On December 26, women's names according to the calendar. Selecting names for girls born in December

December is characterized by the beginning of severe weather. The characteristic features of girls born at this time are often more consistent with this unkind period. They are rude, harsh, persistent, but despite this they are not vindictive and very fair, their rudeness is not unfounded. Even at a very young age, they like to express their not entirely pleasant thoughts to their faces. But despite such straightforwardness, those around them are very rarely offended and try to listen to their opinion. Since they are the owners of a lively mind and excellent logic. These girls are very responsive. The mixture of such qualities in character causes frequent heated debates, but in these disputes they almost always emerge victorious, since they are fighters for justice. Their excessive love for the truth always makes them the instigators of unpleasant situations. In friendship, people are never singled out for having any specific qualities. They believe that all people are equal, therefore, to make friends with them, it is enough to know the type of their hobbies and make it clear that you are also interested in this. But having made such a friend, be prepared for the fact that you will have to have strong patience, since they never flatter and say whatever they think. But if you begin to treat their statements without criticism, this will be the foundation of your strong and faithful friendship.

Having grown up, these girls can devote their entire lives to a career where they will achieve considerable success, without ever experiencing family troubles, due to the fact that they consider the most important thing to be the achievement of independence and material success.

Girls born in December should not be given rude or harsh names, but they should not be given too soft, airy names, as they will not correspond to them. A standard name that goes well with the middle name is enough.

Names for girls born in December according to numbers

  1. Darina - Old Persian. “winner”, Staroslavyansk. - “given life.”
  1. Zlata - translated from ancient Greek “golden”, “gold”.
  2. Irina - from ancient Greek means “peace, tranquility.”
  1. Vladislava - Slavic, means “possessing glory”, “glorious mistress”.
  1. Ada - from Hebrew. "decoration".
  1. Snezhanna is a Slavic name from the word “snow”, therefore it is often translated as “snowy”, “Snow Maiden”.
  1. Catherine - to ancient Greek. “Ekaterini” - “eternally pure”; Wed "pure, immaculate."
  1. Alla - from Arabic means "goddess".
  1. Valeria - from lat. “strong”, “healthy”.
  1. Odette - from Greek. means "fragrant".
  1. Tina - from lat. "strong".
  2. Mary - from the Hebrew “bitter”, “desired”, “serene”.
  3. Tamara - has Hebrew roots and comes from the word “tamar”, translated meaning “date palm”.
  1. Alice is a short form of the Germanic name Adelaide "noble, noble".
  2. Albina - from the word “alba”, which translates as “light”, “white”, “pure”.
  1. Varvara - from the Latin “cruel, rude.”
  2. Catherine - from ancient Greek. means “pure”, “flawless”, “immaculate”.
  3. Ulyana - from Latin “happiness”.
  1. Anfisa is a Greek name derived from “anthos” - “flower”.
  1. Alla - from Arabic means "goddess".
  1. Angelina - from the Greek “angelos”, and means “messenger, angel”.
  2. Alla - from Arabic means "goddess".
  3. Vlada is Slavic. means "possessing glory."
  4. Laura - from Latin interpreted as “crowned with laurel” or “victor”.
  5. Olesya - close to the word “forest” - “girl from the forest”, “forest”, “living in the forest”.
  6. Ella is of ancient Greek origin and means “dawn”, “light”.
  1. Adele - from French origin “noble”, “unperturbable”.
  2. Ermine - German origin for "courageous".
  1. Anastasia - from Greek means “return to life”, “resurrection”, “resurrected”, “reborn”, “immortal”.
  2. Elvira is of ancient Germanic origin and means “truthful.”
  1. Susanna, Suzanne - comes from the biblical name Sosanna, meaning " White Lily, lotus."
  2. Yana - from the Italian deity Janus, translated means “sun”, “bright”.
  1. Safia, Sophia - of ancient Greek origin, meaning “wisdom”, “wisdom”, “wise”.
  1. Larisa - from Greek. “sweet”, “pleasant”; from the Latin "seagull".
  1. Faith - the meaning is inherent in this word itself and means “faithful to God.”
  2. Elizabeth - Hebrew. "God's oath, vow to God."
  3. Zoe - from ancient Greek means “life”.
  4. Karina - with Latin language"looking ahead"
  5. Polina - from ancient Greek. "solar".

Names for December 26 according to the church calendar (saints)

December 26 / January 8

Augusta (Augustina) - majestic, sacred (lat.);
Agrippina (Agrafena) - from the Roman family name Agrippa (horse catcher); or clutching a leg (Greek); sorrowful (lat.);
Alexander - protector of people, helping, courageous protector (Greek);
Anfisa (Anfisa) - flower, blooming, prosperous (Greek);
Vasily - king, royal, royal (Greek);
Gregory - awake, awakened (Greek);
Demetrius (Dmitry) - related to Demeter; high lands (Greek);
Evarest - pleasing, acceptable, pleasant (Greek);
Euthymius (Efim, Efimy) - complacent, sacred, benevolent, pious (Greek);
Isaac (Isaakiy) - he will laugh, laughter (Heb.);
Konstantin - persistent, firm, constant (lat.);
Leonidas - like a lion (Greek);
Macaria - blessed, happy (Greek);
Mary - lady, hope (Heb.);
Michael - equal to God, who is like God (Heb.);
Nicodemus - conquering people (Greek);
Nicholas (Nikola) - conquering people (Greek).

