4th week from conception. Child development in the first four weeks after birth

4 obstetric week pregnancy– (approximately 5-6 embryonic) the period is too short to clearly experience all the “delights” of an interesting situation. The stomach is still flat, the baby is not kicking yet. But the woman’s body has already seriously begun to prepare for bearing a fetus. What is important in the fourth week is the moment that right now the embryo is attached to the wall of the uterus, where it will spend all the time until birth.

We especially note that the 4th obstetric week of pregnancy differs from the embryonic period of pregnancy. After all, in obstetrics, the period is calculated from the day last menstrual period. And the age of the embryo is counted from the day of its conception. Usually both terms differ by 10-14 days.

What does the expectant mother feel at 4 weeks? However, if pregnancy is not planned, then the woman is still waiting for her period to arrive. However, many are already emerging characteristic features: causeless irritability, drowsiness, emotional swings, swelling of the mammary glands and quite noticeable pain, slight swelling in the legs and arms may occur. Breasts at 4 weeks of pregnancy becomes extremely sensitive. Toxicosis in its usual manifestation has not yet occurred.

There is a slight tension in the lower abdomen. Some people are already developing intolerance to strong odors. Exacerbations of chronic diseases (if any) may occur.

There are cases when, just on the day of the arrival of menstruation, light discharge with blood begins. This is what doctors call implantation bleeding, many people mistake it for menstruation and for some time do not realize they are pregnant.

Fetal development at 4 weeks of pregnancy

Now, after the embryo enters the uterine cavity, it develops at an accelerated pace. In the meantime, the embryo resembles in shape a flat disk with a diameter of about a millimeter - poppy seed.

The round shape of the embryo seems to consist of petals. The outer layers of these petals will in the future become the baby’s nerves, skin and hair, and the inner ones will become all the organs. The middle layer will develop into the genitals, muscles and bones, and other organs and tissues of the baby’s body.

There is still no placenta or amniotic sac as such. They will later form from chorion And amnion. The yolk sac will provide the process of hematopoiesis for the fetus until 7-8 weeks.

Now the brain is rapidly expanding, and the head is growing. If you look at the pictures Ultrasound at 4 weeks of pregnancy, then you can see the places of the rudiments of arms and legs, face, and oral cavity.

The weight of the embryo is still very small: approximately 0.5 grams, height does not exceed 1 mm.

On photo ultrasound at the 4th week of obstetric pregnancy, the unborn baby looks like a tiny dot - a poppy seed.

What factors influence fetal development

Already now the connection between the embryo and the woman is becoming stronger: blood vessels connect the unborn baby and the mother. Blood passes through the membranes of these vessels as if through a filter. However, they cannot protect the unborn baby as well as placenta(which has not yet formed). Therefore, there is a high risk of harmful effects on the fetus from the outside: alcohol, tobacco and chemicals from the environment.

What complications may arise at 4 weeks of pregnancy?

What to watch out for 4 weeks pregnant, is the incorrect formation and development of fetal organs. Risk factors include all sorts of harmful influences: medications, habits expectant mother, diseases and infections.

For example, high temperature can increase the risk of developing heart defects in a child in the future. Smoking causes oxygen starvation. Alcohol inhibits the development of the nervous system and brain.

The risk is very high right now miscarriage. So, if you experience any discomfort, pain in the lower abdomen or bleeding, immediately run to antenatal clinic.

Fine vaginal discharge transparent (or slightly whitish) without a specific odor. During this period, bleeding due to implantation may occur - slightly scanty discharge with blood for one to three days. They pose no danger.

Changes in a woman’s body at 4 weeks of pregnancy

Future baby on 4 weeks pregnant- this is no longer a lump of cells, but a living organism that intensively develops in the uterus. The fetus secretes a certain set of hormones that force the female body to rebuild. After all, now the main purpose of a woman’s body is to bear and give birth to a child.

At this stage, the corpus luteum (it is formed at the site of the egg that has already left the follicle) begins to increase in size and intensively produce the hormone progesterone. Then the placenta will do this.

The embryo, already attached to the wall of the uterus, reproduces hCG, which makes the processes of restructuring of the body noticeable and clearly signals an “interesting situation.”

All the physical processes that are happening now are aimed at only one thing - carrying a pregnancy and preparing for the birth of a child.

Often now a pregnant woman begins to feel the urge to vomit - this is a spasm of small blood vessels. Fluid is lost from the bloodstream, which is rare but can still seriously dehydrate the body.

At the 4th week of obstetric pregnancy, the fetus begins to produce unique substances. They suppress immune system mother. But this is a natural process: this is how the unborn child is protected from fetal rejection during the process of implantation into the uterus. But for a woman, this fact can result in an exacerbation of previously dormant chronic diseases. The danger may be that a woman, not yet suspecting that she is pregnant, begins to take medications that can cause significant harm to the fetus.

However, if pregnancy is expected, then you should stop taking medications. And it is better to avoid places where there is a high probability of contracting an infection.

A remarkable fact: for those who suffer from diseases related to the immune system, the release of suppressive substances by the embryo, on the contrary, has a beneficial effect. For example, women with diabetes mellitus Type 1 patients may forget about insulin injections until the placenta is formed. Skin diseases (psoriasis, for example) go into a state of remission and do not remind of themselves for a very long time, or even disappear completely without a trace.

