A.P. Chekhov "The Horse's Name": description, characters, analysis of the story

“The Horse's Name” is Chekhov's story, which is probably the most famous in the widest circles. Its popularity among readers is quite understandable: behind the external simplicity of the story, which is based on an anecdotal situation, one can find many levels of meaning, details in which Chekhov, in his characteristic brief and clear manner, reflects the existing reality, emphasizing, but not exposing some human vices. In addition, it allows the reader to conclude for himself what is most important in the story, what its character is - funny or tragic.

Description of the story

The plot of “The Horse's Name” is quite simple: it plays out a life situation in which a certain Buldeev, a retired military man with the rank of major general, found himself. Buldeev has a severe toothache, and one of his servants, Ivan Yevseich, who holds the position of clerk, advises the major general to use the services of a healer. He supposedly knows how to “bewitch” pain - and this does not even require the patient’s personal presence; According to the clerk, the healer will cope and receive a telegram with the name of the patient and a description of the problem.

Buldeev seizes the opportunity, since the doctor he contacted earlier could not help and offered to remove the diseased tooth, but the major general does not want to do this. He is going to write to the healer and asks Ivan Yevseich for his first and last name.

This is where the problem arises: Ivan Yevseich remembers the name, but forgot the last name. She only remembers that she is somehow connected with horses. Everyone, including the major general himself, his household and his clerk, begins to try all sorts of “horse” surnames, but nothing helps. In the end, the general, unable to bear the pain, calls the doctor again. He removes the tooth, saving Buldeev from suffering, and on the way back from the estate he meets the clerk and starts a conversation with him about feed for the horse. This is how I remember the healer’s last name - Ovsov. The clerk returns to the general, but it is too late: he “thanks” him for his efforts with two figs raised to his face.

The story plays out not just an anecdotal situation, based on one of two anecdotes: the Taganrog one, which tells how on the board where guests are marked, in the Taganrog hotel the townsfolk Kobylin and Zherebtsov were written next to each other, and the fairy tale anecdote, which in the “Index “Andreeva appears under number 2081. The situation there is similar, only instead of horse names there are bird names.

Main characters

Buldeev, retired major general. The character is at first glance personable and important, but is essentially comic. His comedy is emphasized by his surname, which is not at all a general’s, having a certain consonance with the word “stupid”, and by the very situation in which the general finds himself with a bad tooth (distrust of the doctor, reluctance to remove the tooth, then nevertheless accepting medical help), and behavior with Evseich. Buldeev declares that witchcraft is charlatanism, but nevertheless, insists that Ivan Yevseich must remember the name of the witch doctor so that Buldeev can turn to him. The general combines rudeness, ignorance and inconsistency, gets out of a difficult situation, demonstrating an unkind attitude towards a person who offered, albeit absurdly, but still to help, which can hardly arouse the sympathy of the reader.

Ivan Evseich is the general’s clerk, a man “without his own character”: at first he cheerfully, if not brazenly, advises Buldeev’s healer, but when he discovers that he has forgotten his last name and risks incurring the general’s wrath, he becomes obsequious and fawning. Subsequently, inspired by the meeting with the doctor, he hurries to the general, hoping that the healer’s name will help regain Buldeev’s favor, but he is hopelessly late. Everything about Ivan Yevseich - his behavior, his illiterate speech, and his attempts to remember the “horse’s name” - points to him as a uniquely comic character.

Witch Doctor. He is not personally present in “The Horse Family,” but according to Ivan Evseich’s description, he is an “excise tax officer,” that is, an official who collects taxes. He lives with his mother-in-law, but not with his wife, but with another woman, a “German”. In general, Ivan Evseich does not characterize him with positive side, calling him a scolder and a person who is hungry for vodka, but at the same time he in every possible way emphasizes the gift of a healer who can supposedly heal any toothache.

Doctor. Not called by name and not described in any way, but based on indirect signs (attitude towards the sick general, adequate medical recommendations, calm dialogue with Ivan Evseich) is a calm and professional person, acting as the opposite of a healer. It is symbolic that it is the doctor who helps Yevseich remember his forgotten surname, pushing him to the right idea with a question about buying oats.

In addition, the general’s wife and other members of Buldeev’s household appear in the story, but they essentially do not show themselves at all, only vying with each other to give advice to the general regarding a bad tooth and suggesting to the clerk various names that come to mind.

Story Analysis

The anecdotal nature of the story largely predetermined its form. “The Horse's Name” is written in the classic Chekhov style, briefly and concisely. There is practically no description here, everything is based on action and dialogue. The characters' characters are conveyed largely through their reactions and speech patterns. Thus, the clerk’s illiteracy and colloquial elements in his remarks tell us about a lower position compared to General Buldeev and a lower level of education.