Do you know that...

December 26 (January 8) is the day of remembrance of the miraculous Ostrobramskaya Icon of the Mother of God. The image is widely revered by Christians in Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania and Poland.

According to legend, the icon miraculously appeared in 1431 at the fortress gates of the city of Vilna. Today the shrine is located in Vilnius in a chapel called Ostraya Brama (translated from Polish as “Sharp Gate”). There are copies of the Ostrobramskaya icon in many churches of the Eastern Slavs.

Learn about the meaning and characteristics of names

Female names
Most parents, when choosing a name for their daughter, are guided, among other reasons, by its meaning. Let's consider the origin and meaning of today's popular female names.

Name and career

Along with character, the name also determines the profession - in which field a person can most successfully build his career. A name can help or hinder the achievement of goals.

According to the church calendar and calendar, on December 26, name days are celebrated by those who were named Alexander, Alexei, Vladimir, Evgeniy, Anastasia, and many others at baptism.

Thus, today we can congratulate the owners of two female and thirteen male names on Angel Day, which, according to Orthodox tradition, should be given at baptism to boys and girls born on this day.

And today the Arcadias are considered the main birthday people, since it is on December 26 that the Church honors the memory of their heavenly patron, the Monk Arkady (Vyazemsky and Novotorzhsky).

If you give this name to a boy born today, then his name day and birthday will fall on the same date, which will have a positive effect on his fate.

In addition, the fundamental character traits that any female or male name carries will be known.

Arcadia are the true favorites of life, they are loved by everyone, and therefore radiate positivity and happiness into the space around them. They are successful, cheerful, generous and incredibly charming.

A name day should be celebrated in the same way as a birthday, realizing the importance of this spiritual holiday. It will help you decide on their date orthodox calendar for 2019, where all the names are arranged according to the dates of their veneration.

From an early age, St. Arkady was raised in the love of God, prayers and obedience, therefore, having matured, he renounces the world in order to fulfill the spiritual feat of foolishness.

His whole life was devoted to prayers and communication with the higher world, so he could not provide himself with food and shelter over his head, however, led by the Lord, he always found a means of subsistence.

His detachment from worldly vanity and spiritual quests had a special impact on his appearance, which was bright and clear, full of grace and goodness. With the power of prayer, Arkady could work miracles.

He also attended church, where he prayed fervently and often even cried from an excess of bright feelings. So Arkady was noticed by the Monk Ephraim and became his spiritual mentor. Ephraim led his novice away from curious people to deserted places.

There, together with his student, he built the Boris and Gleb Monastery, where Arkady lived as a strict faster and silent man until the end of his days. Over time, his relics were discovered and recognized as miraculous.

What is the first thing a couple thinks about when they become parents? Of course, about what name to give the newborn baby.

Recently, it has become very popular to give children old or increasingly among little girls you can find Athena, Anna Maria, Isabella, Malvina and other owners of extravagant names. What name will you choose for your newborn daughter on a cold December day?

What to name the girl?

Whether your child was born in December, January or July - it doesn't matter. The baby’s name must be chosen in such a way that it goes well with the surname and patronymic. The name Athena will sound quite ridiculous in combination with the surname Petrova and patronymic Ivanovna.

But, despite the urging of relatives to come to their senses, many parents follow the lunar calendar and name the child based on the month of his birth.

born in December, according to constellation?

Before the upcoming birth, future parents review literature with the meanings of names. So what names are suitable for December babies?

It is necessary to take into account that the first half of December is dominated by Sagittarius, and the second half is ruled by Capricorn.

How to name a girl born in December under Give preference to the following names: Snezhana or Vaselina, Sofia or Stanislava, Marina or Darina, Milena or Milana, Maria or Natalya.

What to name a girl born in December under It would be preferable to choose the following: either Natalia, Sophia or Maria, Olga or Karina, Vladislava or Miroslava.

Church calendar and choosing a name for a December girl

Many believing parents choose a name for their baby based on the church calendar. So, what do you name a girl born in December according to church traditions?

Give preference to the following names: Ekaterina, Anna, Tatyana, Praskovya, Maria, Margarita, Matryona, Marfa, Tamara, Varvara, Ulyana, Kira, Anastasia, Anfisa, Alexandra, Sofia, Angelina, Vera, Zoya, Elizabeth.

Popular December names

When wondering what to name a girl born in December, consider not only moon calendar, church traditions and popularity ratings, but also think about the fact that the child will carry the name given to him all his life. Approach this issue responsibly, take into account the surname of the future baby and patronymic. The name, first of all, should sound harmonious.

