6th Congress of Finno-Ugric Peoples. The VI Congress of Finno-Ugric Peoples of the Russian Federation will become an impetus in resolving issues of the Finno-Ugric peoples

The VI Congress of Finno-Ugric Peoples began its work in Syktyvkar today Russian Federation. More than 350 people participate in it - delegates from 42 regions of Russia. These are representatives of public organizations, government and business bodies, and journalists. The congress was opened by the leader Federal agency for Nationalities Affairs Igor Barinov, who read out a greeting on behalf of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev.

The topic of the forum is “Finno-Ugric peoples of Russia: civic identity and ethnocultural diversity." Participants will discuss the development of Finno-Ugric languages, culture and ethnotourism, environmental and health conservation. Sections of the forum are devoted to youth topics, information technologies and the media. A round table will be held on issues of social partnership and business.

Igor Barinov recalled that the FADN of Russia has developed a set of measures for the ethnocultural development of the Finno-Ugric peoples. “We provide support to events aimed at developing cooperation on the socio-economic and ethnocultural development of the Finno-Ugric peoples of Russia within the framework of the activities of the UN, the Council of Europe, the OSCE, the Arctic Council, and we help public associations in the preparation and implementation of youth projects. Certain areas of support relate to the implementation of socially significant projects non-profit organizations Finno-Ugric peoples,” said the head of the FADN of Russia.

During the days of the congress in Syktyvkar there will be held: an exhibition of folk arts and crafts of the Finno-Ugric peoples “RODNIKI.RF”, the V international festival of visual arts of the Finno-Ugric peoples “Tuivezh” (Crossroads), the international competition “Miss Student Finno-Ugria - 2017” ", ethnofuturistic exhibition "AS & ARTE. Archaic and ethnofuturism", ice show based on the myths and legends of the Komi peoples " Fairy tale Parma”, a concert with the participation of groups and soloists from the Finno-Ugric regions “The Origins of Creativity”.

The forum is organized by the Association of Finno-Ugric Peoples of the Russian Federation with the support of the Federal Agency for Nationalities Affairs and the Government of the Komi Republic.

For reference

Finno-Ugric peoples make up 1.7% of the Russian population. These include 22 peoples, the most numerous of them: Mordovians (more than 744 thousand people), Mari (more than 547 thousand people), Udmurts (more than 552 thousand people), Komi (more than 228 thousand people).

This year marks 25 years since the adoption of the declaration on the creation of the Association of Finno-Ugric Peoples. AFUN is the organizer of the largest all-Russian festivals and forums. Close ties have been established between the Association and the country's leading universities, their joint projects are aimed at preserving the languages ​​and culture of the Finno-Ugric peoples.

On June 2, 2017, a meeting of the Council of the Association of Finno-Ugric Peoples of the Russian Federation (AFUN RF) was held at the Moscow House of Nationalities to prepare for the VI Congress of Finno-Ugric Peoples of the Russian Federation. 27 members of the Council out of 45 took part in it. From the Republic of Mari El - Deputy Chairman of the AFUN of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the RME, Minister of Culture, Press and National Affairs of the RME Mikhail Vasyutin, member of the Council of the AFUN of the Russian Federation, Head. UIL "Center for National and Confessional Research RME", director of the ANO "Cultural and Information Center "INTELLECTUAL" Elvira Kuklina.

The meeting was attended by invited persons - the head of the department of national policy of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for domestic policy Tatiana Vagina, Chief Advisor to the Department of National Policy of the Russian Presidential Administration for Domestic Policy Vadim Martynov, consultant to the department for interaction with diasporas, communities and non-profit organizations of the department for strengthening national unity and preventing extremism on national and religious grounds, FADN of Russia Ksenia Gaidasheva.

According to the decision of previous meetings of the Council, the VI Congress of Finno-Ugric Peoples of the Russian Federation will be held on September 27-30, 2017 in Syktyvkar, Komi Republic. The theme of the congress has already been approved here: “Finno-Ugric peoples of Russia: civic identity and ethnocultural diversity.” We also decided on the topics of the sections:

"Language. Education. Science", "Culture. Ethnotourism", "Ecology. Health of the Nation", "Media. Information Technology", "Youth: citizenship, patriotism, traditions."

A round table is planned on the topic “Social partnership. Business".

During the meeting, candidates for chairmen and co-chairmen of sections, speakers and co-rapporteurs for sections were also approved. Members of the Council of the AFUN of the Russian Federation considered questions about quotas of delegates to the VI Congress of Finno-Ugric Peoples of the Russian Federation and about the norms for nominating candidates for members of the Council of the AFUN of the Russian Federation. Thus, the delegates, in addition to the approved list, will be the current members of the Council of the AFUN of the Russian Federation with the right of casting vote. As the meeting participants noted, they must report for 4 years of their work in the Association. In total, more than 200 delegates are expected to attend the congress.

