Shark oil in capsules: instructions for use. Shark oil for joints: reviews, contraindications, price, where to buy? Use for joints

Many people know how beneficial fish oil is, but there is a drug whose effectiveness is even higher. Shark oil and cartilage have beneficial effects on health when taken orally or applied to the skin.

Composition and beneficial properties of shark oil

Scientists studied sharks for several years, after which they concluded that they are practically not susceptible to disease and are active until old age. Experts believe that their viability is ensured by fat.

The drug is obtained from gray and white sharks. Once the fish are caught, the shark livers are stored in freezers on fishing boats. The ship arrives at the port, and the cargo enters for processing. Pharmaceutical companies test the product, so buyers can be confident that the supplement's effectiveness has been proven in many clinical studies.

the product is made from the liver of sharks, it is scientifically proven that they practically do not get sick and live to a ripe old age

Even young people are diagnosed with disorders nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, other organs. Vitamin complexes alone are no longer enough to restore health; more powerful drugs are required. And this is the fat obtained from shark liver.

Experts believe that it can be used in many areas. Its advantages and disadvantages are due to the presence of the following substances:

  1. Vitamin A. It actively renews skin cells, accelerates the restoration of mucous membranes, and slows down tissue aging.
  2. Vitamin E. Is a powerful antioxidant. It is used not only in cosmetology to prolong youth, but also for therapeutic purposes. It is used to prevent blood clots and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. It is good for the heart and has a positive effect on the condition of the female genital organs.
  3. Vitamin D. Without it, the body will not be able to fully absorb calcium. Scientists note the antitumor effect of this vitamin. It helps prolong youth and prevents the formation of early wrinkles.
  4. Squalene. It is used to combat inflammatory processes occurring in the body. Squalene is an antioxidant; it can influence cell restoration and tissue regeneration. Squalamine is a naturally occurring substance. It is credited with properties similar to those of antibiotics. Squalamine helps fight yellow fever pathogens and prevents the development of hepatitis.
  5. Alkylglycerol. This chemical compound is useful because it allows you to control cell growth. This is an immunostimulant, which few natural components can compare with. When the substance enters the body, it saturates the cells with oxygen. As a result, the body begins to better cope with the negative impact of the environment. Alkylglycerol is used for more quick recovery people receiving chemotherapy drugs. It improves the well-being of patients after radiation therapy.

Shark liver oil is valued for its alkylglycerol content. And this distinguishes it from fish oil, which is obtained from the liver of cod fish. This substance helps people with cancer resist the disease.

Even if there is no indication, adding shark liver oil to your diet will help improve your health. After completing the course, a person will feel a surge of vigor and more strength. The product helps to increase life expectancy, it eliminates inflammatory processes, prolongs youth, and helps preserve beauty.

Thanks to its rich chemical composition, the product helps in the treatment and prevention of various diseases

Indications for use

Fat and other dietary supplements should be used after consultation with a doctor; the dosage should not be exceeded. The product is superior to other biological supplements in its medicinal properties. There are several areas of its application:

  1. Dermatitis and rashes, wounds and skin burns. Thanks to its regenerating properties, you can quickly restore the skin and cure long-term non-healing ulcers.
  2. Joint problems (arthritis, rheumatism). Using the product reduces pain and helps restore mobility.
  3. Coughing. The substances included in the product eliminate a sore throat and relieve coughing attacks.
  4. Depression, neurosis and other nervous system disorders. The substances included in the product improve mood, help restore normal sleep, and eliminate anxiety.
  5. Liver and kidney diseases. The drug cleanses these organs and increases their functionality. The inflammatory process goes away, the discomfort disappears.
  6. Hypertension and hypotension. The product has a targeted effect on blood vessels, eliminating spasm or, conversely, toning them. Gradually, blood pressure levels return to normal.
  7. Normalization of metabolism. Shark oil has a stimulating effect on the body's immune system and reduces a person's sensitivity to allergens. As a result, your health improves even with asthma.