What you name your child largely determines his future fate, as well as his character, so be responsible for your choice. Consult your closest relatives. You may want to name your daughter after your grandmother, mother, or aunt. Or maybe, on the contrary, you will categorically reject this idea.

Good luck to you in this difficult choice!

Such is female nature that we begin to come up with a name for our future children almost from childhood, building an ideal for ourselves in our naive childhood dreams. adult life. However, with the onset of pregnancy, former confidence most often dissipates, and choosing a name for the unborn baby becomes almost the most interesting activity for the whole family.

Each of the relatives considers it their sacred duty to offer their own option, and very often real debates begin on this topic, sometimes leading to a serious conflict. Common situation? Then we will offer you several options for names for December girls.

Characteristics of December girls

Of course, genetics plays the main role in character formation, laying down those traits that are inherent in parents or close relatives. However, you probably had to notice that people who had absolutely no family ties, but were born around the same time, were incredibly similar in behavioral characteristics.

We can believe astrologers, or be skeptical about this teaching, but the fact that those born in the same zodiac sign have similar character traits remains a fact. In December, we may have a Sagittarius or Capricorn, what is remarkable about girls born under these signs?

Sagittarians are tireless explorers. Their thirst for knowledge is so strong that they sometimes do not pay attention to any obstacles. Parents may perceive this as clumsiness, but this is not entirely correct, it’s just that your child is busy only achieving his goal, and everything around him becomes completely unimportant. From early childhood, December girls will strive to help and participate in all the processes that they observe. If you direct their energy in the right direction, you can raise outstanding athletes, artists or scientists.

The main thing is to develop the inclinations inherent in nature. Based on these positions, choose a sonorous and serious name for your little ones, which will only emphasize this status with age (although this advice is relevant for any time of year and zodiac sign).

December has been under the sign of Capricorn since December 22. Children born during this period are distinguished by isolation and restraint. Capricorn girls are hardworking, but in all endeavors they need the absolute support of loved ones. It is better to give them strict names that will give them confidence and strength.

Choosing a name according to the calendar

Just a few generations ago, our great-grandparents did not ask such questions at all, since there was ancient tradition name the baby in honor of the saint on whose day of veneration he was born. However, with the prosperity of atheism in a certain period of our history, they gradually began to move away from this custom, giving preference to innovative names (we have all heard about Vladlens, Tractors and Dazdraperms).

But lately we have increasingly begun to return to tradition, and names according to the church calendar are being chosen more and more often. Of course, it is unlikely to completely solve the problem, but at least here you can get a hint in which direction to move.

The December calendar is not very rich in female names, but there is plenty to choose from. If there is no saint holiday on your baby’s birthday, you can choose from the closest options.

On December 3, the memory of Anna and Tatiana is honored, on December 6 - Alice, on December 7, the name day of Catherine and August. The most birthday girls are on December 15, 17 and 23: 15 celebrate Angel Day of Maria, Antonina, Margarita, Tamara and Vera, 17 - Kira, Ulyana, Yulia, Varvara, Anastasia and Ekaterina, and 23 - Anna, Tatyana, Alexandra, Victoria, Angelina , Olesya and Evdokia. December 21 and 22 are the name days of Anna, Euphrosyne and Anfisa, and 28, 29 and 31 are the names of Yana, Marna, Sofia, Karina, Zoya and Vera.

From the entire list, we have selected the options that are most adapted to modern times. Among the more exotic names for girls, the calendar offers such as Lukerya, Vaufa, Thekla, Cecilia, Cypriana, Myropia, Christodoula, Feloveya, Stratia, Lucia and Suzanna (more precisely, there this name sounds like Sosanna). As you can see, the names are quite unusual and varied, and even the most demanding future parents will be able to find a suitable option.

Features of choosing a name

When thinking about what to name a girl born in December, do not forget that nature itself will give a certain severity to her character, which, being under the rule of Mother Winter, is extremely harsh and unpredictable during this period, so you will have to smooth out these manifestations in every possible way, and It’s worth starting with choosing a name.

Listening to the gentle sounds of his name, even the most mischievous and capricious child will become a little softer and more flexible. Names like Snezhanna, Vladislava, Ulyana, Angelina, Miroslava, Melanya (or modern versions of this name Milena and Milana), Anna, Alina, Anastasia or Sophia will suit you.

We must not forget that the name should always (always!!!) be consonant with the surname and patronymic. The combination of an adapted foreign name with a typically Slavic surname sometimes sounds so ridiculous that it can eventually become a cause of ridicule, especially in school age, when children do what they do, they are looking for a reason to make fun of each other.

The same applies to exotic names. Yes, you want your child to stand out from the crowd, but this can play a cruel joke on the baby herself. Before realizing the uniqueness of his name, a lot of time must pass, during which the child simply will not understand why he is not like everyone else. Listening to ridicule, antics and distortion of her name, she is unlikely to be able to appreciate the originality and non-standard thinking of her parents.

Therefore, when choosing a name, think about the fact that the decision you make once will influence the life of your little princess for the rest of her life, which means you should not give in to any emotional impulses or fashion trends, which will lose their relevance over time.