Tests and medical examinations

On 4 weeks pregnant There are no requirements yet for conducting examinations or passing a mandatory set of tests. Many women at this stage only take the test for the first time and see the long-awaited two lines. It is unlikely that the test could be false at this time. Only a low-quality or expired test will show a negative result.

If the pregnancy was carefully planned, then nothing bad will come from taking the tests. This way the doctor will simply have an extra opportunity to control the changes that the female body undergoes. Of course, if there is a risk of miscarriage, then it is better to be examined once again and make sure that the process is proceeding within normal limits.

At this time, you can safely donate blood to determine the level hCG
. Based on the amount of hCG, the doctor can determine not only the fact of pregnancy itself, but also the likelihood of miscarriage, multiple pregnancy or other pathologies. The norm for one fetus is 50 – 100 mU/ml. for a few fruits this value increases significantly.

During your examination at 4 weeks, your gynecologist will tell you for sure that you are pregnant.

Ultrasound at 4 weeks of pregnancy

If the ultrasound apparatus has high sensitivity characteristics, then 4 weeks pregnant in the photographs you can see not only the enlarged corpus luteum, but also the embryo itself.

Is it worth it? Ultrasound at such an early stage, the doctor will decide. Although the harmful effects of ultrasonic waves on the embryo or on the pregnant woman herself have not been proven.

Of course, the most helpful advice- This is a healthy lifestyle for the expectant mother. You will have to radically change your habits and give up a lot. But the sacrifice is very small compared to the miracle of waiting for the birth of a healthy child.

The expectant mother must provide the growing embryo with adequate nutrition and access to all the vitamins, microelements and nutrients the baby needs. Therefore, we switch to a balanced diet, organic foods, fruits and vegetables.

Don't forget about walks fresh air. It is clear that in a large metropolis it is difficult to find a quiet and cozy place for relaxing walks. Explore the surroundings of your residential area and you will definitely find a public garden among the concrete jungle where you can calmly relax and enjoy your dreams of your future child.

Prohibitions and contraindications during pregnancy

  • Complete rejection of all bad habits– no alcohol, tobacco, drugs. Their effect is so terrible that it is better to deny yourself this than to bite your elbows later, realizing that it was you who had such a negative impact on the health and development of your baby.
  • Refusal of “harmful” food – fast food, fatty, salty, spicy, smoked. Of course, sometimes pregnant women want something like that, so at least cry. Sometimes treat yourself to something tasty, but in very limited quantities.
  • If you are a convinced vegetarian, then remember that your unborn child needs protein. Get over your beliefs and allow yourself to eat eggs, fish, chicken and lean meats.
  • Avoid stressful situations. Avoid stressful work that makes you nervous and overtired. Any money you can earn is not worth the health of your unborn baby.
  • Don't lift heavy things, don't overdo it.

Sex at 4 weeks pregnant

There are no restrictions on sexual activity during this period. If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, you do not risk anything. To be on the safe side, you can consult your doctor on this issue. Sometimes a gynecologist advises abstaining from sex during the period of embryo implantation - contractions of the uterine muscles can prevent the embryo from attaching to the wall.

However, on 4 weeks pregnant sex is perceived differently by different women. In some pregnant women, sexual desire intensifies; in others, on the contrary, sexual desire disappears completely.

Sports and physical education

In this matter, caution is needed if you are involved in professionally active or extreme sports. It is better to avoid such activities altogether for the entire period of pregnancy.

Physical activity during pregnancy is undoubtedly necessary. But in a certain quantity, and preferably in accordance with the trainer’s recommendations. You can already sign up and start attending special gymnastics and fitness courses for pregnant women. This is also a good opportunity to chat with friends over " interesting situation" The main thing is that physical activity is a joy and does not bring overwork.

Vitamins and medicines at 4 weeks of pregnancy

From use medicines worth refusing. Almost all medications have contraindications for pregnant women and have serious side effects. Any medicine can be taken only after consulting a doctor.

WITH folk remedies Don’t experiment either, consult a specialist first.

On 4 weeks pregnant You cannot perform any procedures using anesthesia. Therefore even dental treatment delay until the third trimester of pregnancy.

Take only vitamins that are designed specifically for pregnant women. A lack and even an excess of microelements or seemingly beneficial substances can significantly affect the fetus and its development.

It is in the third week of pregnancy that a fairly large number of women develop signs which may indicate pregnancy:

  • Drowsiness
  • Fast fatiguability
  • Frequent urge to urinate
  • Changes in taste preferences
  • Increased sensitivity to odors
  • Morning dizziness
  • Nausea and vomiting.

It is especially dangerous to contract infectious or cold diseases during this period. Most effective medications are contraindicated during pregnancy.

In the fourth week, you can talk about pregnancy as a fait accompli. There are still about eight months of bearing the child ahead. The 4th week of obstetric pregnancy is the 2nd week from the moment of conception. By this time, the embryo has already managed to attach itself to the wall of the uterus. Development occurs very quickly, having a noticeable effect on the body of the expectant mother. Let's find out the answers to all questions related to the fourth week of pregnancy.

Symptoms and signs at 4 weeks pregnant

The likelihood that the first signs of pregnancy will be noticed at 4 weeks is high. During this period, significant changes are observed in the body of the expectant mother. Even in the brain, the so-called pregnancy dominant is formed. Very soon, the main task of the nervous system will be to create favorable conditions for the development of the fetus. And even nervous behavior will become much calmer.