Thanks to the use of the drug, the overall well-being of a person improves. Shark liver in capsules is prescribed not only to older people, but also to young people, so it should be kept in every home medicine cabinet.

the product must be used taking into account contraindications and the possibility of side effects

Harm and danger of shark oil

You can drink shark oil after suffering from illnesses, but before you start, you need to consider the benefits and harms of such a intake.

Shark liver oil is beneficial for the body, but there are the following contraindications. If a woman is carrying a child and feeding him breast milk, then fat should be abandoned. It can cause a severe allergic reaction.

This fact should also be taken into account by people prone to allergies. It should be used with caution by persons who have hypersensitivity to fish and seafood. You should take into account the characteristics of your body and remind your doctor about them.

If you take the drug according to the approved regimen, and do not exceed the indicated dose, it will not cause harm.

pharmaceutical companies produce a wide range of drugs containing shark oil

Dosage forms

The pharmaceutical industry produces the product in the following forms:

  • cream;
  • ointment "Shark";
  • gel;
  • capsules.

Shark cream differs from other cosmetics in that it contains fat. This product is suitable for dry, chapped skin. It eliminates peeling and restores elasticity.

It is useful to lubricate your face with cream before going out into the cold. But you need to wait for it to be absorbed. It forms a thin film on the face that protects the skin from chapping.

The fat in the cream helps young women get rid of facial wrinkles, and reduces ptosis in older people. Deep wrinkles become less pronounced.

You can start using the product when the first signs of wilting appear. Due to the fact that the texture is light, the cream is almost instantly absorbed into the skin. After 2-3 days you will see that it has become softer. It will take about a month of using the cream to see how aging skin becomes less flabby.

The older a person is, the more age-related changes in the epidermis he has. The cream contains squalamine and squalene, they have a powerful regenerating effect. Vitamin E also helps fight aging.

These elements have a complex effect, which improves blood circulation in the deep layers of the skin. The cells are saturated with oxygen, so with regular use of the cream, the woman looks younger.

Those with dry skin will notice that irritation goes away after applying the product. If it is oily, you need to apply a little cream to your face to prevent shine.

Shark oil ointment is a product in which the concentration of beneficial substances is much greater than in the cream. It is used to alleviate joint diseases.

Shark oil helps in the treatment of arthritis, osteochondrosis and even heel spurs

The product is applied not only to the knees, elbows, and lower back. It is quickly absorbed, relieves pain, eliminates the inflammatory process. The drug is used not only for therapeutic purposes, but also as a prophylaxis.

Body gel is used in the treatment of rheumatism and osteochondrosis. It is effective against dislocations and helps with sprains. The drug quickly reaches the site of inflammation and has a powerful regenerative effect, which allows for rapid tissue restoration.

Knowing the beneficial properties of shark oil, pharmaceutical companies produce it in capsules. The drug strengthens the immune system and cleanses the blood of toxins. Studies have been conducted that have confirmed that the product cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol and helps restore the liver.

Capsules are useful for people who have undergone chemotherapy courses. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are widely used in medicine, help fight cancer.

The drug must be used according to the instructions, observing contraindications

Methods of using ointments and creams based on shark oil, instructions and dosages

Many people who first purchased the supplement are interested in how to take shark oil capsules. Like other tablets and capsules, it is taken in courses. It all depends on how severe the disease is in a person, whether pain syndrome.

“Shark power” helps get rid of varicose veins and spurs. It is used for arthritis and arthrosis, it relieves inflammation and pain. If you decide to use the product for preventive purposes, it is enough to apply it to the skin for 7-10 days.

Before starting treatment, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to the composition. To do this, ointment, gel or cream “Shark” is applied to healthy skin. If a strong burning sensation occurs, blisters or pimples form, the drug should not be used.

Although manufacturers write that in case of severe illnesses constant use is necessary, this point should be agreed with the attending physician. The drug can be used constantly only if it is for external use, for example, in the treatment of osteochondrosis.

For joint diseases, another drug will help, which is obtained by processing the skeleton of fish. This is “Shark cartilage”, it is a natural source of collagen. It contains proteoglycans, as well as amino acids and proteins necessary for human health. The drug helps restore cartilage tissue and reduces inflammation in the body.

