255 transcript. Steel for building structures C255

Steel grade C225 is used for the production of sheet and profile metal products intended for installation and assembly of critical metal structures with bolted, riveted, welded and seam connections. The brand is most popular and in demand in the construction industry, which has no restrictions when performing welding work.

Decoding steel C255

Marking C means that this steel is intended for use in construction, and the number 255 determines the yield strength of the finished steel in N/mm 2. It is applied to the metal surface with yellow insoluble paint.


Requirements for metal must comply with GOST 27772-88, which defines technical specifications for the production of rolled products for metal structures in construction. In accordance with the state standard, the following are made from steel C255: angles, I-beams, channels, bent profiles of various configurations, as well as smooth and corrugated metal sheets. The cross-sectional thickness of rolled elements cannot be more than 30 mm and less than 4 mm.


The mass fraction of the elements that make up this steel is given in the table of the state standard:

  • about 97% iron (Fe);
  • 0.22% carbon (C);
  • 0.65% manganese (Mn);
  • 0.15-0.3% silicon (Si);
  • 0.3% chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni) and copper (Cu);
  • 0.2% aluminum (Al);
  • 0.05% sulfur (S);
  • 0.04% phosphorus (P).

When using ores from individual deposits, an increased manganese content of 0.2% and the presence of arsenic are allowed, but not more than 0.12%.

Analogues of steel C255

Based on the chemical composition and mechanical properties, the state standard defines the following domestic brands as analogues of C255:

  • VSt3sp5, VSt3ps5 and VSt3ps6;
  • St3Gps and St3Gsp;
  • 18sp, 18Gps and 18Gsp.

Among the foreign analogues for ISO 630 standardization, the following should be mentioned:

  • Fe 360-B (E 235-B)
  • Fe 360-C (E 235-C)
  • Fe 360-D (E 235-D).

Types of processing and application

The amount of carbon and alloying additives in the chemical composition of C255 steel allows the use of any types of welding to connect parts and structural elements. Thermal, laser, hydraulic and mechanical processing technologies can be used for cutting rolled products and cutting sheets. It is noted that drilling, milling and threading are quite simple.

In construction, rolled steel C255 is used for the installation of metal structures of group 1, which includes welded elements designed to work in particularly difficult conditions. Including under vibration, dynamic and moving loads. The first group includes structural elements of bridge spans, supports for power lines, crane beams, load-bearing trusses, overpasses, stairs and others.

It is allowed to use rolled steel grades in other types of industrial production except construction. For example, for the manufacture of housings and load-bearing elements in mechanical engineering.

Brand: C255
Class: Steel for building structures
Use in industry: production of rolled products intended for building steel structures with welded and other connections
Weldability of the material: without restrictions.

Steel grade C255 is one of the most popular and in demand in the construction industry, as it is endowed with excellent strength characteristics and has no restrictions in weldability. It is supplied to sites in the form of rolled products (including shaped pieces) for subsequent use as part of all kinds of metal structures (connection - welding or any other).

Steel S255: chemical composition and GOST standards for rental

Carbon steel C255 (carbon share is about 0.2%) is produced in accordance with GOST 27772-88, which determines the following composition of the chemical elements of the steel alloy:

  • Fe – about 97%
  • C – up to 0.22%
  • Mn – up to 0.65%
  • Si – 0.15-0.3%
  • Ni – up to 0.3%
  • Cr – up to 0.3%
  • Cu – up to 0.3%
  • S – up to 0.05%
  • P – up to 0.04%
  • N – up to 0.012%

Hot rolled shaped steel C255:

  • GOST 8509 – equal angle angle
  • GOST 8510 – unequal corner
  • GOST 8239, 26020 – I-beam
  • GOST 8240 – channel
  • GOST 19425 – I-beam and special channel

In addition, carbon steel 255 is used for the production of rolled products:

  • GOST 19903 – sheet
  • GOST 82 – universal broadband
  • GOST 8568 – sheet metal with lentil and rhombic corrugation

Bent profiles are also made from steel of this grade: according to GOST 7511, 8278, 8281, 8282, 8283, 9234, etc.


