the usual round profile and the second option repeats the original manufacturing technology - a set of roller from quarter-circle segments. I would like to draw your attention to the location of the wood fibers in the segment! The fibers should run along the chord of the circle and not radially.

The set of documents included patterns of metal parts. These are loops for attaching the barrel and roller axles, roller flange rings, square washers and square nuts.

Also included are template drawings for accurate and convenient assembly of the carriage and fitting of parts. And a separate sheet of patterns for the podium parts for the model.

All drawings are available for free download in PDF and CorelDraw formats. If the drawings or other information was useful to you, you can mark this by transferring some amount to the card with the number 4276 8800 5917 3306.

Currently I am working on a set of drawings for an artillery cannon on a decorative carriage.

If the fundraising experience turns out to be successful, then I think these drawings will appear by the end of January 2016.

Everyone would like to have something special at their dacha, at home. Something that passers-by, neighbors, and friends would admire. In this article I will describe the process of making a decorative cannon. If I did it, you can do it too. It is enough to have at least some welding skills, be able to handle an angle grinder (grinder), as well as simple carpentry tools. The first thing you need to do is the barrel of the gun itself.

To do this you will need a pipe of different diameters. The diameter depends on the size of your gun. I made the total length one and a half meters. The barrel consists of three parts. The base is cut with a grinder (I cut it by welding), and bent to form a cone. The middle part is straight, and at the end of the long part a rim is made from a pipe. I made it from twisted wire, but a regular one will do.

Next, we cut out a circle with the smallest diameter, and in it there is a hole for the inner pipe. The diameter ratio is one to two. You can decorate the barrel with a rolled strip, but a regular one will do. Weld tubes on the sides for fastening to the frame. This is the main thing. If you have a well-developed imagination, you can come up with many more small details. Next we make the frame. I took a metal profile. But this is not necessary; a corner will do. Dimensions depend on the gun muzzle. Don't forget about the mount for it and for the wheels. The frame is upholstered exclusively in wood. If you do it from a profile like I did, you will need a strip for cladding. It's easier to take a corner. My wheels are made of iron.

And wooden ones made of oak also look great. Upon completion of welding and plumbing work, we will retrain as an artist. I painted with so-called cast iron. And the patterns are copper and gold. It turned out well. In general, look at the photos, get inspired and create unusual things yourself from simple objects.

What would a holiday be without fireworks? It will be great if an artillery salvo sounds on your mother’s or grandmother’s birthday. And there is also New Year, Defender of the Fatherland Day, March 8 and other holidays, or you can just play pirates. So a fireworks cannon in the house is necessary.

I propose to make an antique ship cannon. The guns are loaded with ordinary firecrackers. Therefore, the main condition of our work is that the internal diameter of the gun barrel should be slightly larger than the diameter of the firecracker. I don’t give the size of the gun - it depends on your desire and capabilities.

To work you will need:

  • mold for making a gun barrel
  • unnecessary newspapers (or wallpaper)
  • PVA glue
  • stationery knife
  • putty
  • skin
  • wooden blocks or plywood
  • dye
  • cellophane film
  • packaging corrugated cardboard
  • firecrackers

The structure of a real ship's cannon

How to make a papier-mâché cannon

1 . We are looking for a suitable base. You can take a tube from a vacuum cleaner or a wooden handle from a shovel. And the best thing is a cone-shaped leg from a coffee table.

2 . In order for our barrel to be easily removed from the mold at the end of work, we wrap the mold with cellophane film.

3 . On the form, mark the length of the gun and add another 2 centimeters on both sides.

We begin to cover the form with paper. You can take unnecessary newspapers, and if you can find wallpaper, that will be even better. We cut the paper into strips 4–5 cm wide and begin to paste over our form. For work we use liquid PVA glue or any wallpaper glue. We try to glue smoothly, without folds. After 5-6 layers, let the trunk dry. And so we glue it to a thickness of 1 cm. To make it more similar to a real cannon, we will try to give our barrel a cone-shaped shape.

4 . When the trunk reaches the desired thickness, let it dry completely. To achieve a smoother surface, use wood putty. After letting the putty dry, we remove the errors in our work with sandpaper.

5 . Using thin strips of paper, we form belts and rims. And we skin again. After cutting off the excess paper, carefully remove the barrel from the mold.

6 . An important element of the barrel are the trunnions - they hold the barrel on the gun carriage and must be “strong”. They can be made from wood and glued into holes cut in the trunk.

7 . Our trunk is almost ready. All that remains is to paint it. You can paint it with any paint. I painted it with spray paint. This type of paint goes on smoother and dries faster, although it has a strong odor, so it’s better to do it outside.

8 . The time has come to think about the combat capabilities of our gun, or rather, about ways to load it.

We will use firecrackers as a projectile. As you know, they shoot when you hold the firecracker with one hand and pull the string with the other. We will pull with our right hand, and the barrel should replace our left hand. To do this, you need to come up with a locking device, or shutter.

If you decide to load the gun through the barrel, as they were loaded in the old days, then you need to make sure that the projectile does not pull out along with the string. To do this, in the back of the barrel, inside in a circle, we will glue a collar (small protrusion), which will not allow the firecracker to jump out when we pull the string.

9 . If you want to load a gun from the rear, “breech” part of the barrel, then you need to install a bolt. This method reduces the time it takes to load the gun and makes it much easier. But for this you need to show inventive abilities.

In my gun, the bolt is made according to the principle of a hook, which at one end is attached to the end of the barrel with a screw, and at the other end it is attached to a ledge located on the opposite side. So far it's working fine.

And another very important piece of advice. To prevent your mother from scolding you and forcing you to clean the room after a salute, you can modernize the firecracker: carefully remove the safety paper and carefully pour the contents of the firecracker (confetti) into the trash basket. The effect of the shot will remain (there will even be a smoky cloud), and there will be less or no debris at all.

10 . Now about the gun carriage.

The carriage can be glued together from wooden blocks - it will be more believable and reliable, for this we will need a saw. But this is a troublesome matter. Let's look for something to replace the tree with.

Let's take packaging corrugated cardboard. It’s better if you get a two-layer one. In accordance with the dimensions of the trunk, we will approximately mark out sheets of cardboard and glue them together. It is advisable to select cardboard so that the direction of the corrugation does not coincide: this will increase the strength of our carriage. When the workpiece reaches a thickness of 4–5 cm, we make the final cutting of the carriage parts and glue it together. Don’t worry about the strength of the carriage - craftsmen make furniture from such blanks.

For beauty, we cover it with paper with a wooden texture.

11 . And finally, we assemble the cannon. We connect the barrel with the carriage. We place it on the pins in the grooves and secure it (you can use a thick cardboard overlay, or you can just glue it in).

We charge and BANG!!!