Week 4 is the time when most women’s appetite finally changes and intolerance to specific aromas appears. Sometimes you just have to see a dish that has fallen out of favor for nausea to begin. Morning sickness, in other words, nausea, is also common. The reflex threshold is very high. Even accidentally touching the base of the tongue with a brush while brushing your teeth instantly causes the urge to vomit.

Even the most mundane occasion can cause an overly strong emotional reaction. Any little thing during the four-week period becomes a reason for hysteria or resentment. It often even leads to depression. Doctors note that hormones most affect girls whose character has previously changed during menstruation.

In the fourth week, the body produces the hormone hCG. True, the concentration of hCG in the blood is not high enough for the test to react to it. More indicative in this regard would be laboratory analysis. It will cost more than a tester, but an hCG test will allow you to determine pregnancy earlier.

Among other common symptoms, it is also necessary to note an increase in breast sensitivity and roughening of the skin of the nipples. The same signs are observed during menstruation, only during pregnancy they are more pronounced. The action of hormones is aimed, among other things, at preparing the mammary glands for lactation. The following symptoms also occur:

  • Delayed menstruation (if the cycle does not exceed 28 days);
  • Nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Increased drowsiness;
  • Basal temperature indicators exceed +37°C.

Changes in the body

The cells formed during the division of the zygote undergo a “distribution of roles”: some of them are grouped approximately in the middle, while others are shifted closer to the edges. The blastocyst itself (an early form of the embryo) is already very close to the wall of the uterus and is ready to be implanted into it. To do this, blastocyst cells extend microscopic chorionic villi to the endometrium, expanding the tissue and helping it penetrate deeper into the mucous layer. Having successfully penetrated there, the blastocyst begins to produce hCG. Under the influence of this hormone, menstruation stops.

The fertilized egg gradually transforms into an embryo. On initial stage development, it looks like a flat disk that includes three layers. Doctors call them germ layers. In the coming weeks, they will become the basis for the formation of fetal tissues and organs. Let's look at each layer in more detail:

  • The inner layer is called endoderm. From it the lungs, pancreas, liver and the entire digestive system will be formed.
  • From the mesoderm (middle layer) all bones, muscles, kidneys, as well as the circulatory system (including the heart) will develop.
  • The ectoderm is the outer layer. It will serve as a material for the formation of the skin, hair, enamel, lens and the entire nervous system.

Week 4 is the period during which the embryo’s head is formed. True, it still bears little resemblance to a human head. If the embryo is unfolded, its length will be no more than 5 millimeters. In the normal, folded state there are only 2. Even though the sizes are still insignificant, nevertheless, the development of the unborn child proceeds very intensively.

For example, at a four-week period, those with great importance for the embryo at the initial stage of development, extraembryonic organs. These are the chorion, amnion and the so-called yolk sac. The purpose of these bodies is to ensure receipt nutrients, breathing, hormonal support and protection of the unborn fetus. After a few weeks, the chorion will transform into the placenta, and the amnion will form the fetal sac. Male genes have the greatest influence on the creation of these organs.

The task of the placenta will be to prevent harmful elements from reaching the fetus from the pregnant woman. Since at this stage it has not yet been formed, the embryo does not yet have any protection against toxins in the mother’s body. This includes both alcohol and medications. Well, the amniotic sac will create conditions for comfortable development of the fetus, surrounding and protecting the unborn child from physical harm.

Discharge from the genital tract

Light, homogeneous discharge with a sour odor during this period should not be a cause for concern. Bloody or dark brown, accompanied by pain in the lower back, on the contrary, are a reason to consult a doctor. They are not typical for the normal course of pregnancy and, most likely, indicate some kind of infection of the genital organs. After passing a medical examination, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment.

Periods and bleeding at 4 weeks

Usually, girls who have no idea about their pregnancy associate all changes in their condition with premenstrual syndrome. Just by the end of the fourth week, your period should come... But it doesn’t, there is a delay. It is also a common sign of impregnation. The reason for the absence of menstrual bleeding is the effect of human chorionic gonadotropin. This specific “pregnancy hormone” begins to be produced by the fertilized egg.

In some cases, a girl may notice slight spotting. In medicine, they are called implantation bleeding. Discharge appears during the attachment of the blastocyst to the endometrium. There is no need to worry about implantation bleeding; it is a common occurrence.

Pregnancy test

An amazing fact: according to the obstetric calendar, it is already the fourth week, and the pregnancy test will most likely show one line, that is, a negative result. The reason for this is the insufficient concentration of the hCG hormone in the urine, which does not allow it to affect the sensitive element of the test. There is already much more of it in the blood.

The most highly sensitive and accurate tests can show positive results now. It will be signaled by a barely noticeable second stripe. But this is rather an exception. The optimal time to check fertilization using a test is 5 weeks. That is, after a missed period, almost any test will show a positive result, because by that time there will be much more hCG in the body.

Tests and ultrasound for the expectant mother

At 4 weeks after conception, the concentration of hCG in a woman’s blood increases faster than in the urine, therefore, a laboratory test for the presence of this hormone will help determine the presence of a fetus with almost one hundred percent accuracy already at this time. With its help, conclusions are also drawn about deviations during the period of bearing a child, so the analysis is included in the comprehensive screening of the first trimester. An ultrasound can also help determine pregnancy in the fourth week. In most cases, a two-week embryo (a miniature three-layer cell disc) is already detected using ultrasound.