At first glance, the story seems comical and funny. He really is; Not only did the general find himself in a curious situation, completely inconsistent in his treatment and attempts to get rid of toothache, but also Ivan Yevseich, who remembered it as a “horse” surname, which essentially has a very indirect relation to horses. The attempts of the general's household to help the clerk remember his last name are also ridiculous; the enumeration of options makes the reader smile. The solution to the funny situation and the general's jokes at the end of the story are just as funny.

But this is only the first semantic level. If you read and analyze “The Horse's Name” a little more deeply, several much more serious themes outlined by Chekhov become visible. These include:

  • - Social stratification and inequality, which is illustrated by Buldeev’s disdainful attitude towards the clerk, and, on the contrary, the latter’s servility.
  • - Lack of good manners and education “ the best people Russia": the major general is subject to prejudice, easily succumbs to dubious treatment options, disrespectful towards others, and inconsistent.
  • - Lack of awareness in general - since the doctor, who offers real options for getting rid of toothache, is supposed to be replaced by the figure of a healer. This does not happen, but only thanks to a curiosity, an accident.

Thus, in an outwardly funny and light story, which is an excellent example of classical Chekhov’s prose, complex themes that truly worried the writer were also reflected. Through laughter, he leads the reader to think and search for meaning, allowing everyone to draw their own conclusions regarding the moral of this work.

Chekhov A., story "The Horse's Name"

Genre: humorous story

The main characters of the story "The Horse's Name" and their characteristics

  1. Buldaev. Retired general. Cowardly, afraid to pull a tooth.
  2. Ivan Evseich, clerk. Forgetful.
  3. Doctor. Educated, practical.
Plan for retelling the story "The Horse's Name"
  1. Bad tooth
  2. A story about an excise man
  3. Horse surname
  4. Angry General
  5. Last name search
  6. The general's torment
  7. Pulled tooth
  8. I remembered!
  9. Kukish
The shortest summary of the story "The Horse's Name" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. General Buldaev had a toothache, but he didn’t want to pull it out.
  2. The clerk suggested writing to the excise officer, the master of spelling.
  3. The clerk forgot his last name, but remembered that it was associated with horses.
  4. All day everyone tried to tell him his last name.
  5. In the morning the doctor came and pulled out the tooth.
  6. The doctor asked for oats and the clerk remembered the name of the excise man, but it was too late.
The main idea of ​​the story "The Horse's Name"
There is no need to be treated by charlatans if there are real doctors.

What does the story "The Horse's Name" teach?
The story teaches not to trust medical deceivers and use the services of doctors. Teaches not to be afraid of treatment. Teaches you to have abstract thinking.

Review of the story "The Horse's Name"
This story made me laugh. The clerk correctly said that the name of the exciseman has to do with the horses, but not with them themselves, but with their feed. But the general was in vain to torment himself and drag his feet. It was necessary to vomit immediately, as the doctor advised.

Proverbs for the story "The Horse's Name"
Road help on time.
Pain is looking for a doctor.
Heal the sick, and beware of the healthy.
It’s a small pain, but it won’t let me sit down.
I messed up my memory and forgot everything.

Read summary, brief retelling story "Horse name"
One day, retired Major General Buldaev had a toothache. He tried everything folk remedies, the doctor came to see him. But Buldaev refused to pull the tooth, and the medications did not help. Everyone at home offered him different ways getting rid of toothache.
The clerk, Ivan Evseich, told about one excise man who spoke his teeth very well, but now lived in Saratov. Ivan Yevseich praised the traditional healer so much that Buldaev decided to send him a dispatch asking him to come urgently, and began asking for the address.
The clerk said that the excise man's name was Yakov Vasilyevich, but he could not remember his last name. He only remembered that the name was some kind of horse name.
And the general began to call different names - Kobylkin, Zherebtsov, Loshadkin. But it was not the same.
Buldaev got angry and drove the clerk away. He went out into the garden and kept trying to remember the name of the excise man. When he was called back to the general, everyone in the house began to try different surnames - Tabunov, Troykin, Rysisty, but none came up.
Evening came, then a sleepless night. The general almost cried, but he couldn’t remember his last name.
In the morning, the general could not stand it and sent for a doctor, deciding to pull out the tooth. The doctor arrived, pulled out the tooth and the pain went away.
And the doctor left the yard and saw the clerk painfully remembering the name of the clerk. He stopped the cart and asked the clerk if he could sell some oats. The clerk looked at the doctor, smiled, and rushed to the general. He joyfully announced that he remembered his last name - Ovsov.
But the general showed him two figs and said that he no longer needed a horse name.