The product helps with arthritis and arthrosis, exhaustion due to cancer and other diseases. The growth of Kaposi's sarcoma slows down. This is due to the fact that the substances included in the drug prevent the development of new blood vessels tumors.

The use of shark fat internally ensures faster healing of wounds and alleviates asthma and dermatitis. When shark cartilage powder is applied externally, psoriasis recedes and pain due to arthritis decreases. When using the additive, the instructions for use must be strictly followed.

unique chemical composition the product allows its use for cosmetic purposes for skin care

In creams and ointments, shark oil is part of the preparations; it is rarely produced in its pure form. Shark oil cream has a thick consistency, so for ease of application to the face it can be further diluted with another cream.

If the skin is dry, apply the cream 2-3 times a week; for oily skin, once a week is enough. They lubricate not only the face, but also the heels, elbows and knees. The drug can make even rough skin soft and is effective against cracked heels.

The method of application is as follows: apply the joint ointment to the problem area and rub in lightly. A warm cloth is placed on top. After 30 minutes, remove the bandage and blot off any remaining product. paper napkin.

The product eliminates dark circles under the eyes and removes swelling. The skin under the eyes is thin, so wrinkles appear quickly. Fat obtained from shark liver will help eliminate deficiencies. It is applied to the orbit of the bone with patting movements, the procedure is carried out 1 hour before bedtime. Blot the excess with a paper towel without stretching the skin.

The cream helps with allergic skin rashes and dermatitis. Squalene, which is part of fat, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Squalamine destroys fungi and bacteria, increases the protective properties of the epidermis. The drug is applied to the skin, and after 1-1.5 hours the remaining cream that has not had time to be absorbed is washed off.

Psoriasis is considered an incurable disease, but ointment will help relieve symptoms. It is applied to the affected area, left for 1 hour, and then the remaining product is removed with a cotton swab.

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. For psoriasis to go away, it will take several weeks of daily use of the product.

For internal use, pharmaceutical companies produce fat in capsules. You must strictly follow the instructions and adhere to the recommendations given by your doctor.

You need to purchase the product from trusted suppliers or pharmacies

Where to buy real shark oil

There are many fakes on the market, so you should only buy the product from trusted suppliers. Capsules, skin creams and ointment are available in pharmacies. You can also order delivery from online stores, but you should make sure that there is a certificate.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Store fat in a cool place, protected from sun rays. Children should not have access to a first aid kit containing medications.

Today, no one is surprised by shark oil in capsules, in the form of ointments and creams. Similar products can be found in almost any pharmacy, and research shows that they are popular with consumers. Many have already appreciated the benefits and effectiveness of medicinal formulations, but some people still have questions for specialists.

Indeed, before purchasing one of the drugs, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the basic information on the unique ingredient. After all, only if the product is used correctly can you count on its beneficial effects with a minimum of risks.

Composition and beneficial properties of shark oil

Many people have heard about the benefits of fish oil, but they pale in comparison to the properties that have been identified in shark oil. Long-term observations of sharks have shown that these marine predators are practically not susceptible to disease. And their activity remains at the same level throughout almost the entire life of the individuals. Historical evidence indicates that people hundreds of years ago used a unique product for medicinal purposes. True, then they were limited to external use of the mass, but today they also use it internally.

According to scientists, there are many areas in which shark oil can be used, the benefits and harms of which are due to the presence of such substances:

  • Vitamin A. Stimulates the renewal of skin cells and mucous membranes. A chemical compound with antioxidant properties is often found in cosmetics, whose action is aimed at inhibiting the aging process of tissues.
  • Vitamin E. A strong antioxidant that can cause not only improvements appearance person, but also give more tangible therapeutic results. In particular, the substance strengthens vascular walls, normalizes heart function and prevents the formation of blood clots.
  • Vitamin D. A unique compound, without which it is impossible for the human body to fully absorb calcium. Today, scientists are increasingly making statements attributing anti-cancer properties to the vitamin. It is also important for maintaining youthful and attractive skin.
  • Squalene. An antioxidant of hydrocarbon nature that actively fights inflammatory processes. It also accelerates metabolic processes in tissues, which has a positive effect on cell regeneration and tissue restoration.
  • Squalamine. A substance of natural origin to which antibiotic properties are attributed. Successful studies have proven its effectiveness in combating many dangerous viruses. These include pathogens of hepatitis and yellow fever.