Visit doctor

The sooner you visit an antenatal clinic after learning about your pregnancy, the better. Although you will be registered only closer to the twelfth week, nevertheless, they are now taking a vaginal smear for analysis. In addition, you will be examined by a gynecologist. The uterus is already enlarged, and the doctor will certainly notice this.

You may be prescribed a course of taking vitamins containing folic acid. This substance is of great importance in the early stages of pregnancy, as it reduces the likelihood of developing neural tube defects and other fetal pathologies. Doctors advise starting to take folic acid a few weeks before pregnancy.

Risk of miscarriage

If in the fourth week there is bleeding similar to menstrual bleeding, this most likely indicates a miscarriage. It occurs completely painlessly, so the woman usually does not even know that she was pregnant. She regards the bleeding as normal menstruation. The cause of embryo death can be various unfavorable factors - for example, infectious diseases, accompanied by fever, alcohol consumption and even physical activity.

Stomach ache

Week 4 may be accompanied by nagging abdominal pain. Their reason is constant changes in female body caused by the active development of the embryo. The lower abdomen usually feels tight in women whose periods have previously been painful. In this case, there is no need to worry about unpleasant sensations.

The 4th week is considered a critical period of pregnancy, because menstruation should have occurred towards the end (with a 28-day cycle). Therefore, nagging abdominal pain can be caused by increased uterine tone. But sometimes unpleasant and painful sensations in the lower abdomen end badly, leading to fading pregnancy and miscarriage.


The list of widespread causes of pregnancy loss includes the common cold. During this period, the embryo is not yet surrounded by a placenta that protects it and is very vulnerable. But don’t worry about this, stress and depression affect the fetus even worse than colds.

If there is no high temperature (+38°C and above), you should not take medications. Just try not to make your condition worse. Avoid going to public places and stay at home for the next week. Doctors advise rinsing the nose with a weak saline solution. Special syrups will help get rid of cough. Don’t forget about drinking plenty of fluids – drink tea with honey more often.

If the body temperature rises above 38 degrees in the fourth week, you cannot do without medication. Be sure to consult your doctor before taking the pills. If the elevated temperature lasts for several days, it can have a bad effect on the embryo and lead to miscarriage. It is best to think about the danger of a cold in the early weeks of pregnancy in advance. Even when planning conception, it is advisable to systematically strengthen the immune system.

Bad habits (alcohol, smoking)

Drinking alcohol can also lead to miscarriage. At 4 weeks, the embryo lays the cellular foundation for all future organs. Considering that the placenta protects the embryo from influence harmful factors, not yet - all substances from the mother’s body, including alcohol, can freely reach him.

Drinking alcohol increases the likelihood of developing all kinds of fetal defects; the child may be born underdeveloped or have some kind of deformity. And alcohol abuse before the tenth week can, among other things, harm the placenta, which is still just being formed. The right decision There will be an exclusion of alcoholic beverages from the diet from the very beginning of pregnancy, and even better - several months before the planned conception.


Sex in the fourth week does not harm the fetus at all. The only exception is that women for whom the threat of miscarriage is urgent should avoid sexual intercourse. Another thing is that symptoms of pregnancy such as abdominal pain, irritability, increased fatigue, discomfort when touching the breasts can simply discourage you from having sex. If there is a desire, there is no need to deny yourself the pleasure. Just try not to put too much pressure on your stomach during sex.

Diet for a pregnant woman

Week 4 is a time of active embryonic development in the mother’s stomach, and the fetus is extremely sensitive to the lack of beneficial microelements and vitamins in the mother’s body. To fill possible gaps, doctors advise taking special vitamins for expectant mothers from the very beginning of pregnancy. Among other substances, they contain folic acid, an element very important for the normal development of the fetus. It is advisable to buy vitamins after consulting with your doctor. If you have not done this yet, forget about fast food. The diet should be healthy and varied. Minimize the consumption of sweet water, confectionery, fatty foods, large amounts of spices, canned food, semi-finished products and other products containing food additives, dyes, preservatives. The food must be good heat treatment. Therefore, sushi and steaks are also taboo. Don’t try to try diets on yourself, it will only harm your unborn child.

Don’t forget to drink plenty of fluids - at week 4 you need to drink at least one and a half liters of clean water a day. Also consume foods that help improve intestinal function - beets, raisins, fermented milk products. They will help avoid constipation, which regularly plagues pregnant women. The basis of a pregnant woman’s diet, starting from the first weeks, should be cereals, fruits, vegetables, fish, lean meat, and dairy products.

Photo of the fetus at the fourth week

Although the calendar of routine examinations does not include ultrasound at such early stages, pregnancy at this stage can also be determined using ultrasound. If you are at 4 weeks, the ultrasound examination will most likely have to be done privately. In the next photo you can easily notice a small dark spot. This is the so-called fetal sac, the diameter of which does not yet exceed two to three millimeters.

What happens at 4 weeks of pregnancy - video

A few more days will pass, and the first month of pregnancy will end. Now the most important thing for you is to learn to live in harmony with your body, adhere to the correct daily routine, consume healthy and varied food, monitor your health and not expose yourself to all sorts of risks. Try to always stay in good mood. Finally, we present to your attention a short video from which you will learn valuable and useful information.