Minister of National Policy of the Komi Republic Elena Ermolina informed about the progress of preparations for the VI Congress of Finno-Ugric Peoples of the Russian Federation in the host region. The republic is actively implementing the plan of the working group for preparing and holding the congress under the leadership of the First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan Larisa Maximova. As noted, during the congress there will be involved the best sites region, including the Ethnopark. As part of the cultural program, popular national performances will be shown, and participants of the congress will witness the next International competition “Miss Students of Finno-Ugria”.

There was also talk about information support for the historical Finno-Ugric event. The Komi Republic proposes to hold a media forum for journalists on the eve of the congress, on September 26.

The head of Komi, Sergei Gaplikov, was informed today about the progress of preparations by the Chairman of the AFUN of the Russian Federation, Pyotr Tultaev. The VI Congress of Finno-Ugric Peoples of the Russian Federation will be held in Syktyvkar from September 27 to 29, 2017.

As part of the cultural program of the congress, participants will see a concert by the state song and dance ensemble “Asya kya”. Photo by Victor Bobyr

“The AFUN Congress is a good platform for exchanging experiences and fruitful discussions. And we are very interested in the experience of the Komi Republic, since the Komi people in many areas and projects have extensive experience in solving difficult problems, including those related to the preservation of national culture and traditions. You have some great ones too educational programs, and modern information technologies,” noted Pyotr Tultaev.

“I am more than sure that every nation has something to offer. There will be discussion platforms, best practices will be studied, which, after all discussions and considerations, will be included in the collection of congress materials,” supported Sergei Gaplikov. “Therefore, we are looking forward to seeing you all in the republic, in Syktyvkar. We will provide all the necessary assistance in holding the congress. We will make sure that all participants and guests feel comfortable, cozy, and, most importantly, that it is productive and constructive, so that the result is a progressive movement forward for all the Finno-Ugric peoples of our Russia, so that everyone feels like one big nation.”

The forum will be held on the territory of the republic for the first time. Its participants will discuss modern approaches to the development of languages, including their informatization, issues of preserving the environment and the health of the nation, prospects for the development of ethnic tourism as a means of reviving and preserving the ethnocultural heritage of peoples. A separate platform will be dedicated to youth issues. In addition, delegates to the congress will raise development topics national media, as well as social partnership.

As part of the cultural program of the congress, participants will see a concert by the state song and dance ensemble of the republic “Asya Kya”, an ice show “The Magic Tale of Parma”, will be able to visit an exhibition of ethnofuturist artists in the Komi National Museum, and a large exhibition of folk art crafts in the regional House of Friendship of Peoples.

In total, more than 300 delegates and guests from 42 regions of Russia are expected to attend. This public figures, representatives of science and culture, education and business, journalists.

Sergei Gaplikov instructed the Minister of National Policy of the region, Galina Gabusheva, to keep the progress of preparations for the congress under special control, resolving emerging issues. organizational matters in close cooperation with the chairman of AFUN Petr Tultaev.

The organizer of the congress is the Association of Finno-Ugric Peoples of the Russian Federation with the support of the Federal Agency for Nationalities Affairs and the Komi Government.

The theme of this year’s forum is “Finno-Ugric peoples of Russia: civic identity and ethnocultural diversity.” The following sections will work within the framework of the congress: “Language. Education. Science", "Culture. Ethnotourism", "Ecology. Health of the Nation", "Media. Information technologies”, “Youth: citizenship, patriotism, traditions”, as well as a round table “Social partnership. Business".

29.09.2017 15:15

Today the VI Congress of Finno-Ugric Peoples of the Russian Federation completed its work in Syktyvkar. It was attended by 204 delegates and 32 guests from 43 regions of Russia, as well as representatives of federal and regional authorities and the media.

At the beginning of the plenary session, the section leaders reported on the work of their sites. Thus, the most numerous section was “Culture. Ethnotourism”, which was attended by more than 90 participants and 26 reports were made. As a result of their discussions, the draft resolution of the Congress included such recommendations as ensuring coordination of the activities of public organizations and authorities during large-scale ethnocultural events, providing assistance in holding traditional festivals of children's creativity, folklore and theater festivals, days of related Finno-Ugric peoples, promoting the creation series of documentary ethnographic films and research projects on the history and culture of the peoples of Russia. After the discussions, the section participants went to the Finno-Ugric Ethnocultural Park in the village. Yb, where they were already presented with an example of conducting effective tourism activities in practice.

Among the recommendations of the section “Language. Education. Science” are to strive to present the languages ​​of all Finno-Ugric peoples as equal in rights on the Internet, to promote the use of information technologies for the preservation, development and promotion of languages, traditional national cultures, to promote the development and adoption of a targeted program for the preparation of national personnel for the fields of education, culture and media, contribute to the creation of electronic resources on Finno-Ugric projects, interactive and distance learning of languages ​​in various forms.

Participants in the section "Ecology. Health of the Nation" called for continued scientific research into the state of health of the population in the regions and the influence of factors on it environment, as well as the development of problems of family, motherhood and childhood, to help strengthen the human resources and material and technical base of rural health care.

The section "Media. Information Technologies" proposed to provide assistance in the preparation and publication of national magazines and newspapers, collections of documents and materials on the history, ethnography, folklore of the Finno-Ugric and Samoyed peoples of Russia, to contribute to an increase in airtime in Finno-Ugric languages ​​on the regional broadcast network television and radio companies, promote the organization of media forums and training seminars on interethnic journalism in the Finno-Ugric regions of the Russian Federation.

Participants of the round table "Youth: citizenship, patriotism, traditions" recommend promoting the creation of a Finno-Ugric Youth Council, involving Finno-Ugric youth organizations in the implementation of regional management training programs and the formation of a managerial reserve, promoting the organization scientific research students and young scientists on Finno-Ugric topics.

The round table "Social Partnership. Business" made recommendations with a resolution to support business projects and legislative initiatives aimed at preserving and developing traditional crafts and crafts of the Finno-Ugric peoples, to provide assistance to entrepreneurs in creating jobs in the Finno-Ugric rural settlements, support the practice of conducting training seminars for young entrepreneurs.

The result of the third and final day of work was the adoption of a draft resolution of the Congress and amendments to the Charter of the Association of Finno-Ugric Peoples of the Russian Federation. “The resolution is a kind of Constitution, a program of action for the Council and its members,” noted the Chairman of the Association of Finno-Ugric Peoples, Pyotr Tultaev, and assured that all proposals not included in the final document of the Congress will be summarized, analyzed and taken into action.

From September 27 to 29, Syktyvkar (Komi Republic) hosts the VI Congress of Finno-Ugric Peoples of Russia - this is the highest governing body of the All-Russian public movement “Association of Finno-Ugric Peoples of the Russian Federation,” which celebrated its 25th anniversary in February of this year.

AFUN unites ethnic groups of the Ural language family, including Finno-Ugric and Samoyed peoples living in Russia. In total, representatives of 19 such ethnic groups live in 42 regions of Russia, including those with national-state (Republics of Karelia, Komi, Mari-El, Mordovia, Udmurtia) and national-territorial entities (Nenets, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrugs).

Over 300 delegates from the regions gathered at this forum. The theme of the congress is “Finno-Ugric peoples of Russia: civic identity and ethnocultural diversity.”

Within the framework of the forum, an exhibition of folk crafts and V International festival visual arts of the Finno-Ugric peoples “Tuivezh” - translated from the Komi language as “Crossroads”. The capital of the Komi Republic brought together directors, cameramen, animators and screenwriters from different parts of Russia. In total, 150 works are participating in the anniversary festival.

As the chairman of the association, Petr Tultaev, said, today the problem of preserving the language is urgent for the entire Finno-Ugric community settled throughout Russia.

Therefore, in regions where the national language has state status, financial resources should be attracted to the most effective support tools - the media, the education system, book publishing, he believes.

At the same time, Tultaev noted, ethnic issues are sometimes used for political speculation, which does not contribute to constructive discussions and the adoption of necessary decisions. He called on “public associations to direct their efforts to eliminate these manifestations,” Komiinform reports.

Tultaev also commented on the appointment of ex-governor of the Samara region Nikolai Merkushkin to the post of special representative of the Russian President for interaction with the World Finno-Ugric Congress.

Tultaev noted that with this organization “there are common issues, but there are also topics where there is no unity of views: these are issues of teaching languages, publishing activities.”

He believes that the experience of Finland, Hungary and Estonia cannot be transferred to our country. “Russia is a multinational country, and it is very important, while developing its culture, not to create hotbeds of tension. AFUN expresses the opinion of the Finno-Ugric peoples - we are all children of Russia,” says Tultaev

“The introduction of the post of special representative of the president will contribute to a more constructive dialogue and will eliminate tension and misunderstanding,” the head of the association believes, reports Izvestia Mordovia.

As Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Magomedsalam Magomedov emphasized in his speech at the opening ceremony of the congress, Head of State Vladimir Putin highly appreciates the significance of the event. He sent greetings to the participants of the congress, Vladimir Putin.

“Issues of interethnic harmony, originality and identity of the peoples of our country have traditionally been given priority attention by the state. And it is gratifying that authoritative public organizations, such as the Association of Finno-Ugric Peoples of the Russian Federation, which this year turned 25 years old. Over the past time, through the efforts of the Association, serious socially significant initiatives have been implemented in the field of education and enlightenment. Diverse and always meaningful projects have been implemented aimed at preserving the unique culture, languages ​​and customs of the Finno-Ugric peoples. Such a rich, multifaceted activity deserves high praise and recognition,” says the text of the welcome address, which is posted on the website of the government of the Komi Republic.