Advice: Based on experiments, scientists have found that shark oil cells can prevent and even cure cancer. However, exactly how best to use the substance for this purpose is not yet clear. In general, with such a diagnosis, doctors recommend not to take risks and not self-medicate, but to coordinate your actions with a specialist.

  • Alkyglycerol. A chemical compound that can saturate cells with oxygen and keep their growth under control. These properties give the substance immunostimulating qualities, the strength of which can only be matched by rare natural products. The entry of this component into the human body reduces the body’s susceptibility to external negative influences. Today it is actively used to improve the condition of patients undergoing chemical and radiation therapy.

Regular consumption of shark oil, even in the absence of indications, significantly improves health, stimulates the immune system, and provides a surge of vigor and strength. The product eliminates various inflammatory processes, gives longevity, youth and beauty. Today, the healing mass is actively used in several areas and in a number of different ways.

Indications for use and intake of shark oil

The preventive benefits of shark oil are very impressive for the human body. As for him medicinal properties, then in these indicators the product surpasses almost all known biological additives.

Here are several conditions in which the use of shark oil can help and even completely eliminate the problem:

  1. Dermatitis and skin rashes, wounds and burns that do not heal for a long time.
  2. Rheumatism, arthritis, other joint problems. The use of the product reduces the intensity of pain, restores joint mobility, improves general state and speeds up the healing process.
  3. Coughing. The composition relieves attacks and alleviates the condition.
  4. Depression and other manifestations of problems in the functioning of the nervous system. The substances in the product help improve mood, restore normal emotional background, and get rid of causeless anxiety.
  5. Liver and kidney diseases. Shark oil triggers the cleansing of these organs, which leads to an increase in their functionality. At the same time, inflammatory processes are inhibited and discomfort disappears.
  6. Hypertension and hypotension. The natural medicine has a targeted, selective effect on blood vessels, relieving spasm of the walls or, conversely, increasing their tone. This leads to a gradual but persistent normalization of indicators.

Also, the use of shark oil according to all the rules has a stimulating effect on metabolism and reduces the body’s susceptibility to allergens. With regular use of the product, people's asthma improves, and their heart and blood vessels improve. The correct approach to treating cancer with shark liver oil gives many people hope for a complete cure.

Dosage forms of shark oil and methods of its use

Today, creams, balms and ointments based on shark oil are especially popular. They are often enhanced with plant extracts, which allows you to count on the most pronounced positive effect. Such products, thanks to their anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, can restore metabolic processes in the joint capsules.

At the same time, ligaments and tendons are strengthened, salt deposits are removed, and the process of nutrition of the discs between the vertebrae is restored. The ability of shark oil to restore damaged tissue is often used to treat areas after injury.

When choosing creams and ointments from a healing component, it is better to pay attention to complex compositions, then the effect will be multidirectional. Today, products containing cinquefoil, formic acid, chondrotin, honey, plant extracts and essential oils. Such drugs can not only cope with pain, but also relieve swelling, normalize blood circulation in the affected area, relieve inflammation and have a healing effect.

When using ointments and other substances for external use, you need to remember the following points:

  • Shark oil is extremely rarely used in its pure form. If you plan to apply only it to the problem area, then the mass should first be diluted with hand or face cream in equal proportions.
  • The product diluted with cream can also be used in for cosmetic purposes. It should be applied to the face no more than once a week for oily skin and 2-3 times a week for dry and normal skin. The mass gives a good effect in the fight against dry areas on the elbows and knees, cracked heels.
  • Medicines are applied directly to the affected areas. You need to rub them in carefully until completely absorbed, without creating any discomfort. After this, the area is wrapped in a warm cloth.
  • Products that contain warming substances are washed off 30 minutes after application or at least remove the bandage.
  • Before starting treatment, it is recommended to make sure that there is no allergy to the composition by applying it in a small amount to a healthy area of ​​skin. If a strong burning sensation occurs (even if there are warming ingredients in the composition), you should stop using the product.