The pregnancy period is an important part of a woman's life. While carrying a child, the body experiences quite a lot of stress. This is why tastes, well-being, and also general state young mother.

The fourth week of pregnancy is the period when the embryo is already fixed and all vital processes begin to form. As a rule, it is at this moment that a woman begins to feel changes in her body. In a normal cycle, which lasts 28 days for a woman, a delay of 2 weeks will precisely mean the 4th week of pregnancy. If the cycle is irregular, then the exact week can be determined based on tests or ultrasound.

Pregnancy symptoms and signs

As a rule, it is at this time that a woman begins to feel the changes taking place in her body. The surest sign of pregnancy is always a delay in menstruation. It is easier to assess the situation in this sense for those who have a regular menstrual cycle and their periods come every day. But even a healthy woman may have some errors in her cycle. As a rule, this is due to stress, changes in weather or climate, worries and various other reasons.

In addition to the delay, there are the following symptoms of pregnancy at 4 weeks from conception:

  1. Nausea. The woman is especially worried in the morning. As a rule, this happens because the body does not understand what is happening, and it responds with a similar reaction.
  2. Drowsiness. Due to changes in hormonal levels, a woman may notice that she has become suddenly tired and that she really wants to sleep, although at first glance it seems that she has had enough sleep. Even if you sleep the whole day, it won't be enough.
  3. Irritability. It is also associated with disruption and changes in hormonal levels.
  4. Frequent urination.
  5. Change in taste preferences. Movies always show how women suddenly begin to crave unusual dishes or just pickles. This doesn’t happen to everyone, but it still happens.
  6. Increased salivation.
  7. Basal temperature is above 37 degrees. In order to measure it, you need to use a thermometer rectally in the morning, without getting out of bed.

Among other things, a woman often feels increased sensitivity of the mammary glands. Sometimes it even hurts to touch my breasts. This is also due to the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy.

After a woman discovers these sensations in the 4th week of pregnancy, she can do a test or immediately donate blood for hCG, which will definitely show a reliable result, accurate to within a week.

It is also worth noting that a couple of days before the expected menstruation, a woman may experience light spotting, which may be similar to the onset of menstruation. But, as a rule, they end on the same day. Such discharge may indicate that implantation has occurred, that is, a fertilized egg has entered the uterine cavity.

Discharge at 4 weeks

As a rule, during pregnancy, women's discharge becomes more viscous and stringy, and also acquires a whiter color. If this discharge brings discomfort in the form of itching or burning, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

Important. Under normal conditions this should not happen. As a rule, the discharge is invisible.

If a girl experiences heavy clear discharge, she should also consult a doctor immediately. This is due to the fact that there is an insufficient level of progesterone in the woman’s body, although this should not be the case at 4 weeks of pregnancy.

Fetus at 4 weeks of gestation

As a rule, at 4 weeks of pregnancy the length of the embryo is only 4 mm. The shape is very similar to a flat disk, which consists of 3 leaves. As a rule, the formation of all the necessary organs and parts of the body will begin from them. Each leaf is responsible for its function and formation.

  • The first leaf will subsequently turn into hair, the nervous system, skin, eye lenses, and tooth enamel.
  • The 2nd leaf will turn into connective tissue, muscles, skeleton, genitals and circulatory system.
  • The 3rd leaf will begin to form the digestive system.

During pregnancy, the formation of the placenta and amniotic sac will occur, in which the baby will already be located. It should also be noted that at such an early stage of pregnancy, paternal genes predominate, thereby providing greater protection to the embryo. Thus, he manages to survive.

The formation of the main organ - the heart - is just beginning. At an early stage, it is a tube through which blood passes. As a rule, the circulatory system is not yet particularly developed and has a simple mechanism of action.

Ultrasound and tests

Most often, ultrasound examination for such a short period of time is prescribed only according to the doctor’s indications. An ultrasound is performed using a special sensor, which is inserted into the vagina to a shallow depth. It is impossible to listen to the heartbeat in a short period of time; this can only be done from the sixth week. But it is possible to determine the actual presence of an embryo in the uterine cavity.

An ultrasound at 4 weeks from conception also shows the condition of the corpus luteum, which remains with the embryo until the placenta is completely formed. The corpus luteum is responsible for the production of an important hormone during pregnancy - progesterone.

Indications for ultrasound examination in early pregnancy:

  • Rule out ectopic pregnancy. As a rule, such a pregnancy may not be shown on a pregnancy test or may give a very weak line. The hCG level will also be quite low. In this case, an ultrasound is prescribed to see the presence of an embryo in the uterus at 4 weeks from conception. In an ectopic pregnancy, the fetus is in the tube. In this case, an interrupt is carried out.
  • Not developing pregnancy. As a rule, hCG at this stage stops growing, although it should show higher indicators every day. And also the normal formation of the embryo does not occur at 4 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Suspicion of ovarian torsion.

As soon as a woman finds out about pregnancy, she should reconsider her daily routine and diet for the successful bearing of a child. First of all, you should give up alcoholic beverages and smoking. It is advisable to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.