Answer left by: Guest

The Captain's Daughter" is one of the most famous historical stories by A.S. Pushkin. She talks about a difficult period in the life of Russia associated with the peasant revolt led by E. Pugachev.
The main events in the work are connected with Pyotr Grinev, a young nobleman. He ended up serving in the Belogorsk fortress, which was subsequently captured by rebels.
“The Captain’s Daughter” is preceded by an epigraph taken from Russian folklore: “Take care of your honor from a young age.” These words are spoken to Grinev by his father, blessing him for his service. The hero, in the most difficult life situations, on the verge of life and death, follows these truths. In the end, he remains the winner.
But, if the story is about Pyotr Grinev, why is it called “The Captain's Daughter”? Maybe the main character of the work is “ Captain's daughter" - Masha Mironova, who also faced severe trials?
I think that it is Masha who fully fulfills the commandment “Take care of your honor from a young age.” Perhaps no one told her these words, but the girl simply cannot live differently - such is her nature and upbringing. Having survived the death of her parents, who were killed before her eyes, and constantly being under fear of death, Masha retains her own honor and dignity to the end.
Mironova refuses to become the wife of the traitor Grinev, although he threatens her with starvation. The heroine says: “I will never be his wife! I decided better to die, and I will die if they don’t deliver me.”
Masha remains faithful to her lover, believes in him and in him. This meek and quiet girl has enormous inner strength, purity, and the ability to love. I think she is much braver and stronger than her Petrusha, who had “sins” for her. But Masha in the story is almost flawless.
It is she who decides Grinev’s fate when she dares to go to a reception with the empress herself. The girl’s sense of dignity, inner purity, and devoted love conquers Catherine herself. She, imbued with sympathy for Masha, has mercy on Peter.
Thus, Masha Mironova is for Pushkin himself an ideal to which one should strive. It is she who fully complies with the covenant “Take care of honor from a young age.” That’s why, I think, the writer called his story “The Captain’s Daughter.”

Answer left by: Guest

This is a fairy tale about good and evil, about a just miracle and human happiness, which was the main character. This story shows various characters who in one way or another played a role in the fate of Cinderella. Despite all the vicissitudes of the ordeal, the girl did not despair even in the most hopeless situations. As you know, effort and work lead to happiness. Therefore, the fairy tale ends with a happy ending, leaving a bright trace in the reader’s soul, giving hope and the desire to do only good deeds.

Answer left by: Guest

Who is the narrator in Gogol's story about enchanted place.? (a true story told by the sexton of the ... church)
-Name the heroes of the story
-Did you like the treasure that your grandfather “obtained” with such difficulty? What treasure did he get? (Cauldron with garbage.)
-What grew in the enchanted place? (Nothing good grew there: “A watermelon is not a watermelon, a pumpkin is not a pumpkin...)
- How was the miracle repeated?
- in the story “fantasy is intertwined with life, everyday details.” Find the real and the fantastic
-identify the features of fairy tales in the work
-What conclusion can you draw for yourself, the moral of the work?

The main characters of “Horse Surname” are participants in a comical life situation. The anecdotal plot of the work allows Chekhov to have plenty of fun with the main character. The characterization of the major general is carried out through dialogues and inconsistent actions. This character does not evoke regret, quite the contrary. Calling the healers charlatans, he nevertheless writes a dispatch to Saratov, trusting the clerk, who decided to take advantage of the advantageous situation. The ending would have been even more comical if the general had been waiting for the help of the “tooth conspirator” while suffering from toothache.

Characteristics of the characters “Horse surname”

Main characters

Major General Buldeev

The general got a toothache after trying everything possible ways and advice, he was completely desperate. His clerk told about a very talented person, which is able to “speak” toothache. Grabbing hold of this thread, the general writes an urgent letter, but the clerk cannot remember the name of the “witch doctor.” The only thing he remembers is that she is “horse”. The general, suffering from pain, and his entire family offer many options for surnames related to the theme of horses. Main character impatient, capricious, treats lower ranks with contempt.

Ivan Evseevich, clerk

A man serving under a general. Having advised him to help, he could not remember the required surname, linking its origin with the horse. Trying to help a person in a difficult situation, he himself fell into disgrace due to his forgetfulness. He remembers only on the second day, when the patient had his tooth removed, unable to bear the pain.

Minor characters

General's Wife

She persuades her husband to agree to use the help of a “miraculous” man from Saratov. Mentions that he believes in conspiracies and the like, having tried something on himself.


This person commands respect from the reader, he is consistent and professional. Examines the patient and suggests removing the tooth. The general does not immediately agree. On his second visit, the doctor pulls out a tooth and on the way home he meets a clerk and asks him to buy oats. This reminds the clerk of Ovsov’s last name, and he runs away to the general’s house.

Ovsov Yakov Vasilievich

A certain person from Saratov who knows how to treat teeth with a “spell.” All that is known about him is that he is the best in this craft. Lives with a German woman, drinks alcohol. The general's clerk tries in vain to remember his name.

This Chekhov story can be considered a classic for the author: a lot of dialogue, a minimum of descriptions, hidden hints and slightly veiled meaning. All the characters are very realistic, lifelike, the plot is close to reality, the situations are comical, but not hyperbolic. At the end of the story “The Horse's Name,” the heroes meet in a very comical scene: Ivan Evseevich runs into the general’s house, delighted that he can curry favor, and he greets him with two cookies in the face. Characteristics of heroes can be useful for a reader's diary and writing creative works based on the work of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

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