Shark oil capsules are no less popular. They can be taken separately from external treatment or simultaneously with it. In this case, you must strictly follow the recommendations of your doctor and carefully read the instructions.

Harm and danger of shark oil

While considering the positive properties of shark oil, we must not forget about its disadvantages. The product can cause a severe allergic reaction, so if you are hypersensitive to seafood, you must introduce it very carefully. For the treatment of children, this substance is used only after consulting a doctor. During pregnancy and lactation it should be avoided so as not to provoke an allergy attack in the mother and not to have negative impact per child.

Before using the product, you need to coordinate all points with a specialist. You should act strictly according to the scheme developed by him or according to the instructions attached to the product. Even such a beneficial substance as shark oil can cause serious problems if overdosed on it.

In many pharmacies you can find a product called “shark oil”, but few people know about its applications and diseases that can be cured with its help.

In fact, such a useful product is indeed widely used in folk and traditional medicine, but for this you need to know the basic rules for taking it.

Description of the product and its benefits ^

Shark oil is a preparation obtained by pumping fat from the liver of a mammal of the same name. It is known that sharks live a very long time and never get sick, which is why their fat has become so actively used in medicine.

After a detailed study, it was revealed that the product contains many substances beneficial to the human body, thanks to which it is possible to improve health and even cure some diseases. The structure of such fat includes the following elements:

  • Squalamine is a natural antibiotic;
  • Squalene: has an antioxidant effect, prolongs youth by stimulating the production of elastin and collagen;
  • Microelements (zinc, copper and iron): have a beneficial effect on the entire body, participate in many vital processes;
  • Fatty acids: normalize metabolism, cleanse toxins, free radicals and waste;
  • Alkoxyglycerides: stabilize blood circulation, increase immunity, reduce the likelihood of developing cancer cells;
  • Vitamins A, E and D: improve the health of skin, hair and nails, increase visual acuity and bone strength.

Release form

In most countries, shark oil is available in the following forms:

  • Creams with fat;
  • Capsules;
  • Suppositories: effective for hemorrhoids;
  • Masks: suitable for fighting wrinkles;
  • Gels: used to treat joints.

You can also purchase the product in liquid form, but in this case the likelihood of diarrhea after consuming it increases, so it is better to choose capsules for oral administration.

Benefits for humans

Benefits of shark oil:

  • In cosmetology: helps improve the condition of skin, hair and nails, get rid of acne and smooth out wrinkles;
  • For prevention purposes: prevents cancer;
  • In medicine: helps fight inflammation, infections, joint and intestinal diseases.


Despite the large number of positive properties, if used incorrectly, shark oil can cause harm:

  • It is highly allergenic, so it is not suitable for people with allergies to fish and seafood.
  • In addition, the use of the drug for children should only be done after talking with a pediatrician or other doctor.

How to choose

There is an opinion that shark fat dissolves polystyrene foam, and this is actually true: if it is poorly cleaned of the alkali it contains in production, it can harm human internal organs. However, companies try to monitor the purification process, so the chance of running into a low-quality product is negligible. What you need to pay attention to when choosing such a dietary supplement:

  • Price: the cost of the drug should not be too low, because this may indicate its low quality;
  • Appearance: if fat is purchased in liquid form, it should be completely transparent;
  • Smell: Real fat has no odor.

Instructions for use ^

Indications and contraindications

In what cases is shark oil usually used in the form of capsules (for oral administration):

  • Diabetes;
  • Depression;
  • Allergic rhinitis;
  • Insomnia, nervousness;
  • Arthritis;
  • Atopic dermatitis, eczema;
  • Nephritis;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Anemia;
  • Hepatosis;
  • Active chronic hepatitis;
  • Oncology;
  • Leukemia is chronic.

Check your body fat %, BMI and other important parameters

In many pharmacies you can find a product called “shark oil”, but few people know about its applications and diseases that can be cured with its help.

In fact, such a useful product is indeed widely used in folk and traditional medicine, but for this you need to know the basic rules for taking it.

Description of the product and its benefits ^

Shark oil is a preparation obtained by pumping fat from the liver of a mammal of the same name. It is known that sharks live a very long time and never get sick, which is why their fat has become so actively used in medicine.