Analogues of carbon steel C255 can be:

  • St3Gps
  • St3Gsp
  • VSt3sp5
  • VSt3Gps5
  • VSt3ps6
  • VSt3sp5-1
  • VSt3Gps5-1
  • 18Gps
  • 18Gsp
  • E 235-B (Fe 360-B)
  • E 235-C (Fe 360-C)
  • E 235-D (Fe 360-D)

Steel s255: properties and characteristics

With the main mechanical properties C255 rental can be found here:

Application of steel grade C255

Builders distinguish 4 groups of building metal structures, classified according to the degree of their responsibility and the conditions of their operation. The most demanding is the first group, which includes welded structures forced to work in particularly difficult conditions, including those exposed to fairly large vibration, dynamic and moving loads. In this case, it is allowed to use only the steel grade C255 we are considering, as well as C285, C345 or C375.

The first group includes such structures as elements of bridge spans, power transmission line supports, crane beams, unloading and bunker overpasses, transport galleries, trusses, etc.

Prices for steel sheets

In APEX metal you can buy sheet steel 3 in sheets and rolls at a low price:

  • for use in construction
  • manufacturing of products general purpose, pipes, bent profiles

Depending on the purpose, steel sheet 3 is produced from grades with different chemical compositions and properties in accordance with GOST 380, GOST 19281, GOST 27772, TU.

  • Thin-sheet and thick-sheet hot-rolled products are made from steel Z of ordinary quality with a chemical composition that must meet the requirements of GOST 380:
steel gradeMass fraction of chemical elements, %
St3kp0,14. 0,22 0,30. 0,60 0,05. 0.07 up to 0.050,04 0,012 up to 0.30up to 0.30up to 0.30up to 0.08
St3ps0,14. 0,22 0,40. 0,65 0,05. 0,15
St3sp0,14. 0,22 0,40. 0,65 0,15. 0,30
St3Gps0,14. 0,2 0,80. 1,10 0,05. 0,15
St3Gsp0,14. 0,2 0,80. 1,10 0,15. 0,30
  • Thick-sheet hot-rolled sheets of high strength steel 3 with a basic chemical composition in accordance with GOST 19281 are produced with regulated or controlled rolling with accelerated cooling to ensure the following strength classes:
  • Hot-rolled sheets GOST 27772, intended for the manufacture of welded and other building structures:

Construction steel grades - analogues and replacement

One of the important characteristics of construction rolled steel 3 is its resistance to brittle fracture. To confirm these properties, samples of steel sheets undergo impact bending tests at decreasing temperatures.

The level of resistance to brittle fracture of rolled sheets in accordance with GOST 27772 is guaranteed by the required value of impact strength (KCU - when tested for impact bending with a U concentrator). For steels smelted according to EN standards, this value is the fracture coefficient (KV).

This page shows the technical, mechanical and other properties, as well as the characteristics of steel grade C255.

Classification of material and application of grade C255

Brand: C255
Material classification: Steel for building structures
Application: production of rolled products intended for building steel structures with welded and other connections

Chemical composition of material C255 in percentage terms

up to 0.220.15 - 0.3 up to 0.65up to 0.3up to 0.05up to 0.04up to 0.3up to 0.012up to 0.3

Mechanical properties of C255 at a temperature of 20 o C

AssortmentSizeEg.s in s T d 5 y KCUThermal change
- mm- MPaMPa% % kJ/m2-
Sheet, GOST 27772-882 - 3.9 380 255 20
Sheet, GOST 27772-884 - 10 380 245 25
Sheet, GOST 27772-8810 - 20 370 245 25
Sheet, GOST 27772-8820 - 40 370 235 25

Technological properties of C255

Other brands in this category:

Please note that this information about the C255 brand, is provided for informational purposes. The parameters, properties and composition of the actual C255 grade material may differ from the values ​​given on this page. More detailed information You can find out more about the C255 grade on the information resource Brand of steel and alloys. You can check with our managers for information about the availability, delivery times and cost of materials. If you find inaccuracies in the description of materials or errors found, please inform the site administrators using the feedback form. Thanks in advance for your cooperation!