The doctor must also prescribe a course of essential vitamins that are required for the normal course of pregnancy and fetal formation. The most popular drug is folic acid, which is prescribed to every woman during pregnancy planning and during pregnancy.

You should also be careful with intimacy. After all, at the very initial stage of pregnancy there is a fairly high risk of its termination. There is no need to behave very aggressively in bed, you should do everything carefully. And if the doctor has forbidden it, for medical reasons, then you need to abstain from sex altogether for some time.

Important. The use of antibiotics is also dangerous for the embryo, especially at such a short time.


In order for your pregnancy to go well, you should listen to your doctor’s recommendations. This is the only way to guarantee the safety of the expectant mother and baby.

4 weeks after conception (6th week of pregnancy) - a fairly early period and the appearance of the fetus does not yet affect appearance mothers, i.e. the stomach has not yet visually changed either shape or size. The enlargement of the uterus at this time is comparable to its condition during menstruation and does not attract attention.

What are the symptoms and signs of pregnancy at 4 weeks after conception?

There are several ways to detect pregnancy during this period:

  • recording the absence of menstruation (however, if there is a delay, it is very insignificant);
  • using a special test (but, due to insufficient production of human chorionic gonadotropin, this approach is usually ineffective);
  • by making an appointment for an ultrasound.

The work of higher nervous activity will be adjusted under the influence of the dominant pregnancy. This can be expressed in the desire to comfortably arrange the place where you stay (even a work place).

In addition, tearfulness and irritability should be replaced by calmness (in the absence of exposure to strong irritating factors from the outside). But, in some cases, harmonious emotional condition may change to the point of depression.

A change in taste preferences and a reaction of rejection to certain aromas (or, on the contrary, enjoyment of toxic odors, such as the smell of fresh paint) are expected. Appetite may increase sharply (most often this happens), or, on the contrary, sharply decrease, then you may have to eat almost forcefully in order to provide the embryo with nutrients.

A violent reaction occurs not only to the taste and smell, but even to the sight of food (regardless of whether this reaction is positive or not). In some cases, the 4th week from conception does not affect the condition of the expectant mother in any way and no unusual symptoms are recorded.

It is noteworthy that those women who are very passionately waiting and hoping for pregnancy may experience a so-called imaginary pregnancy.

From the outside and from my own feelings, it looks like a real pregnancy, with the only difference that there is no main element- embryo. But this does not prevent the formation of a dominant pregnancy and even the cessation of menstruation (this phenomenon is called amenorrhea).

Characteristics of a woman’s sensations during the 4th week after conception

The 4th week from conception is characterized by increased activity of fetal development.

All signs and symptoms characteristic of early pregnancy appear at this time. Typically, a woman is particularly sensitive during this period.

She carefully monitors all changes in her internal state. The “basic” set of sensations a woman experiences in the 4th week from conception (6th week of pregnancy) include:

  • emotionality associated with hormonal surges;
  • nausea and general weakness (toxicosis), but this symptom is usually characteristic of a later period;
  • pain when palpating (feeling) the breasts;
  • Painful and pulling sensations may appear in the lower abdomen;
  • drowsiness.

However, these sensations become truly problematic only in isolated cases.

In the absence of a threat of miscarriage (this is detected by a gynecologist), various unexplained discharges, as well as increased uterine tone, then you can safely continue to live in your usual rhythm, without excluding light physical activity from your daily routine. In part, this not only will not harm, but will also help the proper development of the fetus, and will also reduce the risk of gaining excess weight until the end of pregnancy.

Fetal development in the fourth week of pregnancy

Of course, girls are interested in what happens in the 4th week of pregnancy from conception directly to the fetus? During the fourth week, the embryo has not yet reached the point of final localization. Therefore, at this stage there is a risk of the formation of an ectopic pregnancy (fixation and further growth of the embryo inside the birth canal).

At the end of the week, the embryo normally reaches a size of 5.4 mm.

A special place in the fourth week from conception is given to the formation of extra-embryonic organs, which make it possible to organize the environment where the fetus will live.

This implies the creation of systems that provide breathing and nutrition to the embryo, as well as hormonal regulation of the process of gestation. But the unborn child is still extremely defenseless until the placenta is finally formed.

Vaginal discharge during the 4th week after conception

The criticality of 4-5 weeks from conception is due to the fact that with a stable cycle, the next menstruation should occur during this period. Over the years, an established cycle can to some extent influence the course of pregnancy, causing changes in hormonal levels and the occurrence of spotting. However, usually everything ends in half measures and real menstruation does not occur.

However, you should not let your guard down. If there is discharge Brown, one may suspect detachment of the uterine mucosa.

In these circumstances, the situation is not critical, but alarming. It is advisable, with all the necessary precautions, to go to the doctor who is observing you. You may have to lie down for conservation.

During the fourth week of pregnancy, as well as during the first trimester in general, the hormone progesterone has a strong influence on the state of the body. In particular, it changes the biochemical nature of vaginal discharge.

Their viscosity and elasticity increases, the color acquires a whitish tint. But, as long as the discharge is not accompanied by itching or burning, this phenomenon is within normal limits.

But abundant transparent discharge should alert you.

This is usually a consequence of an excess of the hormone estrogen and this situation requires the intervention of a specialist.

Tests and ultrasound

When performing an ultrasound in the 4th week after conception, it is possible to establish the presence of a fetus and its localization in the uterine cavity.