After a detailed study, it was revealed that the product contains many substances beneficial to the human body, thanks to which it is possible to improve health and even cure some diseases. The structure of such fat includes the following elements:

  • Squalamine is a natural antibiotic;
  • Squalene: has an antioxidant effect, prolongs youth by stimulating the production of elastin and collagen;
  • Microelements (zinc, copper and iron): have a beneficial effect on the entire body, participate in many vital processes;
  • Fatty acids: normalize metabolism, cleanse toxins, free radicals and waste;
  • Alkoxyglycerides: stabilize blood circulation, increase immunity, reduce the likelihood of developing cancer cells;
  • Vitamins A, E and D: improve the health of skin, hair and nails, increase visual acuity and bone strength.

Release form

In most countries, shark oil is available in the following forms:

  • Creams with fat;
  • Capsules;
  • Suppositories: effective for hemorrhoids;
  • Masks: suitable for fighting wrinkles;
  • Gels: used to treat joints.

You can also purchase the product in liquid form, but in this case the likelihood of diarrhea after consuming it increases, so it is better to choose capsules for oral administration.

Benefits for humans

Benefits of shark oil:

  • In cosmetology: helps improve the condition of skin, hair and nails, get rid of acne and smooth out wrinkles;
  • For prevention purposes: prevents cancer;
  • In medicine: helps fight inflammation, infections, joint and intestinal diseases.


Despite the large number of positive properties, if used incorrectly, shark oil can cause harm:

  • It is highly allergenic, so it is not suitable for people with allergies to fish and seafood.
  • In addition, the use of the drug for children should only be done after talking with a pediatrician or other doctor.

How to choose

There is an opinion that shark fat dissolves polystyrene foam, and this is actually true: if it is poorly cleaned of the alkali it contains in production, it can harm human internal organs. However, companies try to monitor the purification process, so the chance of running into a low-quality product is negligible. What you need to pay attention to when choosing such a dietary supplement:

  • Price: the cost of the drug should not be too low, because this may indicate its low quality;
  • Appearance: if fat is purchased in liquid form, it should be completely transparent;
  • Smell: Real fat has no odor.

Instructions for use ^

Indications and contraindications

In what cases is shark oil usually used in the form of capsules (for oral administration):

  • Diabetes;
  • Depression;
  • Allergic rhinitis;
  • Insomnia, nervousness;
  • Arthritis;
  • Atopic dermatitis, eczema;
  • Nephritis;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Anemia;
  • Hepatosis;
  • Active chronic hepatitis;
  • Oncology;
  • Leukemia is chronic.

Compared to the above list, there are not so many indications for the product:

  • Its use is prohibited in case of individual intolerance to the components;
  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should consult your doctor before starting the course.

How to take shark oil capsules

It is worth considering that the drug is not medicine, because it is commonly used as an adjunctive treatment. In the presence of diseases, the process should be monitored by a doctor, and absolutely healthy people can take the product according to the following scheme:

  • We drink 2 capsules a day, preferably during or after meals;
  • Course duration – 1 month.

The rules of application may change, because Each manufacturer has their own, but in general, 2 g of fat per day is enough to replenish the supply of amino acids and vitamins.

Use for joints

Most often, fat is used to treat arthritis and other joint diseases, and it can be purchased in the form of an ointment or gel:

  • Ointment: rub into sore spots 2-3 times a day. It is absorbed better than cream;
  • Cream: treat clean skin several times a day, applying the product with massage movements.

Conclusions, reviews and results ^

Despite the fact that some people consider shark oil to be harmful to the human body, those who have already tried its effect on themselves have been able to verify the effectiveness of this product:

  • Pain in joints and muscles is significantly reduced;
  • Well-being improves, tone increases;
  • Stops bothering you with hemorrhoids;
  • The severity of symptoms of diseases for which it is recommended is reduced.

Experience of our readers

Daria, 38 years old:

"To treat the patient knee joint I bought a cream with shark oil, I don’t remember the name. The first week there was practically no effect from it, but then I realized that to reduce pain I need to use it systematically, when the knee stopped hurting"

Olga, 27 years old:

“I haven’t used shark oil myself, but my mother speaks extremely positively about it. At one time, she managed to use it to reduce the symptoms of arthritis, which often bothered her, and now she does not complain about her joints.”

Anastasia, 35 years old:

“I used this fat for arthritis, and during pregnancy. The dosage was agreed upon with the doctor, but this, it seems to me, is an exceptional case, because... there was a possibility of toxicosis, which I was warned about.”

Shark oil (Squalene) from Hainan Island, Sanya.

Please note, we are still shipping Shark Oil in blue packages until 2019!!!

Release form: 60 capsules

Beneficial features Shark oil:

  • Cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol and cholesterol plaques
  • Restores liver cells and provides their protection
  • Strengthens the immune system and increases the body's resistance to infections
  • Able to regenerate cells and saturate them with oxygen
  • Boosts immunity
  • Purifies the blood and gastrointestinal tract from toxins
  • Useful for people with cancer after surgery and chemotherapy, as it prevents the appearance of cancer metastases
  • Normalizes blood pressure
  • Supports brain cell function
  • Good anti-aging effect
  • Increased red blood cell count
  • Heals the cardiovascular and endocrine systems
  • Helps develop the nervous system and intelligence in children
  • Improves the transmission of impulses between nerve cells

In addition to everything, it has restorative, antioxidant and anti-sclerotic effects.

Jiahua shark oil also contains vitamins A, E and D, which increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases, slow down the aging process, improve vision, skin, hair and nails.

Ultimately, Shark oil (Squalene) reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and is an indispensable assistant in complex treatment eczema, psoriasis, overweight and obesity, both adults and children.

You can buy shark oil (Squalene) on our official website at the best prices and give yourself and your loved ones healthy blood vessels without cholesterol and complications.

Mode of application: Take 2 capsules, 2 times a day, with water.

A course of treatment: 1 course is 3 months (6 packs of shark oil), half a course is 1.5 months (3 packs), for prevention it is enough to drink 1 pack of shark oil once every 6 months.

Shark oil (Squalene)in capsules from the famous Chinese manufacturer Jiahua, Hainan Province - this is the best assistant in cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol today. Compared to its counterparts in Russia, Japan and America, shark squalene from the manufacturer Zhong Jia (Jiahua Bio) is much more effective in fulfilling its main task of cleansing blood vessels. The squalene content per 100 grams of product is 30.8 grams, which is more than enough. so that within a 3-month course of treatment, the vessels of cholesterol plaques are completely cleared, even in very advanced stages.

Manufacturers who write on packaging about the squalene content of 90% or more per 100 grams of product most likely will not be able to confirm the veracity of what is written, since today it is very difficult to produce such a powerful squeeze of squalene from shark liver, it is a long and expensive process. Plus, our body simply cannot accept such a high content of squalene per 100 grams of product and will remove the excess naturally. Scientific research confirm that the ideal squalene content is 30 - 33% per 100 grams of product.

Be careful when purchasing Shark Oil. A real package of shark oil must contain information about the manufacturer of the drug, the content of squalene and an identification barcode (QR code), which can be read using a program on mobile devices!!!

Causes of cholesterol:

There are many reasons why cholesterol forms in our blood vessels and cholesterol plaques form. This includes insufficient physical activity and unhealthy diet, alcohol and much more, it’s impossible to count everything. The main thing is to always understand that cholesterol deposits in our time are almost inevitable and there is no need to panic about this. It’s enough to just drink cholesterol-burning drugs, such as Shark Oil, once every six months, eat as much as possible healthy products, vegetables.

The main thing is not to start the process of cholesterol accumulation, since excess cholesterol can lead to very bad consequences and diseases, such as:

  • Atherosclerosis
  • Kidney disease
  • Intestinal problems
  • Limb diseases
  • Cardiac ischemia

​​Excess cholesterol leads to the formation of cholesterol plaques, with further blockage of blood vessels, which ultimately prevents the normal functioning of blood through the vessels and leads to inevitable consequences. The diagram on the right clearly shows the normal cholesterol content in healthy vessels, and when there is already a risk of complications. Cholesterol can accumulate in blood vessels for a very long time and not manifest itself anywhere. But one day, when blockage of blood vessels occurs, many bad consequences will arise. That is why you should undergo an annual medical examination and check your blood vessels so as not to bring your health to despair. An annual course of shark oil is recommended for those people who move little, eat a lot of fatty and sweet foods, drink alcohol and smoke. Consuming as much as possible large quantity cholesterol-burning products and shark oil for prevention, you will be calm about your blood vessels.

New packaging from September 2019.

Old packaging until September 2019.

Product Certificate

Shark oil is your reliable path to healthy and clean blood vessels without cholesterol!

In 2016, my friend went on vacation to Thailand, the country of sun, joy and fun, and upon her return she brought herself some purchases and, as usual, gifts for all of us, including me. To be honest, I never thought that anything worthwhile could come from Thailand, except hats (well, what can I say, geographical cretinism has been my companion all my life), although I myself have been using tiger balm for a hundred years, which, by the way, a friend also brought it from Tai three years earlier (by the way, a very good balm, I recommend it to everyone).

Src="/cachei/uploads/reviews/2017-02/6e9bdc6f7d5612700d6ec7d0ad4e2d5d.jpg" width="600">Actually, they brought me Thai lip balms (total G****, I never recommend it to anyone, it’s like Vaseline on the lips smeared it and jumped around with a mask on her lips)

And they actually brought me this same shark oil. At first I thought, what kind of stupidity is this, everything is in hieroglyphs, I didn’t understand anything, then my friend told me that these Thais have everything they don’t have, that they just don’t drink or eat. So shark oil, for example, is extracted by the Thais from shark livers; since centuries ago it has been used for the treatment of both external and internal organs. In general, it’s a useful thing,” she tells me, “come on, drink it!”

Honestly, I had already taken fish oil before, I didn’t notice anything special, and I decided that it was the same thing and gave it up.

Unfortunately, I already threw away the box, but it was a little larger than the jar of capsules itself, colorful. Inside there were instructions for use, but you won’t understand anything, since everything is in hieroglyphs. I had a jar of 100 capsules in a fairly solid package of 2-3 grams each (I don’t remember exactly, since I finished drinking it a long time ago

3. Product information:

What exactly was the usefulness of the product for me: as I already wrote, shark oil is extracted from the liver of sharks, it contains a bombastic amount and concentration of vitamins A and D, so you yourself understand that these vitamins are responsible for the most powerful cleansing of the body, detoxification of the body. These vitamins improve complexion.

4. Uniqueness of the product:

The main unique components of the product: squalene and alkyl glycerol.

Squalene - relieves various types of infections, relieves inflammatory processes in the body without harm to health. It is worth noting that squaline is also found in fish oil, but in much smaller quantities.

Alkyglycerol - you won’t find it in fish oil! what it is? Everyone knows that in addition to the fact that sharks live quite well, unlike others, they never get sick, that is, they have an incredibly increased immunity. That is, alkyglycerol helps the body remove viruses, bacteria and even stops the growth of cancer cells.

5. Useful application that I used:

I want to point out something that especially saved me. My various wounds take a very long time to heal, I read on the Internet that fish oil promotes faster healing - this is the PURE TRUTH! I cut the capsules (I note that the smell is quite pleasant, not unpleasant) and smeared the sore spot with this oil, the wound healed much faster.

6. Results + how I took it:

I took 1 capsule per day + on the skin, if necessary.

The circles under my eyes became much less noticeable (I also used patches at the same time). My complexion has become more even (my complexion usually improves after cleansing, but here I didn’t do any cleansing), and more radiant. My hair began to grow faster, I didn’t see any difference in shine. I also applied it to my nails in the form of oil, my problem with brittle nails disappeared (I am an avid connoisseur of gel polishes, during breaks I started applying it to the nail plates + on the cuticle while wearing gel polish).

In general, I finished the appointment about a month before the New Year, so I’m waiting for someone else to come to Tai and bring it to me again, since I couldn’t find such a company in online stores

Before use, be sure to consult a specialist

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