During an ultrasound, the fetus looks more like a small dot on the screen and you can’t really see anything there. Accordingly, it is still impossible to determine the sex of the unborn child.

A four-week period is a fairly early stage of fetal development, so examination using ultrasound is carried out only with the instructions of a doctor. The procedure itself is performed using a transvaginal sensor, which is inserted shallowly into the vagina.

In a situation where the test shows the presence of pregnancy, but the ultrasound did not detect the embryo in the uterine cavity, a repeat ultrasound examination is mandatory (after about 7 days).

In addition, a referral will be given for a test that detects beta-hCG. These measures allow you to detect an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages and take the necessary actions.

It is also possible to carry out duplex scanning, which reveals the dilation of the uterine vessels (a normal condition during pregnancy, ensuring the delivery of nutrients to the fetus).

How to recognize a threat of miscarriage?

The level of vulnerability of a four-week embryo is very high. If the symptoms of pregnancy (previously quite noticeable) suddenly disappear, then there are good reasons to suspect the possibility of a miscarriage. In this case, you need to visit a specialist as soon as possible.

Another risk vector is uterine tone. May manifest itself through lower back pain. To overcome the problem, a drip will most likely be prescribed.

There is also a high risk of miscarriage if you have a severe cold.

Another danger: hormonal imbalances. They provoke pathologies of fetal development, miscarriages and fading of pregnancy.

In addition, expectant mothers should be wary of endometritis (uterine inflammation). This problem can lead to placenta previa.

If at this stage the fact of pregnancy is no longer in question (thanks to a special test or ultrasound), then it is necessary:

We hope that the article was useful to you. See you again!

For more information about the 4th week of pregnancy, see the following video.

4th week of pregnancy is the first obstetric month. If you look at it, 22-28 days have passed since conception. Pregnancy is a unique period in its essence, because each week is marked by small events in the life of the expectant mother and her baby. In this article we will talk about the features of the 4th week of pregnancy from conception. It is at this time that fetal cells begin active development, and this process can be both positively and negatively affected by external factors.

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy at 4 weeks

It often happens that the 4th week of pregnancy may still be a period when many women are not even aware of their condition. Meanwhile, suspicions should arise if:

  • no menstrual bleeding;
  • there are frequent mood swings;
  • a loss of strength is felt;
  • attacks of nausea and vomiting occur;
  • drowsiness appears;
  • familiar food changes its taste;
  • slight nagging pain is felt in the lumbar region and lower abdomen;
  • urination becomes more frequent.

To dispel doubts, you should contact a gynecologist who will confirm the fact of pregnancy.

Condition of the fetus (embryo) at 4 weeks of pregnancy

The 4th week of pregnancy is characterized by the active development and growth of your unborn child. During this period, it is an embryo that looks like a flat three-layer disc. The end of this week will be marked by the appearance of the neural plate, which will begin the development of the brain and spinal cord. The 4th week of pregnancy is characterized by the presence of gland rudiments, the appearance of the face with eye rudiments. The size of the embryo is 1-2 mm.

This is the time that is usually called the beginning embryonic period, which will end only at 10 weeks of pregnancy.

Fourth week of pregnancy - photo of the fetus (embryo)

Fourth week of pregnancy - Metamorphoses in the life of a mother

After confirmation of pregnancy from the 8th week, in the absence of problems and pathologies, the expectant mother awaits consultation with a gynecologist. And during the first meeting with the doctor, you should find out all the questions that interest you, for example, about nutrition, taking medications, multivitamins, daily routine, etc. This information will help you feel more confident and act correctly.

As for special sensations of a physical and mental nature, at week 4 they may be almost completely absent, since different women feel differently, and each body reacts individually to the same processes.

At the same time, many women note slight breast growth, symmetry, soreness and swelling. This is how the body prepares for milk production and breastfeeding.

Ultrasound at 4 weeks of pregnancy

During this short period of time, a transvaginal examination is performed, which makes it possible to exclude an ectopic pregnancy. The tissues of the embryo are not visible during this period, but at the end of the 4th week of pregnancy the yolk sac can be seen. No special tests other than ultrasound are needed at this stage. Exceptions are possible only for individual circumstances.

Abdominal pain at 4 weeks of pregnancy

There may be several reasons that provoke pain in the abdominal area during the 4th week of pregnancy:

  1. cystitis or pyelonephritis, which are additionally accompanied frequent urination and increased body temperature;
  2. disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, for example, constipation;
  3. ectopic pregnancy, which is determined by the doctor during an ultrasound;
  4. threat of miscarriage or fetal death (may be accompanied by bleeding);
  5. appendicitis.

In any case, if the pain is frequent and varies in intensity, it is better to consult a doctor who will determine the causes and give recommendations.

Fourth week of pregnancy: stomach hurts

At week 4, a woman may feel nagging pain in the lower abdomen. This symptom often indicates displacement of the pelvic organs, sprain of ligaments and fibers. In addition, discomfort may occur after physical exertion, with the threat of miscarriage or pathological changes in the internal organs. The presence of pathologies must also be accompanied by other symptoms.

Discharge at 4 weeks of pregnancy

During pregnancy, discharge is possible, which can have different colors and origins. It is worth distinguishing between natural discharge and those that may indicate danger. Clear or whitish discharge may be due to menstrual cycle. They are odorless, do not cause discomfort and do not cause irritation. Their consistency is thick and dense. Such discharge ends after a few days.

Brown discharge at 4 weeks of pregnancy is the most dangerous for preserving the life of the unborn child. Therefore, if such symptoms appear, you should consult a gynecologist. Brown discharge may indicate vaginal candidiasis. In this case, only a doctor can prescribe antifungal drugs.

Brown discharge with significant amounts of blood may indicate termination of pregnancy. Such discharge most often has an unpleasant odor. The cause of termination of pregnancy can be stress, lifestyle, excessive physical activity or an infectious disease.

Pain in the lumbar region at 4 weeks of pregnancy

The 4th week of pregnancy can also be characterized by unpleasant sensations in the lumbar region, which can be caused by a variety of factors:

  • changes in the osseous-ligamentous apparatus due to the production of relaxin;
  • extra pounds;
  • pathologies of the spine;
  • pyelonephritis.

Increase in temperature at 4 weeks of pregnancy

The 4th week of pregnancy is often accompanied by an increase in temperature to 37.3 degrees. This condition can be observed either periodically or become a constant companion throughout the entire period.

If, apart from an increase in body temperature, no suspicious symptoms are observed, you do not need to worry. This condition is considered normal, since during pregnancy the metabolic rate changes, hormonal background and the body's defenses are reduced. But if the situation with an increase in temperature causes you concern, it is better to consult a doctor.

Toxicosis at 4 weeks of pregnancy

Toxicosis, which is manifested by nausea and vomiting, can be called a completely natural phenomenon in the life of an expectant mother. Toxicosis is associated not only with hormonal changes, but also with disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, intoxication of the body, as well as hereditary factors. It is worth noting that toxicosis at the 4th week of pregnancy is called early and most often it does not continue in the second trimester. Although there are cases where some women experienced this unpleasant symptom almost throughout their pregnancy.

Belly at 4 weeks of pregnancy - photo

Fourth week of pregnancy - If you have a cold

A decrease in the body's defenses can cause colds. The worst scenario could be pregnancy failure, which occurs due to high fever. Therefore, if your temperature rises significantly, be sure to call a doctor who will prescribe you the necessary medications.

And in order to feel good during the cold season, be sure to engage in prevention and strengthening of the body. Taking vitamins, eating fruits and vegetables, and fermented milk products. Compotes made from fresh berries and dried fruits will also benefit.

Fourth week of pregnancy: Sexual relations

It is worth noting that sex at the beginning of pregnancy is a necessity for a woman, since during this period her libido increases. A contraindication to having sex may be the presence of an infection in the other half, bleeding in the expectant mother, as well as pain in the abdomen or lower back.

Sex in the 4th week of pregnancy is just as important as before this happy period, because it allows a woman to lead a fulfilling lifestyle and feel attractive and desirable.

Fourth week of pregnancy - Bad habits

Any doctor will confirm to you that smoking and alcohol are things incompatible with pregnancy; moreover, bad habits can cause great harm to the baby’s health, as they negatively affect the formation of its organs and systems. Therefore, women who smoke need to stop being addicted to nicotine, and those who have had a glass from time to time should forget about it for at least the next few years. After all, in the postpartum period the baby will be breastfed.

Aspects of proper nutrition in the 4th week of pregnancy

At 4 weeks pregnant proper nutrition no less important than in the following weeks. How should a pregnant woman eat during this period?

  1. Eat high-calorie foods.
  2. Introduce as many fermented milk products into your diet as possible, as they are fortified with calcium.
  3. Eat fruits and vegetables daily.
  4. Avoid fried, fatty, smoked and pickled foods.
  5. Enrich your diet with lean meats and sea fish, which contain polyunsaturated acids.
  6. Eat mainly home-cooked food, that is, avoid processed foods and fast food.
  7. Be careful with stimulating foods: coffee, dark chocolate, tea.

Of course, fluid consumption in the form of still water, compotes, herbal teas, uzvars, etc. is of great importance.

Travel and transport during the 4th week of pregnancy

If you like to travel, then at 4 weeks of pregnancy you should discuss your hobby with your doctor. Only after a complete examination and the absence of contraindications can you carry out flights and transfers. Contraindications to long-distance travel may include: toxicosis, anemia, various pain sensations, and sexually transmitted diseases.

Despite the fact that the 4th week of pregnancy is early, it is better not to go far from home and stay in a familiar and comfortable environment.

As for travel in transport, it is better to keep them to a minimum: stuffiness, a large concentration of people around - this is not the best environment for an expectant mother. Walk more whenever possible. Walking in the fresh air is very beneficial and reduces the risk of oxygen starvation.

We have already recalled changes in the body, as well as some physical manifestations of metamorphosis. Therefore, if your breasts begin to swell, choose a comfortable bra and change your sleeping position, since painful sensations are most disturbing to those who prefer to sleep on their stomachs. Another tip for women in the 4th week of pregnancy is to maintain a daily routine. Try to go to bed and wake up at a certain time, eat regularly and nutritiously, do exercises for pregnant women or yoga. All this will help you maintain good health and mood, and will also be excellent preparation for future births.

Don't forget to take vitamin supplements that will help improve your health and the health of your baby.

We hope our article answered your questions, stay healthy!

Find out more about the following weeks of pregnancy: